My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

KDE Software Compilation 4.9.2

In their usual unperturbed way, the KDE developers team released the next installment in the KDE Software Compilation 4.9.

This second update, version 4.9.2, offers improved stability in many applications, among which the Kontact suite, Dolphin and Plasma. Check out the release announcement or the release notes for more in-depth information.

If you are running Slackware 14 (just released this weekend) you can get your KDE 4.9.2 packages or better, find a mirror with better download speeds – I have listed them a bit further down.

Don’t try these packages with Slackware 13.37, lots of things will not work properly. Recompiling from source using my KDE.SlackBuild framework would be preferable. Better even, use the opportunity and upgrade to Slackware 14 !

The upgrade from Slackware’s KDE 4.8.5 to the new KDE 4.9.2 should be safe and fairly trivial, As always, follow the guidelines in the README and you’ll be OK.

Highlights for the new set of Slackware packages:

  • You will find five updated dependencies compared to Slackware’s own KDE 4.8.5: akonadi, qt, shared-desktop-ontologies, soprano, virtuoso-ose. The qt package is basically the same as Slackware 14, with one exception: I applied a patch which disables TLS compression by default which should safeguard against the “CRIME” SSL attack.
  • Compared to KDE 4.8.5, there were two package removals:
    • kdemultimedia has been split up into several smaller individual packages.
    • ksecrets has been removed completely in the 4.9.x series.
  • A noteworthy feature in KDE 4.9 has been added to Okular, the document viewer in KDE. Many people will cheer: Okular is now able to save the annotations you make to PDF files.

These KDE 4.9.2 packages are available for download from my “ktown” repository and several mirrors (taper is up-to-date, the rest will get updated within 24 hours):

And to conclude this post…

A new version of LibreOffice has been available for several weeks now. I promised to have a look at the 3.6 series after Slackware 14 would have been released. Well, I am currently compiling packages for LibreOffice 3.6.1 on Slackware 13.37 in an attempt to reach as many people as possible (running Slackware 13.37 as well as 14). Keep your eyes open for my next post!

Have fun! Eric



  1. StreamThreader

    Thanks Eric! Faster then light )

  2. ozone89

    you know you’re evil, right?
    ’cause I’ve just had 4.9.1 installed, when *ping* greader warned me about .2 😀

  3. RunningSlack

    Just upraded my laptop to Slackware 14 and immediately onto KDE 4.9.2! A whole lot of awesomeness. Thanx Eric!

  4. escaflown

    In his usual unperturbed way, Eric released the next installment in the KDE Software Compilation 4.9 slackBuilds… 🙂
    Thanks Eric!

  5. marnold

    Thanks, Eric! The upgrade couldn’t have been any smoother.

  6. Eduardo

    Thank you Eric! Downloading it right now 🙂

  7. David

    Thanks Eric!

    I see you’ve released libreoffice-3.6.1 packages, but I’m not able to find them.
    In I see only “13.37” folder with 3.5.6 version… can you help me?

  8. Gabriel Yong

    Thanks! Installed onto my laptop and run smoothly.
    One thing to ask: why should i download the whole 4.9.2 directory which included both x86 & x86_64bits, while i needed to install the _64bits? i might able to reduce the downoload time?

  9. StreamThreader

    After install a have problem while run DigiKam
    digikam: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  10. StreamThreader

    Resolve temporatory – ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

  11. StreamThreader

    NO, need recompile DigiKam.

  12. alienbob

    Hi Gabriel

    Of course, you can skip the packages that you do not need. If you only need the 64-bit packaes you don’t need the 32-bit packages.
    But I purposefully decided not to make my download/install/upgrade instructions more complex, because some people are _already_ complaining that it is complex…

    If you want to limit the download you can add “–exclude=x86” to the rsync commandline in order to skip the complee directory tree with 32-bit packages.


  13. alienbob

    Hi David

    See my newer post, about LibreOffice. When I wrote the KDE 4.9.2 post, I said I was compiling LibreOffice, not that I already uploaded the packages.

    New LibreOffice packages have been compiled so that users of both Slackware 13.37 and 14 can use them.


  14. David

    I’ve asked libreoffice package because I’ve received rss notification of your changelog 🙂

    As usual, thanks

  15. alienbob

    Ah, when I upload new stuff, the ChangeLog files are small and also sent first. The LibreOffice files take a _lot_ longer to upload. The bandwidth to the server is pretty limited. I guess you looked too soon.


  16. Beelzebud

    Thanks for everything you do, Eric! It it greatly appreciated.

  17. svily0

    Thanks Eric!

    I can’t get any of the plasmoids running…

    svily0@laptop:~$ qmlviewer -I /usr/lib64/kde4/ /usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/battery/contents/ui/batterymonitor.qml
    Qml debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment!
    file:///usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/battery/contents/ui/batterymonitor.qml:22:1: module “org.kde.plasma.core” is not installed
    import org.kde.plasma.core 0.1 as PlasmaCore

  18. svily0

    Actually the above is a wrong way to test whether any plasmoid loads.
    The problem I have is with the Device Notifier – it doesn’t show any attached devices, just stays empty all the time.

  19. Nicola

    Hi Eric,
    thanks, now it works perfectly

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