My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Pipelight: using Silverlight in Linux browsers

pipelight-logo That is the exact title of an article which appeared on last august.

You may have read my earlier rant about dutch schools migrating (or forced to migrate) to a Microsoft SilverLight based learning management software called Magister. A disastrous move induced by an arrogant company, which of course leaves Linux desktop users out in the cold. In my article, I mentioned that I was looking at ways to render SilverLight based websites in a Linux browser. The most promising (in fact as it turned out,  the only) solution appeared to be Pipelight.

It took a while to get it all sorted out and make sense of the way in which the various pieces of software interact, but despite a busy work schedule I managed to pull it off in the end. This article will show you how to install and configure Pipelight on Slackware Linux without effort. Not just dutch Slackware users with children in secondary school will profit. You may definitely want to install Pipelight in order to view Netflix content on your Linux computer! Having a Netflix subscription forced you to boot a Windows computer but that is now history.

What is Pipelight and how does it render these SilverLight pages, and Netflix videos, and more, in your browser?

Project Pipelight utilizes the efforts made by Erich E. Hoover who created a set of Wine patches to get Playready DRM protected content working inside Wine. This modified Wine (wine-pipelight) is combined with a new browser plugin (pipelight) that embeds Silverlight directly in any Linux browser supporting the Netscape Plugin API (yes… the API which Google is planning to drop from its Chrome browser in 2014… not playing nice here, Google!).

Let me quote verbatim from the project page, because I can not phrase it better:

Pipelight consists out of two parts: A Linux library which is loaded into the browser and a Windows program started in Wine. The Windows program, called “pluginloader.exe”, simply simulates a browser and loads the Silverlight DLLs. When you open a page with a Silverlight application the library will send all commands from the browser through a pipe to the Windows process and act like a bridge between your browser and Silverlight. The used pipes do not have any big impact on the speed of the rendered video since all the video and audio data is not send through the pipe. Only the initialization parameters and (sometimes) the network traffic is send through them. As a user you will not notice anything from that “magic” and you can simply use Silverlight the same way as on Windows.

That is good news. And now, how to get this all working in Slackware?

? First, you need a couple of my packages (you may have some of them already). I made them available for Slackware 14.0 and 14.1, both 32-bit and 64-bit editions. Download and install the following packages for your Slackware version and architecture:

? Note that Wine is a 32-bit product (and the pre-compiled pipelight pluginloader comes as 32-bit binary only), so if you are running 64-bit Slackware you will have to switch it to a multilib system first. I noticed some references to wine64 in the piplelight sourcecode (un-implemented functionality as of yet) so there’s hope that multilib will not be needed in future.

? If you are running 64-bit Slackware, then you should download the 32-bit version of the OpenAL package and use the “convertpkg-compat32” program in order to create a multilib “compat32” package. You need to install that, instead of using the 64-bit package, otherwise Wine will not work. For instance (version and build numbers may change over time) using these commands:

# convertpkg-compat32 -i OpenAL-1.15.1-i486-2alien.tgz
# upgradepkg –install-new /tmp/OpenAL-compat32-1.15.1-x86_64-2aliencompat32.tgz

? The webcore-fonts-installer is a nifty package. It does not contain any Microsoft font (therefore I am allowed to distribute the package), but the post-installation script will automatically download and install the Microsoft Core Fonts for the Web for you. These fonts are required by SilverLight.

? Then, open a terminal and check out the new functionality by running the “pipelight-plugin” program. Use it to list the available plugins and to enable/disable one or more of these plugins. Do this as your own user account, not as the root user! The result of enabling a plugin is that a symbolic link to the corresponding shared library will be created in your ~/.mozilla/plugins/ directory.

$ pipelight-plugin –help

Supported plugins:
$ pipelight-plugin –enable silverlight
Plugin silverlight5.1 is now enabled
$ pipelight-plugin –list-enabled

? Install a browser User Agent switcher. Some SilverLight sites will tell your Linux browser that it is unsupported, and you will have to make the server believe that your browser is running on Windows. For Firefox, you should pick .

? Start your Firefox or Chrome browser (Konqueror should work too but I did not test that) and open the URL which is the team’s diagnostics page. You can select one of the available plugins to test, and this will trigger the browser to try and load that pipelight plugin. The first time the plugin loads, it will automatically download and install the required Windows programs using the customized wine-pipelight program. You will see a few Windows installation dialogs (for SilverLight etc). These do not require any interaction, and you can sit back and relax. It will only take a short while, and then the disgnostics page will show the plugin’s status. The wine-pipelight program will install all its files in its own wine prefix so that it will not interfere with a “normal” version of  Wine which you may have installed already. The directory which is used, is  ~/.wine-pipelight/ .


SilverLight DRM (protected content) on Linux

In order to play protected content in SilverLight, Microsoft has invented PlayReady. The customized version of Wine which comes with Pipelight (wine-pipelight) implements this DRM support through Linux Extended Attributes (xattr). Your kernel has to support it for the filesystem you use. Slackware’s kernels have enabled this for most filesystems (below output is for a Slackware 13.37 kernel):

# zcat /proc/config.gz | grep XATTR
# CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_XATTR is not set
# CONFIG_CIFS_XATTR is not set

The Linux extended filesystems (ext2, ext3, ext4) enable extended attributes by default when you mount them. Other filesystem types may require a mount option in /etc/fstab.

Troubleshooting Pipelight issues

  • Running Firefox from the command line will show debugging output from the pipelight plugin when you go to
  • When using the UserAgent control to spoof your browser and OS, try not to pick MS Internet Explorer. Apparently, only disguising as Firefox/Windows will work with Netflix.
  • If you are using Firefox and the pipelight diagnostics page informs you that SilverLight was installed OK but that your browser’s plugin cache needs to be cleared, you should follow the advice. If you don’t do that, Firefox will not reload the plugin on the next start. To clear the plugin cache, type “about:support” in your address line and hit Enter. You should now see a button which opens your profile directory. Click on it and remove the “pluginreg.dat” file. Restart your browser and check if it works (don’t worry, the “pluginreg.dat” file will be automatically re-created).
  •  If Netflix informs you that you are logged in with another browser or tab and you are certain that you are not, you need to close your browser windows and then kill off all of the wine services, plugin-container and pluginloader.exe processes. Then start your browser again. The Wine processes are left-overs from a previous (failed) attempt to load the pipelight plugin.

