KDE Software Compilation 4.6.2.

A second bugfix & translation update release for the KDE 4.6 series became available on April 6. Read all about it on the announcement page.

And since we are nearing the release of Slackware 13.37 it will be safe to say that I have uploaded “my KDE 4.6.2 packages for Slackware 13.37“. If there is no official release yet by the time you read this post, then of course you will be able to run the packages on “Slackware 13.37 Release Candidate 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716” as well – because that is what I built them on.

Be sure to follow the installation/upgrade instructions in the accompanying README file! There are a few of Slackware’s own official packages that have to be upgraded, or even removed. You can search this blog for my earlier KDE 4.6 related posts if you want to know more about its evolution. Or even better, subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed so you don’t miss out on my updates any more.

Anyway, get the packages from one of the following locations (the mirrors may need a bit of time to get re-synchronized with the master):

Things did not blow up on my laptop after installation, which was according to plan. The stability of KDE 4.6.x is increasing with every point release.


I ran into one regression. There is a “bug” in KDM which prevents shutdown. You will actually end up in a tty and have to manually run “shutdown -h now”. The default shutdown command which is issued by KDM has apparently been changed to “/sbin/shutdown -p now” but the “-p” parameter is not supported on Linux. See https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=270228 for a description of this KDE 4.6.2 specific bug.

According to the bug report you can solve this by editing the file “/etc/kde/kdm/kdmrc” and changing a single line:



HaltCmd="/sbin/shutdown -h now"

… but when I tested this it did not make a difference. It just looks as if KDM is not reading that custom commandline. It was well after midnight when I tried it so I gave up and went to bed. I welcome all feedback.

Have fun! Eric