Apart from post-COVID syndrome there were some other setbacks lately, but those were mostly software-centered. Like the fact that I can not build a 32bit Chromium package for instance.
But also the realization that the latest LibreOffice 24.2.0 can no longer be compiled on Slackware 15.0 – its gcc 11.2.0 compiler is considered “too old”.
With the help and insight of Pat Volkerding I was able to compile LibreOffice on Slackware 15.0 anyhow:
I need to test the resulting binaries, and I still need to see whether I can repeat this on 32bit Slackware of course… but it looks promising.
More to follow.
Update 2024-Feb-21:
Wed Feb 21 12:41:50 UTC 2024
libreoffice: updated to 24.2.0 for Slackware 15.0 and -current.
Depends on openjdk17.
openjdk17: added v17.0.10_7 for Slackware 15.0 and newer.
Only install one version of Java!
Cheers, Eric
Thanks a lot for that, Eric!
This version seems to bring worthwhile accessibility enhancement, cf:
https://linuxfr.org/news/libreoffice-24-2-nouvelle-annee-nouvelle-numerotation-nouvelle-version#toc-laccessibilit%C3%A9-enfin-une-priorit%C3%A9 (in French)
I have opened a thread about that in the Orca mailing list:
Not much feedback so far but a least a reliable one from a blind power user:
A soon as you will release the 64bit package I will post about it in the Slint list.
Erratum: the third link in my previous message was wrong, it should have been: https://www.freelists.org/post/orca/Accessbility-enhanced-for-LibreOffice-242,3
thanks for all your work on this. This is one package that I wish was in stock slackware.
Thank you very much Eric.
Hi Eric,
Great to read from you again.
Thank you for this new version of LibreOffice.
Up and running in Slint64-15.0, huge thanks Eric!
Details of installation using slapt-get
1. Enable the repository https://slackware.uk/people/alien/sbrepos/15.0/x86_64/
2. slapt-get –update
3. slapt-get –search libreoffice|grep alien
4. slapt-get -s -i libreoffice-l10n-fr-24.2.0-x86_64-1alien
The output told that openjdk11 would be installed as a dependency (according to the metadata). But as you wrote that openjdk17 was needed instead I did:
5. slapt-get –search openjdk|grep alien
6. slapt-get -i openjdk17-17.0.10_7-x86_64-1alien
7. slapt-get –no-dep -i libreoffice-24.2.0-x86_64-1alien
8. slapt-get -i libreoffice-l10n-fr-24.2.0-x86_64-1alien
9. slapt-get -i libreoffice-dict-fr-24.2.0-x86_64-1alien
It seems I forgot to update the slack-required file. That will be fixed in the next libreoffice update.
Is this missing in the openjdk package ?
( cd usr/lib64 ; rm -rf libawt.so )
( cd usr/lib64 ; ln -sf java/lib/libawt.so libawt.so )
Did you miss it during the last 12 years?
No, but from time to time I “ldd” almost everything, and it was “not found”. And I saw also these two lines in the doinst.sh in the SBo openjdk17
Using “ldd” you will get false positives; Java programs find their libraries via the $JAVA_HOME environment variable.
Also, the ‘openjdk” package contains version 8; latest JDK package version I released is 17. Things change over the course of the years.
Hi Eric, I am glad your health it is better and thanks for your effort keeping libreoffice alive.
I am glad that you are getting better.
Thank you for all your efforts.
Much respect to you!
Hey thanks for the libreoffice update!
In current, Python scripts are not seen after move to python 3.11. libpythonloaderlo.so and libpyuno.so try to link to libpython3.9.so.1.0.
I’ll see if I can find time to fix the package.
Thanks for the fix.
Hello Eric,
Have you, or anyone who uses extensions, run into extensions failing to work with LO 2.4.2?
The affected extensions which most impact the things I do are:
AltSearch, codehighlighter2, APSO, MSI.
As an aside, is it possible that you would have a roll-back packge to
Thanks for all you do.
Andrew Patrzalek
Typo: LO 24.2.2, not LO 2.4.2
libreoffice-24.2.2-x86_64-2alien.txz has resolved the issue with the extensions.
Thanks for the quick turnaround.
Hi AlienBob, sorry for the “necro-comment” 🙂 I want to run LibreOffice with qt5 gui but LO seems to run only with gtk3. I don’t like much gtk3, I think it uses too much screen space to draw the gadgets. gen works ok. I would like to run LO with qt5, but running “SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 libreoffice”, it loads gtk3 instead. Same with kf5.
This is LibreOffice 520(Build:3) in Slackware 15.0.
When I uncomment “export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5” in /etc/profile.d/libreoffice.sh but also when I run “export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 ; lowriter” I get to start LibreOffice with the Qt5 interface, as evidenced by the “about LibreOffice” dialog box which states “User Interface: UI render: default; VCL: qt5 (cairo+xcb)”.
The question is – what part of the user interface did you expect to change?
Also, I do not know what “LibreOffice 520(Build:3)” is but it does not sound like my own package.
Thanks for the reply. The LibreOffice 520(Build:3) I got running “libreoffice –version”. Yes, I also edited libreoffice.sh in /etc/profile.d, then logout and login to no avail. Also running “export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=qt5 ; lowriter” doesn’t work. This is the text in the about box when running it
“Version: (X86_64) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: 520(Build:3)
CPU threads: 8; OS: Linux 6.13; UI render: default; VCL: gtk3
Locale: pt-BR (pt_BR.UTF-8); UI: pt-BR
SlackBuild for 25.2.0 by Eric Hameleers
Calc: threaded”.
It seems that something in my system is preventing LO from starting in qt5 mode.