Enjoy! Eric


  1. Matt

    Hmmm. I’ve got everything installed properly in Slackware64 14.1, but when I try to watch something on Netflix, I get the red Netflix screen where it counts up to 100%, then in throws the error N8156-6205. I tried deleting pluginreg.dat for kicks, but it didn’t help. Any ideas? The diagnostic page comes back fine.

  2. Greg

    To get pipelight to work with the flash plugin do the following:
    pipelight-plugin –enable flash

    Now you need to download the lcms2-2.4-i486-1.txz package (slackware 14.1) and use convertpkg-compat32 to create a multilib package for slackware 64 bit.

    So something like this would work:
    convertpkg-compat32 -i lcms2-2.4-i486-1.txz

    Then install the package:
    installpkg /tmp/lcms2-compat32-2.4-x86_64-1compat32.txz

    Now flash works with pipelight on slackware 14.1 64 bit!
    Thanks Eric.

  3. alienbob

    Hi Greg

    You know that there is a multilib/14.1/slackware64-compat32/l-compat32/lcms2-compat32-2.4-x86_64-1compat32.txz package in my multilib set? There is no need to convert it manually if you installed the full multilib set of packages.

    And yes, SilverLight is not the only Windows browser plugin that’s supported by pipelight 🙂 Just remember to first remove the Linux flash plugin before you enable the pipelight flash plugin.


    • Greg

      Thanks. I forgot to change to 14.1 multilib in the slackpkg+ config.

      Running Firefox from the command line will show debugging output from the pipelight plugin when you go to

  4. alienbob

    Hi Matt

    If you look at this Pipelight bug report: then you’ll see that the “N8156-6205” may be caused by not having extended attributes enabled.
    My own wine-pipelight package supports XATTR, and so does the Slackware kernel for the most common filesystems. However your kernel must support it for the filesystem you are using, _and_ you must ensure that XATTR has been enabled for the filesystem. For some filesystems that is a parameter in /etc/fstab while for ext filesystems it is supported automatically.


  5. alienbob

    Thanks Greg, I will add that tip to the main article.


  6. LoneStar

    Hello Eric,
    Do you think it could be theorically possible to compile the wine-pipelight part as static, or with all 32bit libs in a dedicated path like it’s done for’s Skype package, in order to avoid installing multilibs on Slackware64 ?

    I know this sounds as a bit of extremism, but I want to keep my system as pure 64 bit.

    (no discredit intended for the multilib effort, at all!)

  7. Me

    Why use “zcat /proc/config.gz | grep XATTR”?
    “zgrep XATTR /proc/config.gz” seems better and cleaner.
    Other then that great work as usual Eric, thanks a lot.

  8. alienbob

    Hi LoneStar

    Good luck with it. Perhaps it is possible to add all the libraries statically to Wine but I have _never_ seen a static Wine before.


  9. cwizardone

    Installed it yesterday, Friday, my time, and it worked beautifully. Completely transparent to the using.
    I don’t know if it had anything to do with it, but when I booted the computer this morning, that is, I tried to boot the computer, it wont’ get past the “menu entry” in lilo.conf, i.e., it just says “Booting SW64..” and hangs. None of my previous installations disk work as a boot disk. I can be the ISO I made this last June of “-current” to boot, but there is no keyboard support for what ever reason. At the moment I’m on my 4th attempt to download the 14.1 iso, via ms-windows….

  10. alienbob

    Hi cwizardone

    Sorry to hear about your computer problems.
    It would be highly unlikely that running pipelight under your user account would kill your computer’s ability to boot, though.


  11. cwizardone

    Well, normally, I would agree, but since the only change made to the computer was the addition of pipelight and its dependencies…… I don’t see what else it could be…

  12. pataphysician

    You can get N8156-6205 error for other reasons than XATTR, I was getting this and I checked my filesystem and it had XATTR. My problem stemmed from using Noscript, Request Policy and Cookie Monster plugins. I thought I had enabled all needed domains, but obviously something was missing, as soon as I disabled these plugins and restarted firefox, the error went away. So you can get this error with other network type problems.

    Unfortunately for me I can only watch about a couple of minutes of video before firefox freezes, the plugin is still chugging along and I can hear the audio, but firefox is dead. Will have to play around somemore.

  13. JesusM

    I’ve installed all packages and it seems to work fine, and when I go to a website asking for silverlight, it thinks I actually have silverlight and doesn’t ask for it, but …

    I get a black window saying ‘no video available’

    Any idea?


  14. pataphysician

    OK got it to not chrash with netflix after a couple of minutes of video. Originally I was on Firefox 24 and silverlight 5.1. Netflix wouldn’t let me use older version of silverlight, it would give me an upgrade dialogue.

    So I tried with chromium, I never really use it, and it was old version 24, I used a firefox 15 user agent. With silverlight 5.1-5.0 it would also crash after a few minutes of video, but I could install and use all versions without the forced upgrade dialog, so I tried version 4 which works fine and no crashes.

  15. pataphysician

    Update, with nouveau driver silverlight 5.1 and 5.0 will crash on netflix after a few minutes of video, silverlight 4.0 works fine.

    With the Nvidia Proprietary driver all silverlights work without crash

  16. cwizardone

    OK. Late yesterday I managed to get things back to normal and all has been well since (but I haven’t tried Netflix).
    A couple of questions about wine-pipelight.

    Apparently it can safely co-exist with a regular WINE installation, correct?

    Second, is it possible to run other ms-applications with wine-pipelight or is it only for running Silverlight, Flash, Shockware, etc.?


  17. Matt

    OK, I was able to get it working. You need to change your /etc/fstab where it mounts your /home partition to “defaults,user_xattr” instead of just “defaults”.

