My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Tag: OOo (Page 7 of 11)

LibreOffice 5.1.1 for Slackware -current

libreoffce_logoLibreoffice 5.1.1 was released last week, check out the Document Foundation blog article. I Was busy with Plasma 5 updates and the Live ISOs but here they finally are: packages for Slackware -current (actually we have a release candidate! It’s now officially “Slackware 14.2 RC1″).

The Document Foundation statement about this release: “LibreOffice 5.1.1 is targeted at technology enthusiasts, early adopters and power users. For more conservative users, and for enterprise deployments, TDF suggests the “still” version: LibreOffice 5.0.5“. Which means I should update my LO 5.0.4 packages for Slackware 14.1 soon…


Highlight for LibreOffice 5.1.1 is the implementation of a feature request that has been waiting since 2002 (!) according to the release notes:

  • LibreOffice 5.1.1 offers a long awaited feature in Writer – the first request dates back to 2002 – as it allows hiding the white space between pages to provide a continuous flow of text. This feature is extremely useful on laptops.

Packages can be obtained from these mirror sites and probably others too (if you have a fast, up-to-date and reliable mirror outside the US or UK I’d like to hear from you):

Cheers! Eric

LibreOffice 5.1.0 for slackware-current

libreoffce_logoLibreoffice 5.1.0 was announced last week on the Document Foundation blog.

The Document Foundation statement about this release: “LibreOffice 5.1 represents the bleeding edge in term of features for open source office suites, and as such is targeted at technology enthusiasts, early adopters and power users. For enterprise class deployments, TDF maintains the more mature 5.0.x branch (soon at 5.0.5)“.

Which is why I make this new 5.1.0 release available only on Slackware’s own bleeding edge: slackware-current.


Some of the highlights of LibreOffice 5.1 as taken from the release notes:

  • User Interface: LibreOffice 5.1’s user interface has been completely reorganized, to provide faster and more convenient access to its most used features. A new menu has been added to each of the applications: Style (Writer), Sheet (Calc) and Slide (Impress and Draw). In addition, several icons and menu commands have been repositioned based on user preferences.
  • Interoperability: Compatibility with proprietary document formats has been improved, as a part of the ongoing effort for a better interoperability with other productivity software. In addition, filters have been added for Apple Keynote 6, Microsoft Write and Gnumeric files.
  • Spreadsheet Functions: Calc’s formula engine has been improved with features addressing restrictions in table structured references and sticky column/row anchors, interoperability with OOXML spreadsheets and compatibility with ODF 1.2.

Packages can be obtained from these mirror sites and probably others too (if you have a fast, uptodate and reliable mirror outside the US or UK I’d like to hear from you):

Cheers! Eric

LibreOffice 5.0.4 for Slackware-current

libreoffce_logoMy christmas break has started! So there is finally time to finish some of the stuff that had been piling up. First thing to release is the new version of LibreOffice 5, because it is so fresh. Release 5.0.4 was announced yesterday on the Document Foundation blog. My virtual server I rent from HostUS gives me so much better speeds than my build server at home for RAM-hungry compilations like LibreOffice… I built my new packages in a third of the time it usually takes me. Plus, the server at home was free to work on Slackware Live Edition… more about that soon, in another post.

The Document Foundation statement about this release: “LibreOffice 5.0.4 is ready for enterprise level or large scale deployments, when backed by professional level 3 support from certified developers

The new LibreOffice 5.0.4 packages have again been compiled for users of Slackware-current only. I will soon find time to compile the latest LibreOffice 4 (to be precise: 4.4.7) for Slackware 14.1.


Get your packages from any of these sites (if you have a fast, uptodate and reliable mirror outside the US or UK I’d like to hear from you):

Cheers! Eric

LibreOffice 5.0.2 and Calibre 2.39.0 packaged

libreoffce_logoThe Document Foundation announced version 5.0.2 of their free Office Suite a few days ago. LibreOffice 5.0.2 is the second update to the “5” major release. Again this is a bugfix release for Linux, no new functionality has been added. According to the Document Foundation “LibreOffice 5.0.2 is targeted to technology enthusiasts, early adopters and power users. For more conservative users, and for enterprise deployments, TDF suggests the “still” version: LibreOffice 4.4.5“.

The new LibreOffice 5.0.2 packages have been compiled for users of Slackware-current only – after all, you are the power users of Slackware. I offer 4.4.5 packages for Slackware 14.1 where a wee bit more conservatism is a good thing. The 4.4.5 packages should also work on -current, but I have not tested that.


There was a bug report in the comments section of my previous LibreOffice blog post: audio and video files embedded in presentations suffer from delays when opened. This appears to happen in all builds of LibreOffice that use gstreamer-1.x (like my LibreOffice 5 packages) whereas the bug does not appear when LibreOffice has been configured to use gstreamer-0.x (like my LibreOffice 4 packages). The bug has been reported over a year ago, but it does not show a lot of movement.

I decided to stick with gstreamer-1.x, to see if the new release is still affected. Let me know! If the bug still shows, I will compile LO 5.0.3 against gstreamer-0.x again.

For download locations, see below.

calibreicoAlso, I released packages for the latest version of Calibre. I quit following the weekly Calibre update cycle, and at some point noticed that the Calibre developer himself also switched from weekly updates to bi-weeklies.

Calibre 2.x uses Qt5 for its GUI so you’ll have to install a couple of dependencies as well: qt5 of course, and podofo. The remainder of the dependencies (several python libraries) has been built into the package so that they do not have to be installed separately. Available for both Slackware 14.1 and Slackware-current, you can grab the calibre package off  the Slackware server or any other mirror that carries my repository:

Cheers! Eric

LibreOffice 5.0.0 and 4.4.5 for your Slackware box

libreoffce_logoWeekend treat: new LibreOffice packages for the latest releases from the Document Foundation.

For our stable Slackware (which is 14.1 of course) I have packaged LibreOffice 4.4.5 which was announced at the end of July. Actually, these packages were already available in my repository for the past couple of days but I wanted to wait with writing about it here until I could bake packages for LibreOffice 5.0.0 as well. Note that “LibreOffice 4.4.5 is replacing LibreOffice 4.3.7 as the ‘still’ version for more conservative users and enterprise deployments” according to the official announcement. Therefore I decided to be conservative and stick with 4.4.5 instead of packaging 5.0.0 for Slackware 14.1.

And then LibreOffice 5.0.0 has finally been released in a stable version. I have shared with you the last few Release Candidates to experiment with on slackware-current and therefore I’m happy to tell you that the stable LibreOffice 5.0.0 is packaged and ready for all of you who are running our development version of Slackware. If you are curious about the new features that LO 5 has to offer, I advise you to visit this overview page. Of course, there are numerous improvements all over the board compared to LO 4 – with a strong focus on the User Interface and interoperability with Microsoft’s and Apple’s office suites.

Get the packages from my server or any mirror closer to you:

Note that you can use slackpkg+ to manage your 3rd party packages if those are maintained in Slackware-compatible repositories (like mine). The “slackpkgplus.conf” configuration file for slackpkg+ already has example entries for my repositories – it will be a matter of “slackpkg update && slackpkg upgrade libreoffice” to upgrade to my latest versions.

Have fun! Eric

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