Pat’s inquery on about how to “backtrack to sanity” in order to stabilize slackware-current and start laying out the next release, resulted in a kernel upgrade (3.8.8) and accompanying glibc rebuild.
I built the “companion” update of the glibc multilib packages last night. They can be downloaded from:
- (the primary server, but bandwidth-capped)
- (my mirror)
Remember, multilib configuration is (only) needed if you want to use binary-only 32-bit software on 64-bit Slackware – think of Valve’s Steam Client, the WINE emulator, Citrix client etc.
If you are looking for instructions on how to add or update multilib on your 64-bit Slackware, check out our Slackware Documentation Project which has this information and much more.
Cheers, Eric
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