    I was able to get it working without rebooting by issuing this command as root:

    mount /home -o remount,user_xattr

  18. JesusM

    My /home is ext4, and when I perform zcat /proc/config.gz | grep XATTR I get:

    root@stilgar:~# zcat /proc/config.gz | grep XATTR
    # CONFIG_JFFS2_FS_XATTR is not set
    # CONFIG_CIFS_XATTR is not set

    Does it mean that EXT4 doesn’t support xattr? if so, how could I fix it?


  19. alienbob

    Hi JesusM

    Starting with kernel 3.7, the CONFIG_EXT4_FS_XATTR option is enabled by default and there is no longer a configuration option to turn it off. So, you have nothing to worry about.



  20. alienbob


    The sole purpose of wine-pipelight is to process the browser requests from your Linux browser. Therefore it has been installed in a non-standard path (it’s all in /usr/libexec/wine-pipelight) where it will not interfere with your regular Wine.
    Also, pipelight uses a specific WINEPREFIX, so everything which is being downloaded and configured ends up in ~/.wine-pipelight where it does not interfere with other Wine data.


  21. JesusM

    Thanks Eric for the clarification, but it was my last hope of having an easy-to-solve problem for my ‘black-screen’ 😉

    I will keep trying.


  22. cwizardone

    Due to audio/video sync problems with some sources, but not all, I’ve un-installed pipelight and re-installed the standard flashplayer plugin.

  23. Daedra

    Eric thank you so much for this!!! Working perfectly over here.

  24. adioe3

    Thanks Eric and kudos to the Pipelight guys + Mr. Hoover!

  25. jtsn

    Great work, Eric. It makes a working Flash Player 11.9 available on Opera. Flash 11.2 is broken there and all workarounds are for Firefox.

    One question: How are plugin updates handled by pipelight? As of today /usr/share/pipelight/install-dependency downloads and installs the now insecure Flash Player 11.9.900.117.

    Are we now in risk of Flash Player exploits targeted at the Windows platform?

  26. cwizardone

    What version of Opera for Linux are you using? Alien Bob’s package, flashplayer-plugin-, has worked just fine with Opera 12.16. In fact, it works better than pipelight (audio/video sync problems) on one of the sources of video programing I watch on a regular bases. Pipelight works fine on the rest.

  27. jtsn

    Flash Player 11.2 has broken video playback on nVidia cards (NTSC effect). nVidia implemented a workaround, but that only works if the plugin is executed inside Firefox (which I don’t use). Also the 11.2 plugin is crashing regularly for me on Opera 12.16, so its useless.

    Another reason for the 11.9 version is, that it supports HW accel on Intel GPUs (even through WINE) and 11.2 doesn’t. That is important for decent fullscreen video on Atom platforms.

  28. cwizardone

    Works just fine on my NVidia card.

  29. alienbob

    FYI I updated the pipelight package with a newer “install-dependency” script to address a security update in the Flash Player.
    If you upgrade pipelight and have the Flash plugin enabled, you will see pipelight downloading the latest Flash player from Adobe the first time the pipelight-flash plugin loads.

    Of course I also updated the Linux flashplayer-plugin package for those who do not use pipelight.


  30. Patrick

    Have a feeling I know the the answer, but is it possible to use Pipelight on Slackware 13.37 (32 bits)? I’ve gotten as far as compiling pipelight (the last package I need to build) and it spits out:
    g++ -Wall -DXP_UNIX=1 -DMOZ_X11=1 -fPIC -std=gnu++0x -c basicplugin.c -o basicplugin.o
    basicplugin.c: In function ‘bool checkPluginInstallation()’:
    basicplugin.c:305:24: error: expected initializer before ‘:’ token
    basicplugin.c:309:22: error: could not convert ‘argv.std::vector::push_back [with _Tp = const char*, _Alloc = std::allocator, value_type = const char*](((const char*&&)(&0u)))’ to ‘bool’
    basicplugin.c:311:39: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘;’ token
    make[1]: *** [basicplugin.o] Error 1

    Any help/tips greatly appreciated!


  31. alienbob

    Hi Patrick

    That error is most likely caused by the fact that gcc in Slackware 13.37 is too old.
    You could try and ask the Piplelight team to come up with a gcc-4/5 compatible patch. See
    I tried but my knowledge of gcc version-specifics was not sufficient to write a patch myself.


  32. Patrick

    Thanks Eric!

    I really appreciate your effort and trying to fix the issue. I have a feeling it may not be worth anyone’s time to fix as it’s likely just me trying to make it work with older software and it may be multiple files that need patching.
    As an experiment, I used wine-pipelight to create a .wine-pipelight prefix and installed Windows Firefox and Silverlight5.1 there. After adding “user_xattr” to my fstab and restarting, I managed to get Netflix to work for a few seconds. Silverlight often stops/freezes during the screen where Netflix is loading however, and has never gone further than playing a few seconds of audio from the movie I select to stream. Perhaps it’ll work better with some future version of Wine. Sadly, Netflix insists I upgrade if I try Silverlight 4.


  33. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    Thanks Eric! I really have resisted going multilib. But I took the plunge and dove on in. Watching Netflix on my Slackware64 box was just too big of a draw. Everything worked just fine – even the user agent changer, even though it said it was not compatible. I installed it anyway and it works just fine. Thanks again. 🙂

  34. Gabriel Yong

    My browser’s plugin cache needs to be cleared, but
    I am having problem clearing my “Profile Directory”. When i click on the “Open directory” button, it brought up the Audacious, I can’t locate the “pluginreg.dat” file in order to remove it.

  35. Josiah

    I’m finding it hard to get this to work while having a regular Wine installation alongside the wine-pipelight package. When I remove Wine, it works well; when I install Wine, Pipelight fails to determine the correct Wine prefix. The diagnostic page gives me this error:

    > Checking if dllPath/dllname is set and exists …failed
    > You need to define either a valid dllPath/dllName or regKey
    > Unable to verify if the DLL exists, please check this manually!
    > (dllPath = c:\Program Files\Silverlight\5.1.20513.0\)
    > (dllName = npctrl.dll)

    And running Firefox from a terminal emulator gives me this additional information:

    > wine client error:0: version mismatch 451/440.
    > Your wine binary was not upgraded correctly,
    > or you have an older one somewhere in your PATH.
    > Or maybe the wrong wineserver is still running?

