My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Chromium 100 available

The Chromium version has reached a triple-digit number: I have uploaded new packages for Chromium 100 (Slackware 14.2 and newer, 32bit as well as 64bit). Specifically it is the release 100.0.4896.60 which was announced a few days ago. It fixes a number of vulnerabilities with the criticality label “high” which usually means it can crash your browser but not compromise your computer.

Google currently maintains a release schedule for Chromium where a new major version (98, 99, 100, …) is made available every month. This means that new features are not added with a big bang after being beta-tested for months, but the browser’s feature list will evolve over time.

For instance, this 100 release will be the last release where your UserAgent string mentions details about your OS; now it is still “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.60 Safari/537.36“.

A return to Chromium 100 of a lost feature, is the ability to use the audio indicator in a browser tab to directly mute that tab. When website plays audio in a tab, the tab strip will mention that “audio is playing” when you hover your mouse over it, and it shows a speaker icon. Now, when you explicitly enable it with the flag “chrome://flags/#enable-tab-audio-muting” you can click that speaker icon to mute  the sound immediately instead of having to right-click first and then select “mute this site”.

Get chromium packages here (NL mirror) or here (US mirror). The chromium-ungoogled packages are still waiting for the source code to be released. I expect that to happen any time and then I’ll build and upload those packages too.

Enjoy the weekend, Eric


  1. David Chmelik

    Chromium is fast but because of various recent years’ news (increasing tracking/advertising, etc.) I’m interested in your ungoogled Chromium, but apparently it doesn’t load previous Chromium profiles you have. I wonder if copying one in defeats purpose or might work… maybe all I’d need is addons/extensions/plugins, tabs, bookmarks, accounts, some settings but unsure…
    I hope ungoogled will be available on other Unix/GNU/Linux OSs… I’d suggest such a browser to family members but Slackware is too difficult for them and I can’t maintain it or Salix/etc. for as easily as a distribution oriented to users who started after PCs became popular…

    • alienbob

      David, you should read the articles I wrote on the blog before asking these questions:

      If you want to use Un-googled Chromium on other Linux-es, well that’s not within my scope of interest, I will only discuss its use on Slackware.
      There are pre-built binaries for a lot of OS-es including MS Windows, Linux and Android here: – YMMV.

      • David Chmelik

        I forgot about those. I looked and they’re helpful, and seem to imply you can copy your entire profile but don’t say (neither does the FAQ) how safe that is in terms of whether it might enable some nefarious things Google does or it’s best to start all over or only copy certain files/directories/folders…

        • alienbob

          I made no such implication. I also do not recommend copying/renaming your Chromium profile.
          I only stated: “The first time you start my chromium-ungoogled it will create a profile directory “~/.config/chromium-ungoogled” which means you can use regular Chromium and the un-googled chromium in parallel, they will not pollute or affect each other’s profiles.”

          Again, read those two articles because in there you will find the instructions on how to export your data from Chromium and import those into Un-googled Chromium.

  2. Marco

    Thanks! Waiting for the ungoogled version.
    Finally easy muting! Still I wish Chomium would only mute the tab you’re muting and not the whole domain…, Firefox does that better (one of the few things Firefox does better).

  3. JanR

    Hello Eric,

    Please could you put the chromium-99 packages (at least for slack 14.2 32bit) again for download for a while.
    The chromium-100 has so many graphical artifact bugs here (inverted blacked out search field history [visible with google when I type something into the searchbox], strange blacked out places and overlapping pictures on facebook, etc.) that I want to return back to -99 for a while. I did a mistake of blindly trusting the -100 for improvements and upgrading from 99.0.4844.82-i586-1alien, which, as I see, has already disappeared from your site, and I managed to delete it locally too… Next time I’ll be more careful I promise.
    Looks like chromium devs have decided to break more and more things and leave them unfixed with -100. 🙁
    Thanks for your time & understanding,

    • alienbob

      Hi Jan

      You can find that package in for the next 24 hours.

      • JanR

        Thanks a TON, Patrick.

        • alienbob

          What did Patrick do?

          • JanR

            God… Eric. Pardon me, havent slept at all.

  4. JanR

    Few words of warning for those, who might decide to return to the -99 version from -100 without using their previously backed up -99 chromium profile like me – take an opportunity to learn from errors of others: if you dont do, expect the following:
    – All the open tabs wont disappear, they just wont load. You’ll have to mannually confirm each URL by ‘Enter’ so that they load again.
    – All the cookies are gone. You’ll have to reconfirm each and every cookie…

  5. JanR

    Today I tried to upgrade to & start 100.0.4896.75-i586-1alien on 14.2. It crashed with the following error:

    …(usual messages)…
    [8578:8578:0406/] dri3 extension not supported.
    [0406/204534.360616:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
    Trace/breakpoint trap

    • alienbob

      If you find a patch that fixes the issue, let me know so I can apply it.
      I tested 100.0.4896.75 in a 32bit Virtual Machine (with –disable-seccomp-filter-sandbox) and did not see any crash.
      I run 100.0.4896.75 (as with every earlier version) on a 64bit physical machine every day, all day, without any crash.

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