My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

LibreOffice 6.2.5 packages available

Earlier this week, the Document Foundation released version 6.2.5 of their office suite LibreOffice. I have built and uploaded sets of packages for Slackware 14.2 and also for -current, 32bits and 64bits.

The Document Foundation themselves finally think that 6.2.x is production ready: “… Users in production environments can start evaluating LibreOffice 6.2.5…“. I was already happy with 6.2.4 and I find the capability to open and work with MS Office documents improving all the time.

Note if you are a KDE Plasma5 user:
The toolbars and menus look ugly in the default UI configuration. There’s a setting in LibreOffice that you need to change so that the Breeze theming for GTK+3 applications does not mess it up anymore. Go to “Tools > Options > Libreoffice > View > Icon Style” and change the “Automatic (Breeze)” to eg. “Elementary”. That will give you back a working toolbar with visible icons.

Enjoy! Eric


  1. Jen

    Cool, thanks!

  2. Fellype

    Thank you Eric!

    The 6.2 series of LO is the best of all (IMHO).

  3. gegechris99

    I upgraded to 6.2.5 from 6.2.4 in Slackware64 14.2 with KDE4. I already had the “Elementary” icon style in 6.2.4 but I’m facing the ugly toolbars and menu issue.
    I tried again after removing directory ~/.config/libreoffice but I’m still facing the issue. Am I alone with this issue on Slackware64 14.2 with KDE4?

    • João

      Remove the “libreoffice-kde-integration” and delete “~/.config/libreoffice”

  4. gegechris99

    Sorry, I’m having only the menu issue. Toolbars are OK.
    When I select a Firefox theme in Options>Personalization (translated from French), the top menu is OK but the drop-down menus are ugly, they look like there is transparency and when I hover over items, they become highlighted in blue and stay that way.

    • João

      Remove the “libreoffice-kde-integration” and delete “~/.config/libreoffice”

  5. TheTKS

    Slackware64 14.2 with KDE4, also switched to Elementary icon theme at 6.2.4 and just upgraded to 6.2.5.

    Everything I’ve tried so far is working well and as it did in 6.2.4, including toolbars, drop down menus, even Tools – Options – Personalization.

    gegechris, I’m not seeing the problems you are.


  6. alienbob

    Removing the “libreoffice-kde-integration” package seems to be the only working solution for Slackware 14.2 when you are working in a KDE4 session.

    I’ll probably no longer compile this sub-package in future updates, its code may be un-maintained anyway since almost nobody uses KDE4 these days.

    And what I am considering for the packages that I build on -current is to add support for Qt5 and for Plasma5. The requirements to make that possible are only compile-time dependencies so a LibreOffice compiled with Plasma5 support will still run normally on a Slackware that does not have Qt5 or Plasma5 installed at all.

    • Fellype

      I can confirm that to remove the “libreoffice-kde-integration” package solves the issues with menus (main and right click ones).

    • serloz

      I also had that error, problem solved in Current with Plasma5. Thanks for the solution, always very grateful for your excellent work, Eric!

    • Ricardo

      Wow, what a difference it makes to remove libreoffice-kde-integration, even in Plasma 5.
      Thanks for that tip!

    • Janis

      While it helps resolve strange behavior, removal of libreoffice-kde-integration causes LO to not work with the default (in my case) dark theme (Wonton Soup). Should be different solutions which enables integration. (KDE-5.17_11/Slack64-14.2).

  7. gegechris99

    Removing package libreoffice-kde-integration solved my issue. Thanks to all.

  8. akimmet

    I can also confirm that removing libreoffice-kde-integration fixed the menus and toolbars on my -current w/ Plasma5 system

  9. Eduardo

    Thank you Eric!
    The upgrade went rather smoothly except for the menu issue. Removing the KDE integration package solved the problem.
    I like your idea of compiling with Plasma integration for -current.

  10. Pedro

    After the upgrade to libreoffice 6.2.5 the libreoffice stop working with the message “usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: FT_Done_MM_Var” .
    I’m using Slack64-current with plasma 5 with all packages updated. The freetype package is freetype-2.10.1-x86_64-1.
    Can somebody help, please?

    • Ricardo

      I’m also on -current and libreoffice works fine here.
      The file you mention is not from freetype but from fontconfig-2.13.1-x86_64-1, make sure you have that version.

      • Pedro

        I’v checked and My fontconfig is also fontconfig-2.13.1-x86_64-1. 🙁

        • alienbob

          Perhaps somewhere in the past you needed to fix something in the libreoffice install directory to make it work again? Like creating a symlink to another library to get rid of linking errors on startup after a Slackware update?
          I would try this:
          # removepkg /var/log/packages/libreoffice-*
          # rm -rf /usr/lib64/libreoffice
          # slackpkg install libreoffice
          (or simply use ‘installpkg’ to install the libreoffice packages if you do not have slackpkg+ installed)

          • Pedro

            Thanks Eric,
            I haven’t done any fix to any file. I’m using a virtual machine with a fresh install of slackware to try current and plasma5.
            I’ve done has you suggested but the problem still the same 🙁

          • Pedro

            It’s a Java problem as is pointed in (despite being a flatpak version of LO). A wrong version of freetype is being picked form installed Java.
            Removing openjdk-8u222_b10-x86_64-1alien, openjdk7-7u231_b01-x86_64-1alien and openjre-8u222_b10-x86_64-1alien solve the problem and Libreoffice runs again.

