My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Tag: OOo (Page 1 of 11)

LibreOffice 7.5.1 packages for Slackware 15.0 and -current

I skipped LibreOffice 7.5.0 because I was too busy at the time, but last week there was a release of LibreOffice 7.5.1. I got stuck in my attempts to change my chromium SlackBuild script to run more efficiently on Slackware 15.0, so it seemed like a good time to work on something else than a Google product.

But as with many software products that make a version jump, updating the Libreoffice build script was not completely trivial. Not as bad though as with Chromium. Eventually, I was able to come up with nice working binaries and I have already uploaded those to my repository and its US and UK mirrors.

These packages are targeting Slackware 15.0 and newer.
Note that my libreoffice package depends on openjdk11.

The link above to the release announcement also lists the most important new features that come with LibreOffice 7.5.x. Well worth checking out.

LibreOffice 7.3.3 and an update for Chromium 101

LibreOffice Community Edition is now at version 7.3.3. Read yesterday’s announcement on the Document Foundation blog to get the details of this incremental (bug-fix) update.
The 7.3.x releases are the bleeding edge of this popular office suite but nevertheless really stable software.
Support for Microsoft’s proprietary DOCX, XLSX and PPTX files will probably never be 100% spot-on but there is no other Open Source office suite that comes close to the excellent interoperability that LibreOffice offers.

A new set of libreoffice-7.3.3 packages for Slackware 15.0 and -current is now available in my repository.
Note that I compiled them on Slackware 15.0 so if you install them on Slackware -current you will also need to install ‘icu4c-compat‘. This is another package in my repository which contains older versions of the icu4c libraries, in particular the version that is part of Slackware 15.0 but no longer part of -current.

Get libreoffice packages from my own Europe-based server: or my US-based server: ;or any mirror if you wait a day, for instance .
These servers all offer rsync access if you prefer that to http.


I also provided an incremental update for regular and un-googled Chromium as part of Google’s bug-fix program.
Updated packages for chromium and chromium-ungoogled bring the version of this browser to 101.0.4951.54, supporting Slackware 14.2 and newer.
They can be downloaded from the usual places like , , or .

Enjoy the new releases – Eric

Libreoffice 7.3.2, Ungoogled-Chromium 100

The latest update for LibreOffice Community Edition, version 7.3.2 was released last week, fixing over 80 bugs (see changelogs for RC1 and RC2).
My repository now contains a new set of libreoffice-7.3.2 packages for Slackware 15.0 and -current.

Get these packages from my own Europe-based server: or my US-based server: ;or any mirror if you wait a day, for instance . Rsync access is also available for these servers.

And then there’s the update for Un-Googled Chromium that I promised in my previous blog. It took a little while to get the sources released because of its approval process, but the new chromium-ungoogled-100.0.4896.60 packages for Slackware 14.2 and newer are now also available from mirror servers around the world.
If you are a fresh Slackware user (or never read this blog) and wonder what this un-Googled Chromium is about and whether it is something you’d like, just read some of the older articles on my blog: Google muzzles all Chromium browsers on 15 March 2021, and How to ‘un-google’ your Chromium browser experience.

Enjoy the new releases – Eric

LibreOffice 7.3.0 for Slackware 15.0 (and -current)

LibreOffice Community Edition 7.3.0 was released last week… on the day we were preparing the Slackware 15.0 release. You’ll forgive me that my focus was elsewhere and that it took until today to upload a new set of packages for Slackware 15.0 and -current.

The main selling point of the 7.3 release cycle is better interoperability with Microsoft’s Office file formats. Note that the Microsoft proprietary file formats are still based on a deprecated standard (since 2008 actually), whereas LibreOffice uses the ISO standard OpenDocument Format.
These improvements center on three areas (text copied partly from the release notes):

  • New ways to handle change tracking in tables and when text is moved, which have a positive impact on interoperability with Microsoft Office documents.
  • Performance improvements when opening large DOCX and XLSX/XLSM files. Improved rendering speed in general, but particularly of some complex documents.
  • Improvements to the import/export filters for the Microsoft Office document formats.

Furthermore, a lot of effort has gone into improving the first experiences of people who are migrating away from the Microsoft Office suite. The LibreOffice Help being the prime target since that is where new users look to understand the different ways of working with the LibreOffice applications.

The new libreoffice packages can be found in my repository ( or any mirror if you wait a day, for instance . Rsync access is also available for these servers.

Enjoy the new release – Eric

A reminder for people running slackware-current and using my packages but not reading my blog… you slacker! I hope some else points you to this page.
Sometimes Slackware updates its boost, icu4c and poppler packages and a lot of non-Slackware packages break as a result of required shared libraries gone missing.
For that reason, my repository also contains the packages ‘boost-compat‘, icu4c-compat‘ and ‘poppler-compat‘.
Note that this ‘compat‘ has nothing to do with my multilib ‘compat32‘ packages! The three ‘compat‘ packages contain older versions of the Slackware packages in -current for compatibility with binary packages that are broken until their maintainer recompiles them.
You can install ‘boost-compat’, icu4c-compat’ and ‘poppler-compat’ alongside their brethren, they do not conflict with or replace them.

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