My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

LibreOffice 5.3.4 packages for -current

libreoffce_logoWhen looking for package updates in preparation for a new Slackware Live PLASMA5 edition, I noticed that the Document Foundation had released LibreOffice 5.3.4 without updating their blog with the news – it’s only mentioned on the download page.
I have built and uploaded Slackware-current packages for libreoffice-5.3.4. If you are on Slackware 14.2 you will probably have to skip this one, as I will not have time for compiling packages the coming weeks (allocates one virtual machine for one day per build, since I can only check on progress in the evenings).
The package for -current needed to be (re-)built anyway because of the library issue with Slackware’s updated libGLEW which prevented Impress to start.

Check out the LO releasenotes if you want:

The libreoffice packages for Slackware can be downloaded from a mirror like this one:

Have fun! Eric


  1. Eduardo

    I installed and LO runs fine here. Thanks Eric!!

  2. cwizardone

    Many thanks. Greatly appreciated.

  3. Fellype

    Hello Eric!
    If possible, please build libreoffice-5.3.5 for Slackware 14.2 when LO is released (probably in the first week of August).
    Best regards.

  4. alienbob

    Fellype, perhaps in August I will have time to do that.

  5. Nicola

    Thanks Eric, but make attention: LO 5.3.4 32 bit with kernels 4.11.7 and 4.11.8 have problems, while to let everything work good, at the moment you must stay up to kernel 4.11.6. That’s a problem affecting just the 32bit systems & odt documents. LO correctly starts but if you try to open an odt document when it’s near to be completely loaded … LO crashes! This happens also with LO 5.3.3

  6. alienbob

    Nicola, I fail to see how that would affect what I do with my packages?

  7. Nicola

    Eric, nothing .. just a suggestion for persons that still have a 32bit system not to use kernel versions 4.11.7 and 4.11.8 (at the moment) because Libreoffice will crash opening odt files.

  8. Nicola

    Solved!: you can use also kernels released after 24th June, included, and have no LO crashes cause of a JAVA segmentation fault.
    On boot you just have to pass to the kernel this parameter: stack_guard_gap=1

  9. Attilio

    the writer crash starting

  10. Attilio

    The parametri (stack_guard_gap=1) solves my problem. Thanks!!!

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