    Am I missing something?

  36. alienbob

    Hi Josiah

    You can not run Wine programs using two versions of Wine at the same time. Probably the last line is correct: “maybe the wrong wineserver is still running”.

    As far as I know it should not matter if you have another Wine _installed_ … the issue is with actually _running_ programs using both wine versions at the same time.


  37. weput

    I am pretty much obligated to use windows based on an official government tool I use on daily basis…. so I downloaded and installed the packages on my C7 chromebook running slackware and this works beautifully (tested on netflix)

  38. JesusM

    Hi Eric, if I give you a URL may you watch why your pipelight-plugin doesn’t work? I am a bit fristrated becaue I’ve use it with other sources with no problem, but this one, the one I am interested on, I can’t make it 🙁

  39. alienbob

    Sure, I can have a look at what happens if you give me a URL to test.


  40. JesusM

    If you need user/pass I could give them privately.


  41. alienbob

    Hi JesusM

    I can see the SilverLight plugin being loaded when I click on a movie: a rectangular picture is shown and if I right-click that I get the Wine-PipeLight configuration dialog.
    But the actual movi player needs an account/password.

    If you are getting the issue only after entering your credentials and want to share them (for the purpose of a single test only) you can email my alien at slackware dot com address. We can see if we get any further.

    Cheers, Eric

  42. lems

    @cwizardone: does it really work for you in browsers other than in Firefox? For example, in xombrero, flash videos appear bluish.

  43. cwizardone

    If you mean pipelight, yes, it does work. I’ve had some trouble with audio/video synchronization, but the latest versions of pipelight and wine-pipelight, just posted by Alien Bob, seem to have fixed that problem.
    The only time I’ve seen the blue tint, usually to the skin, is using the “standard/regular” Flashplayer for Linux in Opera 12.16. To stop that it is necessary to right click on the video, click on “setting,” and un-check “Enable hardware acceleration,” and re-load the page.
    The blue tint problem does not present itself in Firefox, but is present in Midori.

  44. lems

    Thanks, cwizardone, that worked! Also thanks to Alien BOB for his work on pipelight, it’s running fine here. Kudos!

  45. lems

    Sorry for posting again, but: flash works, no choppy playback anymore as was the case with chrome’s pepper flash (at least on some videos).

    I echo jtsn’s question: how does one keep the plugins up to date? Do I have to delete the ~/.wine-pipelight directory everytime a flash update is released? (And run pipelight-plugin –update’ as root, I suppose.)


  46. alienbob

    Hi lems

    No need to apologize, I welcome people who take the time to post here.

    Upgrades to the plugins are automatic, whenever you upgrade the pipelight package , or after you ran “pipelight-plugin –update”.
    The internal “dependency-installer” script has hard-coded version numbers and download URLs for the supported Windows plugins. When you upgrade the package, or run the update command, and the version numbers change, then the next time one of these plugins activates, pipelight will detect that your ~/.wine-pipelight directory has old software and will download and install the newer Windows plugin automatically.
    The script gets updated from this master version when you run “pipelight-plugin -update”:


  47. lems

    Hi Eric,

    thanks a lot!


  48. dustin

    Thanks, was able to watch both netflix and amazon instant video with this. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever be possible. I tried helping my brother set this up on linux mint, and it was futile. We never did get it going. Took me about 10 minutes to figure it out on Slackware thanks to this great tutorial and the packages provided.

  49. alienbob

    I asked the developers if the WideVine plugin could be added too – it’s required when you want to watch UPC’s Horizon on-demand content streaming platform. And it was added to the git repository yesterday. Now it’s waiting for the next release (I am not in a hurry).


  50. lems

    Hi Eric,

    I have a question regarding mktemp: I ran pipelight-plugin –update’ and started my browser and noticed in the debug messages that there was a non-standard mktemp call (invalid option). I removed the –suffix option from mktemp in two places frominstall-dependency and it successfully updated the flash plugin. What is –suffix? The mktemp manpage does not list –suffix, and my mktemp does not know it.



  51. lems

    Hi again,

    –suffix was added 2009-11-07 to mktemp, and I found it in the coreutils-8.21 source. I run Slackware -current with coreutils-8.21-i486-1. I’m a bit confused, why does my mktemp not support –suffix?


  52. lems

    OK, question answered. I read the coreutils.SlackBuild, Slackware apparently uses the mktemp from debianutils, and the real’ mktemp is called mktemp-gnu. Hm. So I either replace mktemp with mktemp-gnu or always remove –suffix from the pipelight script. Will Slackware break if I replace mktemp with mktemp-gnu?

    Sorry for the triple-post, I should have known better.



  53. lems

    For anyone interested, for now, I’m using this in a script called pipelight-update’:

    pipelight-plugin –update
    sed -i ‘s/mktemp/mktemp-gnu/g’ /usr/share/pipelight/install-dependency

    This works quite well.

  54. alienbob

    lems, did you compile your own package of pipelight?

    Yeah, I patch the “install-dependency” script which is part of the package. The update however retrieves an original, unpatched, version of the script which uses the version of mktemp which Slackware does not have.

    I will update the pipelight package, using a modified pipelight-plugin script which patches the new “install-dependency” script after downloading it.


  55. lems

    Hello Eric,

    no, I used your packages. I did not see that you uploaded new pipelight packages; I downloaded the script using pipelight-plugin –update. I’ve now upgraded wine-pipelight and pipelight to the new version (1.7.11 and 0.2.4). Sorry for the trouble regarding mktemp.

    Got to say, with the new pipelight packages, flash no longer works in xombrero, and even in firefox some german sites (ZDF, ARD, 3sat) which use flash no longer work, I get this in uxterm instead (no plugin loads):

    ###!!! [Parent][RPCChannel] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv


  56. lems


    I used your pipelight.SlackBuild to build a newer version of pipelight. I downloaded master.tar.gz from bitbucket (mmueller2012-pipelight-851cf1925536), and a new pluginloader ( With this version, I have flash again in xombrero and the sites mentioned work, too (for example, There was a FAQ/news item on pipelight’s launchpad that talked about regressions in


  57. alienbob

    New packages for pipelight- have been uploaded, which fix the mktemp error in install-dependency.


