My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Only 24 hours in a day


During the Easter weekend, I have been working on almost 150 SlackBuild script updates for my ARM hardfloat port. That costs time… and with several setbacks like creating a new gcc-4.8.0 compiler package which then refuses to compile anything else; a new glibc-2.17 package which causes segfaults of every binary after installation (an exclusive ARM hardfloat issue apparently); the creation of a new llvm package which was needed for icu4c to compile on an ARM platform took NINE hours to complete, so I had to setup distcc and a new cross-compiler on my AMD Phenom build server to distribute the load… and then it was Easter too!

So, I am a bit behind on other stuff I wanted to do. The new KDE 4.10.2 is around the corner and I am going to provide Slackware 14 packages (Pat will hopefully update the KDE in slackware-curent at the same time). There is also the new LibreOffice 4.0.2 which I want to make available for Slackware 14. Even LibreOffice 3.6.6 was released in the rock-stable old 3.6 branch (for which I am going to create Slackware 13.37 packages). KDE just started compiling here, and that will take most of tomorrow to finish (the 32-bit packages will be created while I am away for work). That means, don’t expect LibreOffice packages before friday.

But what I really want is some more sun, higher day temperatures and an end to this horribly cold and hard East-wind!



  1. Jeff H

    Thank you and your systems for the hard work and abuse!

  2. flanker

    I have the same problems)

  3. drhouse123

    Thank you very much everything that you doing.
    Where you are working? (just interesting) and have you free time for your family besides creating packages ?

    Sorry for my bad English

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