  11. Tyler

    I’m on 14.2 and Plasma 5 here. While removing the libreoffice-kde-integration package does resolve the issues others have seen with menus, does anyone know how to have a menu while using Plasma’s global application menu? Thanks all, especially Eric!

  12. Gerardo

    Hi Eric, first thanks for your job, it is wonderfull.
    Now the problem, after upgrading Libreoffice from 6.2.4 to 6.2.5 it doesn`t work.
    First I had the same problem with the menu (I’m using KDE4) but I have the same problem in XFCE.
    I’ve uninstalled Libreoffice and have installed again and it crash, it doesn’t work at all.
    Can I get the .txz 6.2.4 version from any server or it’s impossible?
    Thanks and regards

  13. Gerardo Zamudio

    I’m not sure I understand the menu issue. I’m on -current and installed all of the Plasma 5 packages from ktown including dependencies. LibreOffice seems to pick up the same icons all my other applications pick up:

    Is this the ‘ugly toolbar’ that is being discussed here?

    • Ricardo

      No, not in my case at least.
      For me, the menu bar was grey fonst on a black background, completely unreadable.
      And the black background was only for the menu bar, the rest of the interface used Plasma’s colo scheme.

      • Gerardo Zamudio

        That is strange. I don’t change the Plasma theme (or any theme) from whatever the default is, not even the wallpaper. My LibreOffice should be picking up default settings. Oh well, I’m glad I haven’t been hit by this and that there are workarounds.

  14. Adrian Heath

    Running KDE5 on Debian 9/Stretch and can also confirm that removng libreoffice-kde-integration fixed transparent/blue menus, even with view/icon style as Automatic (Breeze)

  15. Fellype

    An issue with 32 bits package on Slackware 14.2:
    LibreOffice 6.2.5 crashes silently when opening a document or creating a new one.

    To remove the old LO profile doesn’t help…

    Downgrading to 6.2.4 works normally.

    Did I forget something?

    • alienbob

      The only 32bit Slackware 14.2 I have here is a QEMU VM. I just booted it and installed LibreOffice there.
      It starts just fine and opens files without crashing. Tested in the KDE4 DE.

  16. Xavier

    Hi Eric,
    LO is crashing on kde4 (pc) and kde5 (laptop) both on current updated this morning!
    Tested with the full AppImage idem, removed the package’s
    Have this warnings from konsole (pc) with AppImage:
    bash-5.0# SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk3 /root/Downloads/LibreOffice .full.AppImage

    (soffice:17670): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:21:11.456: Could not load a pixbuf from icon theme.
    This may indicate that pixbuf loaders or the mime database could not be found.
    (soffice:17693): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:21:18.279: Could not load a pixbuf from icon theme.
    This may indicate that pixbuf loaders or the mime database could not be found.

    Not even installed the LO kde-integration package
    My builds from github master 6.4 (gtk3 and kde5) are not crashing on both machines

  17. alienbob

    Xavier, AppImage is not in scope here, fix these issues yourself please.
    LibreOffice is working on my machine (slackware64-current), using the package I built myself.
    Also LibreOffice 6.4 is not in scope here, as I only offer 6.2 releases at the moment.

    • Xavier

      Hi Eric,
      Sorry about that

  18. Peter

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for all the work you have done for linux community, I really appreciate.

    I am having difficulties to run LO. I switched to -current and installed ‘libreoffice-6.2.5-x86_64-1alien’ then realizing it,
    installed ‘openjdk7-7u231_b01-x86_64-1alien’ too.
    Then, ‘boost-compat-1.71-x86_64-1alien’ was installed because of the “missing” errors.
    Finally, I can’t find a working solution online for the next error when trying to run LO:
    ‘/usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: FT_Done_MM_Var’

    I dont have KDE/KDEI, running XFCE
    Any help is much appreciated.


    • alienbob

      Hi Peter,

      First of all, new LibreOffice 6.3.0 packages for -current are underway. They will not suffer from missing library errors.
      Second, the “undefined symbol: FT_Done_MM_Var’” error is an indication that you do not have Slackware’s package of freetype installed and probably compiled your own version some time ago. The symbol ’FT_Done_MM_Var’ got added in freetype-2.9.
      Recompile your package using the version that’s in Slackware-current (or simply switch to the Slackware package) and that error should disappear.

      • Peter

        Hi Eric,
        I saw new LO 6.3.0 packages for 14.2, was thinking you probably go from stable to current in build-process.