  58. cwizardone

    I’ve tried the new packages and still have trouble with audio/visual synchronization. It works with youtube, but not with streaming video from, e.g., a network TV program. The “standard” Linux flashplayer plug-in works perfectly with both youtube and network video.

  59. lems

    Just updated to pipelight- This works without any problems so far. Thank you, Eric!

  60. Duodecimo

    Thanx so much, E. Hoover and Eric, it is finally running all ok in my Slackware 64 multilib 14.0.
    3 things I had to care about:
    a) I created a folder sandbox trying to solve some issues, it keep wine-pipelight from running. After deleting the folder it worked ok.
    b) I forgot to reinstall nividia proprietary drivers after installing multilib (shame on me, Eric wrote about it!)
    c) As I use chrome signing with my google account, somehow it didnt load pipelight. So I installed chromium for run netflix (no need to sign my account for this): It works perfectly along with hola plugin allowing me to access a broader netflix movies list 😀

  61. Max

    Maybe, not sure. I think it does not work on AUFS filesystem. So you can not use in distro. Ex: Slax, Porteus etc. ..
    I tested this site
    Videos work without encryption, but encryption does not work.

  62. Kvasi

    Steam… now Silverligth, I guess, I will never need to boot windows again. Thank you very much Eric, now I can watch my only Win, macOS compatible TV service on Linux, it was a breeze following your instructions everything works perfectly. Thanks again for helping a simple and not so bright user like me to keep going on Slackware/Linux.

  63. Shane

    I cannot get this to work on Salix for whatever reason. I start a browser, the installer starts downloading mpg2splt and then it just hangs. Sitting there forever saying the file size is NA. I’ve updated the script, even updated and ran it manually. But it just refuses to download. Bleh. And I’ve got it running perfectly on Debian and a couple distros. I’m tempted to install Slackware itself to see if I’d get better results, because this is just weird.

  64. alienbob

    Well, I created my packages for Slackware. And while Salix claims full compatibility with Slackware, Slackware may not be fully compatible to Salix.
    I advise you to switch to Slackware and then see what happens. Lots of others before you have told me that it works for them as it works for me.


  65. Shane

    Yes, sir. They are now working on Slackware. Thank you for the packages.

  66. Kotoha

    Works like a charm on Salix. Thank you man 😉

  67. Diego Gutierrez

    Worked perfectly, thanks a lot!

  68. Norm

    Works very nicely with using widevine, on Slackware 14.0, 32 bit.
    Had to use Chrome with Windows Firefox 15 agent to do initial test.
    Then had to switch back to Firefox with Windows Chrome 32 agent to actually play a movie from hoopladigital.
    Go figure….

  69. Jen

    RTFM! It’s what I should’ve done. Found my answer about WINE installed from source not conflicting. (Although it looks like no WoW and Netflix at the same time…)

  70. Cwizardone

    Recently I given a Netflix account and gotten as far as changing the user agent to get Netflix to see Firefox as windows running IE8, but then it says ActiveX isn’t installed.
    Any ideas?

  71. Cwizardone

    Tried setting Firefox as windows running firefox 29 and for a moment it looked like it was going to work, but then reported a DRM error.

  72. Eugene

    Thanks, just tried this out and it worked fine.

  73. theM

    Uh-oh! Getting 404 not found during install of webcore-fonts package, now. This solution worked for me twice in the past. Did Microsoft yank this functionality from the web already? I figured that was coming.

  74. alienbob

    Hi tmeM

    I have stored a copy of that tarball here:
    It seems like the “original” has disappeared from the site that was hosting it.
    Use the above URL as “SRCURL” in the SlackBuild.

  75. alienbob

    I have updated the webore-fonts-installer package with my new download URL.

  76. theM

    Dude, you rock! Thank you Mr. Alien, sir!

  77. BrianA in MN

    Eric, If I’ve installed your WINE and WINE-PIPELIGHT are there additional instructions I should follow when I load an application that needs to run in WINE, or should I remove WINE and the WINE-PIPELIGHT will be the WINE server for my other WINE required applications?

    While I have gotten wine-pipelight to work with Slackware official SeaMonkey on my Fidelity Active Trader site, I’ve not been able to get this to work with USER-AGENT changes in Slackware official FireFox, your latest Chromium or Opera 12 or Konqueror on the same site. With these alternate browsers the test page continues to show that I’m running Linux rather than WinNT (even after changing the USER-AGENT with hardcoding and the suggested USER-AGENT switcher. Could it be an error because of the two WINE versions? Usual error is unable to load plugin and fix plugginsloader error message.

    I’m running nouveau drivers for my old NVIDIA card which isn’t supported in XServer >12. I saw a note that maybe I’ll need to use Silverlight 4.0 with nouveau and netflix, is there a nouveau issue with Silverlight or just with the netflix page?

  78. alienbob

    BrianA, you can have both wine and wine-pipelight installed, their files do not interfere or conflict.
    The case is different when _running_ them.
    You need to run only one at the time (either wine or wine-pipelight) because both will want to start a wineserver, and this causes conflict and non-working Windows applications.

    If you follow my advice with regard to a UA switcher of spoofer, or rather: follow the advice given on the pipelight webpages, then it should work. No idea what happens on your computer to make it fail.

