My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Libreoffice 3.4.0

As I already announced in my previous article, I have been building LibreOffice packages for Slackware 13.37 (I have been running beta versions on my own laptop for a while which I never released) and they are finally available for download now!

Check out this URL:

Otherwise (and because they have bigger download speeds to offer), use one of the mirrors like:

and grab those packages (the mirrors may take a little while to get updated).

The release’s announcement page states that “The first release of the 3.4 series, LibreOffice 3.4.0, is targeted to community members and power users, and should not be implemented in a corporate environment“. That does not mean a lot to folk like us – we are the power users. Try it out, you can always revert to my 3.3.x packages. My stance on the “stable versions” is that I will keep compiling LibreOffice 3.3.x packages for a while, but on Slackware 13.1. That should keep a lot of people happy if they require a stable version of this office suite.

Have fun!


  1. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    Thanks Eric. Mirroring it right away 🙂

  2. Matt

    So, it appears that it’s back to using .libreoffice for storing settings, etc.? Is it going to remain there going forward?

  3. escaflown

    Thanks, Eric!

  4. ariarat

    Thanks Eric!
    why you not put your source in …

  5. alienbob

    @ariarat –


    (1) What I do is creating packages, and you get the SlackBuild scripts for free. The web site only gives you SlackBuild scripts

    (2) Building libreoffice from source is too complex. Look at that script! If a SBo admin has to do QUA testing on it, he has to wait 7 hours for the compilation and then has to check a lot of things to see if the result is OK.

    This is why I keep all my own scripts in my own repository. I have very different goals than .


  6. alienbob


    There was a patch in the old (no longer used for 3.4) “build” tarball which changes the application directory for Slackware from .libreoffice to .ooo3. I have no idea who added that patch, it’s one of the past OpenOffice developers/contributers.

    Going forward, this directory should remain “.libreoffice” and I will have to look at disabling that old patch when I build libreoffice 3.3.x packages for Slackware 13.1…


  7. alienbob

    @Willy –

    My initial sync to was aborted after I went to bed, because of a network disruption. So if you synced from you should re-sync now.

    Cheers, Eric

  8. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    I sync to for your libreoffice package
    I don’t want to put more network load to

  9. zbreaker

    Many thanks again Eric for your really generous work.

  10. Matt

    Good news! Thanks for making these packages available. I really appreciate it.

  11. Michael

    Just installed your package and I get:

    The application cannot be started.
    [/home/michael/.libreoffice/3/user/extensions/shared/registry/] Berkeley Db error (0): Db::open: Invalid argument

    when I launch from the cmd line. Any ideas?

    Michael E.

  12. David


    Try creating a symlink to “/home/michael/.ooo” directory:
    cd /home/michael/.libreoffice/3
    ln -s ../../.ooo3/user/ user

  13. Michael

    Thanks for the quick reply, David. I did ls -a and I don’t have a .ooo directory. Prior to attempting this install, I did have the _SBo version of libreoffice installed. I don’t know if that has any bearing on the issue. I have a .libreoffice directory with the ./3/user subdirectories. Also, my system is x86_64, and I’m running slackware current. Thanks.


  14. David


    Excuse me, I thought you have OpenOffice installed.
    I don’t know the “_SBo version of libreoffice” stores user information…
    If I was in your situation, I would try to uninstall version 3.4, reinstall previous version, then look for the directory of user preferences and save a copy of this folder.

  15. Michael

    David, thanks for your suggestions. Looks like I needed to delete my old .libreoffice directory (or copy it to .libreoffice_OLD) and then install libreoffice 3.4, so that the new installation could create its own directory. Appears to be fixed now. Appreciate your work, AlienBob! Thanks.


  16. ricciare

    Hi Eric, thanks for the new 3.4 packages. I’ve installed them but using Calc I’ve noticed it’s very instable: it crsshes with a simple copy-paste action. Back to the 3.3.2 and now nomore problems.


  17. ricciare

    Ouch!! sorry for the copy-messages … errors typing captcha codes, but I see the messages have been equally posted.


  18. solarfields

    thanks for the package!
    seems the quickstarter is not available anymore 🙁

  19. Sam Albuquerque

    Am I the only one or does anyone else feel the Horizontal scrollbar at the bottom in calc is unusable?

  20. ricciare

    Sam, if you’re using a mouse try to click the central button, or the wheel button, on the bar to move it. I’ve just tried it.

    Now working good the Libreoffice 3.4.0

  21. Niki Kovacs

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks very much for the Slackware version of Libreoffice, as well as the localized packages. Works nice here.

  22. HectorH

    MICHAEL: thansk so much. After a security update I had the same problem iand it got resolved the way you just mentioned. Delete .libreoffice dir and re-install it again. It works like a charm.

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