My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Progressing with KDE 4.7.0

Quick teaser… I am progrressing well with my modular KDE SlackBuild script as you can see if you examine the screenshot closely.

I am currently rebuilding the 32-bit package-set to verify that everything can be built in one command and without further interaction. I am running the 64-bit version of KDE 4.7.0 on this laptop while I am posting the article, and the package count has gone up to 75… which includes 6 packages of “extragear”, where kplayer is a new package to provide us with a decent KDE front-end to mplayer. All is looking good so far! I hope to get these packages out in time for the Slackers who will be attending the Desktop Summit in Berlin, next weekend.

Cheers, Eric


  1. Wild Wizard

    Nice to see you have directed your attention to KDE 4.7 Eric.

    If your interested here is my latest kde 4.7 build setup which includes a Build.kde script to build the thing in one go.

  2. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    Thanks for the efforts Eric πŸ™‚

  3. Nille

    Yay \o/ I was worried about that the “Gnomisation” of KDE would make it an no no.
    “the package count has gone up to 75”, That’s scary.

  4. Eduardo

    Thank you Eric!

  5. David

    Great news Eric πŸ™‚
    Thanks a lot

  6. Klemen

    Thank you so very much for all your amazing work packaging KDE software for us Slackers. Can’t wait since I read so many people talking about the new release and so many good things are said about it. Thanks again!

  7. alienbob

    Hi wildwizard

    I did in fact look at your build script archive which you originally posted on . It was based on the modularized x11.SlackBuild and that was the way I wanted to go too.

    However your SlackBuild did not (at least at that time) build all packages unattended, it still lacked a lot of slack-desc files and not all the code in the original SlackBuild scripts ended up in your KDE scripts. So I decided to continue with my own effort which I had started sometime ago (but then I lacked the time to complete it). And I managed to compile kdeaccessibility without speechd (a situation which I already solved for KDE 4.6.5).

    I’ll still have a look at how you have expanded your SlackBuild to compile all of KDE in a single command. It never hurts to compare my ideas to yours.

    Cheers, Eric

  8. BroX

    Great news!
    Thanks for your efforts, they’re highly appreciated!

  9. Wild Wizard

    The kdeaccessibility thing was fixed upstream with the actual release so there is no patch there.

    The only real thing that bugs me is the lack of docs, though this is more to do with the source packages then the build system. The x11 build system lets you drop in a modified configure script for any particular package but the actual make command is within the main script, this could be split out in the long run if things go that way.

    I did at one point actually go and create slack-desc files for everything then I went and re-read some stuff that was posted in the linuxforums thread about keeping the packages together instead of splitting them out.

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