  79. cwizardone

    Alien Bob,
    It was raining here yesterday so I took the opportunity to reformat the hard drive and do a fresh install of Slackware64 -current.
    All was working well before doing so, but now that the fresh install is complete, I’m having trouble with the pipelight-plugins.
    It took several attempts when you were kind enough to make it available and I finally achieve success by using an agent changer with Firefox and setting it to windows/firefox 29.
    I’ve tried to duplicate all of that with fresh install, but no luck.
    Firefox and Seamonkey will work fine without the pipelight-plugins, but the minute they are installed they both crash. Opera 12.16 will work the pipelight-plugins installed, but does not use them.
    I was installing flash, silverlight and widevine. As I said, they worked just minutes prior to the fresh install.
    On the fresh install have tried several times, but the results are always the same, but Firefox and Seamonkey crash. I’ve gotten as far as to start a video on Netflix, but it crashes within a second or two. i.e., before the video even loads.
    I then disabled all the plug-ins, I’ve done that a few times, erased all traces, and uninstalled wnie-pipelight and pipelight and started over.
    I finally tried just one plugin, sliverlight, and even that crashes both browsers.
    So, I finally started Firefox in a console and watched what happened. Here it is? Any ideas as to what is wrong?
    Thank you very much.
    Here we go,
    (firefox:6892): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: “murrine”,

    (firefox:6892): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: “murrine”,
    [PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] attached to process.
    [PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] checking environment variable PIPELIGHT_SILVERLIGHT5_1_CONFIG.
    [PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] searching for config file pipelight-silverlight5.1.
    [PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from ‘/home/mwnn/.config/pipelight-silverlight5.1’.
    [PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from ‘/etc/pipelight-silverlight5.1’.
    [PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] trying to load config file from ‘/usr/share/pipelight/configs/pipelight-silverlight5.1’.
    [PIPELIGHT:LIN:unknown] sandbox not found or not installed!
    [PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] using wine prefix directory /home/mwnn/.wine-pipelight.
    [PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] checking plugin installation – this might take some time.
    [install-dependency] wine-silverlight5.1-installer is already installed in ‘/home/mwnn/.wine-pipelight’.
    [install-dependency] wine-mpg2splt-installer is already installed in ‘/home/mwnn/.wine-pipelight’.
    wine: cannot find L”C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe”
    err:wineboot:ProcessRunKeys Error running cmd L”C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe -a -r” (2)
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] embedded mode is on.
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] windowless mode is off.
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] linux windowless mode is off.
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] force SetWindow is off.
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] window class hook is on.
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] strict draw ordering is off.
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] replaced API function CreateWindowExA.
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] replaced API function CreateWindowExW.
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] replaced API function TrackPopupMenuEx.
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] replaced API function TrackPopupMenu.
    fixme:advapi:RegisterTraceGuidsW (0x7b8d22a7, 0x7b970120, {aa087e0e-0b35-4e28-8f3a-440c3f51eef1}, 1, 0x6df6b8, (null), (null), 0x7b970120): stub
    [PIPELIGHT:WIN:silverlight5.1] init successful!
    wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0xbb1d669c at address 0xbb1d669c (thread 0009), starting debugger…
    err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0xbb1de94c
    err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0xbb3f8eec
    err:seh:start_debugger Couldn’t start debugger (“winedbg –auto 8 200”) (1359)
    Read the Wine Developers Guide on how to set up winedbg or another debugger
    err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0xbb1d6bac
    err:seh:raise_exception Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0xbb3f8eec
    [PIPELIGHT:LIN:silverlight5.1] ../common/common.c:183:receiveCommand(): unable to receive data.

  80. alienbob

    cwizardone, not wanting to point out the obvious, but do you perhaps use a binary blob for your video driver? And in that case, did you install the 32-bit libraries of that driver _after_ you installed the multilib packages?

  81. cwizardone

    _after_ is the key word. 🙂
    Thanks. (not so obvious to me 🙂 )

  82. BrianA in MN

    Eric, I have Slackware 64 14.1 with your multilib packages installed and using Nouveau drivers for my legacy NVIDIA card. Now that it is late 2014 should we all expect that Chromium has moved to PPAPI and dropped NPAPI support that PIPELIGHT will no longer work with Chromium both 32 bit and 64bit? If you have PIPELIGHT working in your latest Chromium packages, then 1) is it under multilib and 2) are there any special steps to take for standard 32 bit and for 64 bit?
    As regards Flash, if I have enabled FLASH, do I need to remove the plugins I’ve enabled in PIPELIGHT out of the standard browser plugins to prevent conflicts? Thanks, BrianA

  83. alienbob

    BrianA – Chromium dropped support for NPAPI on the Linux platform a whole while ago. IN this blog post from June 2014 I first informed you that NPAPI was dropped:

    If you want to use Pipelight, you’ll have to use it with Firefox.

  84. BrianA in MN

    Eric, thanks I wasn’t subscribed to the RSS feed at that time so missed the post. I’m now subscribed!
    Pipelight and Siilverlight are working in Seamonkey with agent switcher at my site. Pipelight is not working with stock Konqueror and agent switcher, I keep getting plugin error about Netscape, although the agent is Mozilla(windows NT 5.1) and the plugins exist in ~/.mozilla. Have you had a chance to check KTown Konqueror with pipelight? I’m not able to watch youtube flash in Seamonkey, as it keeps loading Shockwave and throwing a plugin error crash for pluginloader.exe. I didn’t see advice on the HELP page for this type error, do you have any suggested steps I could try? I really don’t want to start a different browser for each type site. Thanks BrianA

  85. BrianA in MN

    Hi Eric, I’ve run into a problem that seems to be getting worse rather than better with each pipelight-plugin –update. I’m unable to use Silverlight on any page lately. Configuration is Slackware 14.1 x86_64 with multilib, Seamonkey 2.31 with No-script and AdBlock Edge, User Agent is feigning Mozilla 5.0(WinNT) Firefox 23 (this is not the full string). Plugins registered are:
    Path: /usr/lib/pipelight/
    Version: 5.1.30214.0
    State: Enabled
    Path: /usr/lib64/
    State: Enabled
    The IcedTea-Web Plugin executes Java applets.
    Path: /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/
    State: Enabled
    Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202
    Path: /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/
    State: Enabled
    Mime Type x-skype for Skype Buttons

    The configuration tested against the page says every silverlight 5.1/5.0/4.0 test is OKAY, but if I start Seamonkey from bash I see the following:
    preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00010000-00110000
    wine: cannot find L “C:\\windows\\system32\\winemenubuilder.exe

    Then when I go to a silverlight embedded sites I get the message the the pluginloader.exe crashed.

