My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

LibreOffice 7.3.3 and an update for Chromium 101

LibreOffice Community Edition is now at version 7.3.3. Read yesterday’s announcement on the Document Foundation blog to get the details of this incremental (bug-fix) update.
The 7.3.x releases are the bleeding edge of this popular office suite but nevertheless really stable software.
Support for Microsoft’s proprietary DOCX, XLSX and PPTX files will probably never be 100% spot-on but there is no other Open Source office suite that comes close to the excellent interoperability that LibreOffice offers.

A new set of libreoffice-7.3.3 packages for Slackware 15.0 and -current is now available in my repository.
Note that I compiled them on Slackware 15.0 so if you install them on Slackware -current you will also need to install ‘icu4c-compat‘. This is another package in my repository which contains older versions of the icu4c libraries, in particular the version that is part of Slackware 15.0 but no longer part of -current.

Get libreoffice packages from my own Europe-based server: or my US-based server: ;or any mirror if you wait a day, for instance .
These servers all offer rsync access if you prefer that to http.


I also provided an incremental update for regular and un-googled Chromium as part of Google’s bug-fix program.
Updated packages for chromium and chromium-ungoogled bring the version of this browser to 101.0.4951.54, supporting Slackware 14.2 and newer.
They can be downloaded from the usual places like , , or .

Enjoy the new releases – Eric


  1. Michael Langdon

    Thanks Eric!

  2. Konrad J Hambrick

    Thanks Eric.
    I installed chromium-ungoogled, chromium and libreoffice this morning on Slackware64 15.0 + Multilib.
    Posting from chromium-ungoogled and have been using libreoffice `scalc` all morning.
    — kjh

  3. gegechris99

    Thanks Eric for latest LO and chromium-ungoogled packages.
    I don’t have the horsepower to compile those big applications by myself within a reasonable time.
    Granted, LO is available as a repackaged binary at SBO but having a package built on and for Slackware gives it a special “flavor”.

  4. guitarrizer

    Thank you Eric for an excellent job!

  5. Jen

    Thanks for the new Libre Office packages!

  6. DLCBurggraaff

    Dear Eric,
    If building LO takes so long it is understandable that you evade building it under 15.0 as well as under Current. In the 3.5 months since the 15.0 release the differences are already such that running a 15.0-built LO under Current requires two compat packages: boost 1.78.0 => 1.79.0 and icu4c 69.1 => 71.1. And the differences will grow over time …
    Personally I do not like compat packages as they tend to make temporary stopgaps more or less permanent. If really necessary I use more targeted temp packages.
    Just for fun I built LO using your SlackBuild under your slackware64-live-current.iso. The times were:
    — real 51m14.661s
    — user 477m34.275s
    — sys 62m20.482s
    so not as bad as I expected.
    Regards, Dick

    • alienbob

      In the case of Libreoffice the build time is not the determining factor; but disk space is.
      I “hitch a ride” on the server as my primary repository site and disk space is precious and scarce there.
      One set of libreoffice packages (32bit plus 64bit) for a Slackware version consumes 800 MB. If I compile for -current as well as for 15.0 it will take an additional 800 MB from that server space and Pat has commented in the past about disapproving excessive disk usage.
      So, either you install the -compat packages or compile the packages yourself. I provide choice, not dogma.

  7. Marco

    Thanks mate, for the 101.0.4951.64 update!

  8. Achim Griebel

    Thanks a lot for all your great work.
    I really love slackware (just for one or two years) but feel the need of your supportive packages, which I would miss in the bare slackware distribution.

    I updated the LibreOffice, which – at first – did not work, because I am running “current” and I missed out your recent post over here.
    Now I installed your icu4c-compat package as recommended and it runs flawlessly.

    Thanks a lot!
    Great job you are doing!


  9. Marco

    Thanks for the 102.0.5005.61 update!
    Contains a critical security issue, so I appreciate the quick update.

    • alienbob

      Yeah I am unable to compile the 32bit packages due to all kinds of roadblocks Google devs are continuously adding to the code since they seem to be convinced that there is no longer any 32bit Linux in existence.
      Currently I am upgrading my build server from Slackware 14.2 to 15.0 which means at least one day offline. There’s over 1000 packages to upgrade, I had to flash a new UEFI firmware to work with the 5.x kernel reliably, and then I need to see which of my own added software is broken after the upgrade.
      In any case, the scripts I use for package building in QEMU won’t work anymore since the qemu commandline parameters fundamentally changed between the old version 3 I was using and the version 6 I will move to.
      I picked a long holiday weekend for the upgrade, so let’s hope I have everything back up & running on monday.

      • Marco

        Good luck!

        • alienbob

          Upgrade went pretty well, some hurdles to solve related to Samba and QEMU and I really dislike the new TigerVNC behaviour. Oh, and XFCE on Slackware 14.2 looked a lot better than this newer version in Slackware 15.0 (on my server I run a XFCE session 24/7 since it does a lot more than just building packages).
          Some updated packages will hit the repository soon, those are the ones I need on the server that were not working for me.

          • Jen

            I honestly don’t remember what XFCE looked like on 14.2… I gave Enlightenment 25 a try recently, and it’s come a very long way since E16.

  10. Konrad J Hambrick

    Thanks for the updates Eric.
    Posting from chromium-ungoogled-102.0.5005.61-x86_64
    Works great as always
    — kjh

  11. Fellype

    Hi Eric!
    What about to offer zulu-openjdk11 in your repo and build LibreOffice against it with Java support enabled? This would solve the problem of LO plugins that require Java support (like Zotero). I’ve tested it (Christoph Willing has tested it for me before) with the LO package at SBo and it works fine.
    By the way, congratulations for you work in supporting the Slackware users with your packages. I use many of them.

    • alienbob

      I can’t find the sources for zulu-openjdk11 so chances are pretty much down to zero that I am going to package that. What you could do if you really need Java support. is install this zulu-openjdk11 yourself and then recompile libreoffice against it.

  12. ZeroUno

    Please, add icu4c-compact in slack-required (then in packages.txt) and repository’s metadata


    • alienbob

      That’s a good suggestion ZeroUno, I will add that for the next update.

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