        I didn’t mess with freetype at all, installed -current on Aug.12.:
        bash-5.0# ls -l /var/log/packages/freetype*
        -rw-r–r– 1 root root 4286 Aug 12 01:30 /var/log/packages/freetype-2.10.1-x86_64-1
        Maybe the version?…
        Meanwhile, tried with ‘LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/ libreoffice –writer’ and it will work for few tasks, although I don’t consider it a solution.

        Thanks Eric,

        • alienbob

          I did not release LO 6.3.0 packages for 14.2, only for -current.
          The “undefined symbol: ’FT_Done_MM_Var’” is a freetype related error, look for older versions of freetype libraries you may have compiled in the past. Or upgrade to my new packages, perhaps that is sufficient.

  19. Peter

    Dear Eric,

    once more: thank you for building slackware-packages like libreoffice!

    I am using slackware-current with stone-age KDE4. So I received this errors starting
    bash-5.0$ libreoffice
    /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    bash-5.0$ libreoffice
    /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    bash-5.0$ libreoffice
    /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    bash-5.0$ libreoffice
    /usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    I resolved the problem with symbolic links:
    root@peti003:/usr/lib64# ln -s
    root@peti003:/usr/lib64# ln -s
    root@peti003:/usr/lib64# ln -s
    root@peti003:/usr/lib64# ln -s

    Best regards

    • alienbob

      What libreoffice package do you have installed? The 6.3.0 version I just uploaded for -current?

      • Peter

        … I just installed 6.2.5.

        Best regards

  20. Peter

    … from time to time there ist an error if I look for updates with slackpkgplus:
    oot@peti003:/etc/slackpkg# slackpkg update

    Updating the package lists…
    force to download ChangeLog
    2019-08-28 23:04:59 URL: [681129/681129] -> “/tmp/slackpkg.mJjJBh/ChangeLog.txt” [1]
    Saving ChangeLog.txt from repository slackpkgplus …

    Saving ChangeLog.txt from repository alienbob …

    2019-08-28 23:05:04 URL: [2267/2267] -> “/tmp/slackpkg.mJjJBh/CHECKSUMS.md5-slackpkgplus” [1]
    2019-08-28 23:05:05 URL: [201638/201638] -> “/tmp/slackpkg.mJjJBh/CHECKSUMS.md5-alienbob” [1]
    Files //var/lib/slackpkg/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc and /tmp/slackpkg.mJjJBh/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc differ

    No changes in ChangeLog.txt between your last update and now.
    Do you really want to download all other files (y/N)? y

    Best regards

    • alienbob

      I don’t see an error there? Everything is fine. Just press ENTER.
      Also this has nothing to do with my LibreOffice packages.
      Perhaps you should read the documentation for both slackpkg and slackpkg+, so that you know how the two programs work and interact, and to get an understanding of what “No changes in ChangeLog.txt between your last update and now” means.

      • peter

        Look at:
        files //var/lib/slackpkg/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc and /tmp/slackpkg.mJjJBh/CHECKSUMS.md5.asc differ

        No changes in ChangeLog.txt between your last update and now.
        Do you really want to download all other files (y/N)? y

        there is “DIFFER” but slackpkg suggests “N”!
        I don’t think that this is a problem of your packages, but this is the cause why I installed

        • alienbob

          What you see is part slackpkg code being executed, and part slackpkg+ code being executed. Slackpkg only looks at the ChangeLog.txt while slackpkg+ looks at all non-Slackware 3rd party repositories and does its update checks differently.
          Now that libreoffice 6.3.0 packages for -current are available you should no longer use the old 6.2.5 packages.

  21. Peter

    Dear Eric,

    thank you very much for Your patient help and for the valuable information. I did not know
    that slackpkg and slackpkg+ do the update checks differently. In future I will pay attention
    to this. The update to 6.3.0 is made.

    Best regards

  22. Scott Scoville

    I didn’t know about till just now after I compiled LibreOffice for 64 bit, successfully, on the 3rd run, after getting the script and sources from

    I got the warning that makepkg was not used but I also got the message that LO had successfully been installed, and I confirmed that it showed up in /var/log/packages.

    However, everything LO (other than what is in /var) seems to remain exclusively in /tmp/SBo. Perhaps you’nz d be pleased to tell me what to do.

    And by the way, I have no K desktop anything – just running Tabs WM for now, and have been running Slack now for about a week. I intend to run it exclusively indefinitely. I have some UNIX experience and have used Debian (had a MS-Windows dual-boot) and Vector Linux.

    • alienbob

      Hi Scott,

      The script you took from is not supported by me. I can not tell you what (if anything) went wrong from your description. Usually a SBo script will only compile a package and place that in /tmp and expects you to install or upgrade it. I have not seen it happen that the package gets installed automatically, which makes me wonder if perhaps you used some kind of management scripts that are wrappers for SBo.

      Your LibreOffice is functioning? In that case, all is well and you can keep on learning.
      If not, you can discuss your SBo related questions in the #slackbuilds channel on Freenode IRC or subscribe to their mailing list:

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