    I’ve scoured google with pipelight pluginloader crash and checked my installation for all the required, but nothing seems to be working right now with silverlight.
    I’ve tried to reinstall the packages, even reran the convert-compat32 against your OpenAL and installpkg the result. I’m only running your seamonkey-solibs 2.30 multilib package with seamonkey x86_64 2.31 package, those were the latest available. I tried adding the seamonkey-solibs-2.31-x86_64 package, but that didn’t improve anything.

    You suggestions are appreciated on what might be causing the preloader warning and the plugin-loader crashes. I can move this to a private email with more logs of the actual output if necessary.

    I have not ever been able to get pipelight silverlight to work with Konqueror or chromium.

    If I start seamonkey from root account then I don’t get the preloader warning about reserving range, but the pluginloader.exe still crashes.

    Thank you for your help. Brian in MN

  86. alienbob

    Hi Brian

    The range warning can be solved: and it would only affect DOS or WIN16 applications. I don’t think that’s a real problem here.

    Pipelight will not work with Chromium because Chrome/Chromium for Linux dropped support for the NPAPI-based plugins (such as icedtea-web and pipelight) in favor of their own PPAPI protocol. I never actually use Konqueror so I can not comment on its useability with pipelight.

    At the moment, I can not think of a reason for the crashes you are experiencing when pipelight loads.


  87. Eugene

    Mine was working fine but now gives N8109 when I try Netflix.
    Any suggestions?

  88. alienbob

    Hi Eugene

    Netflix still works OK here.
    I have run “pipelight-plugin –update” regularly as root so I have all the latest plugins available.
    In my Firefox browser, I have the UA spoofed to be “Firefox 24 / Windows”.
    Movies play without issues.

  89. BrianA in MN

    Eric, in your Jan 3 Pipelight update you say for 64bit that OpenAL, OpenAL-compat32, and multilib are needed. In this original post you say that 64 bit systems should download and run convert32 the OpenAL. Is the latest version in need of both OpenAL in 64 bit and the OpenAL-compat32? I thought the OpenAL-compat32 was the only requirement on 64 bit system? Your clarification is always appreciated. Thanks Brian A

  90. alienbob

    My recent Wine packages (including wine-pipelight) contain both 32-bit wine and 64-bit wine64. Therefore, both 32-bit OpenAl-compat32 and 64-bit OpenAl are required.

  91. BrianA in MN

    Eric, re: my Dec 13, 2014 post above, I’ve found a bugreport in the Pipelight list for Silverlight5.1 and Seamonkey 2.31 which causes the crash to WINE. The bugreport says that a downgrade to Silverlight5.0 solves a javascript reference issue, which is a bug in Seamonkey according to Michael. I want to alert others that after pipelight-plugin –disable Silverlight5.1, I had to go into my ~/.mozilla/plugins and actually delete the otherwise both appeared in Seamonkey 2.31 Plugins and I couldn’t disable one without both becoming disabled. Since I’m fuzzy on which config file the bug report is referring to here is the link:
    If you’re able could you lend some insight into which config file they are referring? In the meantime I’ve downgraded my Silverlight rather than Seamonkey (which would reduce security patches). Thank again for your continued support of the pipelight plugin. Happy New Years, BrianA in MN

  92. alienbob

    Hi BrianA

    That config file is: /usr/share/pipelight/configs/pipelight-silverlight5.1

    By the way, I advise you to run Firefox with pipelight instead. Downgrading Silverlight will break a lot of web pages that only work with 5.1.

  93. BrianA in MN

    Eric thanks for the advise. I use Seamonkey for the Composer (simple html WYSIWYG). I guess I can try the correction suggest to the silverligh5.1 script. I haven’t been able to get pipelight to work with Konqueror. I’ll have to investigate the pipelight forums for Konqueror config tricks. It starts the Silverlight install script, and I’ve change the user-agent to Mozilla Windows Firefox 15.0a, but when going to the website I desire I get just a blank screen. Thanks again. BrianA in MN at a whooping high today of -20C!

  94. BrianA in MN

    I’ve removed Seamonkey (I’ll use Amaya or OpenOffice-Web for my WYSIWYG which export clean code according to W3C testing). I dislike the direction of Firefox so I’ve installed Qupzilla and it will load and use pipelight with Silverlight 5.1 correctly for the target websites. Qupzilla 1.8.4 uses webkit 354.34 and QT 4.8.5. and user agent is part of standard preferences and can be set globally or on a per-site basis, much like Konqueror’s user-agent.

    I’m still not able to get Slackware 14.1 stock Konqueror to work with Silverlight on my desired website, although it does say it is working on the pipelight test page. Konqueror simply goes to a blank page when attempting to run the pipelight-plugin. I’ve checked that Silverlight in the Konqueror plugins list. I’ve also checked the troubleshooting page and found no solution that works. Any thoughts of what to try, or is your KTown Konqueror working with Silverlight pages?

    Thank you again for the help and advise. Thanks for the instructions and on-going support. I love being able to reach my favorite stock trading site and their service.

    Best Regards, from a warmer 0 degrees Centigrade, BrianA in MN

  95. Eduardo Alvarez

    Quick report:

    I managed to get silverlight working, but I found I had to run pipelight-plugin –enable both as root and as a regular user for the plugins to load.

  96. cwizardone

    Alien Bob wrote:

    “…To clear the plugin cache, type “about:support” in your address line and hit Enter. You should now see a button which opens your profile directory. Click on it and remove the “pluginreg.dat”…”

    You may be interested to know that when you click on the profile directory button in Firefox 38, it opens Audacious, the music player.
    I’ve been able to repeat this as often as desired. 🙂
    Something wrong with Firefox, I guess.

  97. cwizardone

    Fixed in Firefox 38.01

  98. alienbob

    Good 🙂

  99. Renan

    Anybody got success running unity3d games?
    I am able to run silverlight and shockwave content, but none that uses unity3d (their website says it is not installed).

    I tried a few different user agents, without any success.
    I am running Slackware 14.1 64-bit. I installed the compat32 version of openAl and the x86_64 for the other needed packages.

    Any clues?

