My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Please developers don’t hurt me!


In a few days’ time, there were new releases of major and highly visible pieces of software: VLC, LibreOffice and KDE. I so happen to package all of these as “unofficial” additions to Slackware. I had a few hectic days (well, nights) preparing binaries, testing, rebuilding and writing changelogs and blog posts. I think it’s time for a bit of rest & relaxation, because I also have a stressful day job, and it was becoming a bit too heavy, all combined.

Praise to all of you, but please developers, get a drink, visit long-forgotten friends and let me get my breath back…

I think my next blog post will be a food recipe.

End of communication.


  1. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    Thanks Eric for the hard works
    Get some rest for a while while other people start testing your packages 🙂

  2. eternauta2001

    Thanks for all your work!

    But I have a request: ffmpeg 0.6.1 🙂

  3. escaflown

    🙂 Well deserved rest Eric.

  4. abul-jauzaa

    thx for your hard works for the community mr eric !
    thx a lot.

  5. Alex

    Thank you so much — you really deserve a break!
    Don’t return before your batteries are fully loaded, again!

    Although we are all looking forward to your next posts and packages, of course… 😉


  6. Chango

    Thank you very much for all the hard work. LibreOffice especially, a great contribution. 😉

  7. zbreaker

    Eric..chill out for a spell..a well deserved respite is in order for all you’ve worked on lately.

  8. Ellendhel

    A big thanks for all your work and thoses freshs packages releases!

  9. LoneStar

    haha nobody can protest .. you do even too much 🙂
    do you want some italian recipe? lol

  10. gui_ap

    Thanks Alien.

  11. mlangdn

    Thanks again, Eric!
    Just got both KDE and LibreOffice installed. Time to go play!

  12. Bill Kirkpatrick

    I’ve just finished installing all three packages & all seems well. Too bad handbrake couldn’t have come out now, too, lol. Many thanks.

  13. factotum

    Don’t hurt you??!! Please!! I’ve known of you for years and just a few moments ago found that you have a blog.

    Since I started, with Slackware 9, I owe you a gigantic thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. escaflown

    Hi Eric. Any new multilib update to go with the updates in current? Thanks!

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