It took me a while (Christmas was getting in the way) but here are the packages I created for libreoffice-; which is the second Release Candidate for LibreOffice in preparation for an official 3.3.0 version.
Grab my packages from the usual locations:
The package has no further dependencies – a full Slackware 13.1 install (or -current) will do fine.
Building from source:
If you want to use the accompanying SlackBuild script to rebuild these packages yourself, be prepared and have a lot of free diskspace (20 GB available free space would be a safe bet), as well as a lot of patience… Also, remove Slackware’s jre, seamonkey and seamonkey-solibs packages and install Slackware’s jdk package and (mine or anyone else’s) apache-ant, perl-archive-zip and xulrunner packages. These are needed for compiling, not for running libreoffice. Note: after installing the jdk and xulrunner packages, your root user has to logoff and login again in order to pick up the changed environment. If you forget this, the compilation will fail.
I have been testing alternating re-installs of the binary RPMs of the Document Foundation (using Niels Horn’s SlackBuild from to create a nice Slackware package out of those RPMs) and my own self-built package and I noticed that the first time you run a LibreOffice program after you install my package, something crashes… but everything is OK on all following runs of LibreOffice.
I also noticed that installing extensions is not always working out too well. This holds true for the official binaries as well, so it may well be that the published extensions need to be rebuilt for the new LibreOffice.
Unfortunately in the end, I had to delete the extensions cache and further directories (below ~/.libreoffice/3/user/extensions) because at first, the bundled extensions stopped showing up in the Extension Manager, then the Extension Manager refused to start, and ultimately the Writer application itself would crash after complaining about corrupted extension databases. After deleting the extension cache and data, Writer behaved normally again.
Wow…can’t believe I’m the first to comment here.
Many thanks for your efforts Eric. I’ll be installing and tinkering with this later this evening.
Pardon if this is a stupid question, but your post says to remove jre before installing jdk. Does this still apply if I use the /extra jdk from slackware repo? Thanks.
@Nick –
You only have to install the JDK if you actually want to compile LibreOffice yourself.
If you already have Sun’s JDK installed from the /extra directory then that is a step in my instructions you can omit.
For using the Libreoffice package, a java runtime (the JRE) will be sufficient.
Mucked around a bit with this on some .doc, .docx & .xls files and have experienced no crashes whatsoever so far.
merci Mr eric pour ton grand effort,afin de ma faciliter la vie
je suis l’es de t’es fan anonyme
Dear Community,
The Document Foundation is happy to announce the third release
candidate of LibreOffice 3.3. This release candidate is not intended
for production use! The final release of LibreOffice 3.3, for
production use, will be available soon.
The Release Candidate 3 is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
from our download page at
Should you find bugs, please report them to the FreeDesktop Bugzilla:
If you want to get involved with this exciting project, you can
contribute code:
translate LibreOffice to your language:
or just donate:
A list of known issues with RC3 is available from our wiki:
The Steering Committee of The Document Foundation
LibreOffice has a web-page linking to articles written about LibreOffice recently
I would like to have a brief line describing the website, magazine, newspaper that published the article. For Alien Pastures i wondered if i could adapt your strap-line “Alien Bob’s thoughts on Slackware, life and everything”
I am about to edit the page but if you would like to change it please let me know and i will try to implement your suggestion if possible.
Please let me know!
Good luck and many regards from
Hi Tom
Sure, feel free to re-use that line, thanks for the intention to include a link to my article.
Cheers, Eric
This website seems to be an excellent resource for Slackware users. A link to it is crucial.
Regards from Tom