  100. cwizardone

    Alien Bob,

    I thought you might be interested in this, then, again,
    maybe not. 🙂

    I’ve been when using Firefox, wine-pipelight, and the pipelight plugins, to watch Netflix.
    The setup is Slackware64 -current, with your “True Multilib” files installed. The KDE setup has not been altered, other than choice of wallpaper, font size, etc.
    The following behavior occurs frequently, regardless of present state (changes) in -current or version of Firefox.
    While watching a movie or TV show (doesn’t matter) via Netflix and using the above described setup, the plugin will crash and it becomes necessary to hit the browser reload/refresh button. On occasion KDE will crash and in less time than the blink of any eye, I’m taken all the way
    back the command line (I use run level 3/startx).

    Yesterday evening, when KDE crashed it occurred to me to try running it (Firefox/pipelight/Netflix) in Xfce.

    For the rest of the evening and so far this morning (my time), there hasn’t been a single crash of the plugin or Xfce. I normally wouldn’t spend so much time on Netflix, but have been running it and waiting for a crash. As I said, so far, so good.

    So, there you go. I have no idea why this might be, but I thought you, being the KDE Guru, 🙂 might have some idea?

  101. cwizardone

    I forgot to mention kwin sometimes crashes, but it doesn’t always effect what is running in Firefox, i.e., other than the message box popping up, everything (appears) to continue running. Here is the log:

    Application: KWin (kwin), signal: Segmentation fault
    Using host libthread_db library “/lib64/”.
    [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7fd9477a47c0 (LWP 1192))]

    Thread 2 (Thread 0x7fd9226f4700 (LWP 1194)):
    #0 0x00007fd941686d8f in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /lib64/
    #1 0x00007fd9467687ea in () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #2 0x00007fd946768819 in () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #3 0x00007fd941681654 in start_thread () at /lib64/
    #4 0x00007fd93f7011cd in clone () at /lib64/

    Thread 1 (Thread 0x7fd9477a47c0 (LWP 1192)):
    [KCrash Handler]
    #5 0x00007fd9351adc86 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #6 0x00007fd93525731a in () at /usr/lib64/
    #7 0x00007fd93516df34 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #8 0x00007fd934e40658 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #9 0x00007fd934e40c57 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #10 0x00007fd934e571b7 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #11 0x00007fd8923d9abf in () at /usr/lib64/kde4/
    #12 0x00007fd8923da81c in () at /usr/lib64/kde4/
    #13 0x00007fd94735001b in () at /usr/lib64/
    #14 0x00007fd94732db91 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #15 0x00007fd94734ff8a in () at /usr/lib64/
    #16 0x00007fd942b62101 in KWin::Effect::paintWindow(KWin::EffectWindow*, int, QRegion, KWin::WindowPaintData&) () at /usr/lib64/
    #17 0x00007fd94734ff3b in () at /usr/lib64/
    #18 0x00007fd9473316fa in () at /usr/lib64/
    #19 0x00007fd94732faeb in () at /usr/lib64/
    #20 0x00007fd94732da75 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #21 0x00007fd94734fead in () at /usr/lib64/
    #22 0x00007fd942b6208f in KWin::Effect::paintScreen(int, QRegion, KWin::ScreenPaintData&) () at /usr/lib64/
    #23 0x00007fd94734fe6a in () at /usr/lib64/
    #24 0x00007fd94732ff43 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #25 0x00007fd947342d1e in () at /usr/lib64/
    #26 0x00007fd947327c43 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #27 0x00007fd941a3b31b in QObject::event(QEvent*) () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #28 0x00007fd940b7949c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #29 0x00007fd940b7fb40 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #30 0x00007fd94272594a in KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib64/
    #31 0x00007fd941a2336d in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #32 0x00007fd941a52a3b in () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #33 0x00007fd941a53538 in QEventDispatcherUNIX::processEvents(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #34 0x00007fd940c1ab63 in () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #35 0x00007fd941a21ff1 in QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #36 0x00007fd941a22305 in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #37 0x00007fd941a27559 in QCoreApplication::exec() () at /usr/lib64/qt/lib/
    #38 0x00007fd9472e1b73 in kdemain () at /usr/lib64/
    #39 0x00007fd93f61b9f0 in __libc_start_main () at /lib64/
    #40 0x00000000004009e9 in _start ()

  102. alienbob

    cwizardone that looks like a crash in the NVIDIA binary driver, triggered by the use of KDE’s desktop effects.

  103. cwizardone

    Ah, so….
    Thanks for that. I’ll make some adjustments and give it another go.
    OTOH, the best results so far have been to run Netflix in Firefox, in Xp, inside VirtualBox. Just runs. No problems.
    Thanks, again.

  104. Robert W. Wendel

    Seems my kernel in Slack 14.1 does not have ext4 extended attributes enabled. I’ve installed the patched kernel off the mirrors that was posted a while back. Was this an oversight with Pat?? Seems I will have to rebuild my kernel unless Slackware issues an update. I did the zcat /proc/config.gz | grep XATTR thing —- showed nothing for ext4. Even changed fstab with an “users,user_xattr” entry. No cigar there either. I’m lazy — don’t want to recompile.
    Symptoms: my movies load, but are stuck in “freeze frame” no motion pictures.

  105. alienbob

    Actually Robert – the kernel developers removed the CONFIG_EXT4_FS_XATTR at the end of 2012… it is always enabled now.
    That is why you do not see “CONFIG_EXT4_FS_XATTR” mentioned in your output. But it works nevertheless. On an ext4 filesystem, the extended attributes are enabled by default, you don’t have to do anything.

    You can play around with the getfattr and setfattr commands: read and write some extended attributes to random files, to verify that it works.

  106. Dmitri

    hi, Erik. Thanks for your work.
    I can not make Netflix play. While Pipelight diagnostic says everything is OK Netflix requires to install silverlight.
    Removing pluginreg.dat and all cookies for Netflix does not help.
    Any ideas?

  107. alienbob

    Dmitri , I have not used pipelight in a long time, so I have no idea if Netflix changed anything in their compatibility settings. I am using Chromium nowadays with the widevine plugin, which is a native experience on Linux and does not require Wine. Would that be an alternative for you?
    Perhaps if I can find the time, I can install pipelight again and see what’s the matter. That will not be happening soon, though.

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