My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

LibreOffice 4.3.5 built for Slackware, with 4.4.0 not far off

There was an announcement a few days ago by The Document Foundation about their latest release. LibreOffice 4.3.5 is now available for download. When browsing the download directories, I noticed that sources for 4.4.0 are already present there, but since there is no public announcement yet, I chose to ignore those sources for now. The 4.3.5 release targets “individual and enterprise users” and fixes 70 bugs compared to the previous version – which is perfect for a Slackware 14.1 user.

But I think the upcoming 4.4.0 version will not be as stable and therefore I may not be compiling packages for it as soon as the sources go public. Maybe I will target only slackware-current, but only if I have time (a libreoffice package compilation for a single architecturetakes roughly 14 hours here in a virtual machine).

My LibreOffice 4.3.5 packages for Slackware 14.1 and -current are ready for download from the usual mirror locations:

Reminder to all of you who also have my KDE 5 packages installed: do not use the updated harfbuzz from my ‘ktown‘ repository because it will break LibreOffice. If you are using Matteo Rossini’s slackpkg+ extension to slackpkg then you can configure it so that Slackware’s own harfbuzz package is preferred over the version which accompanies my KDE 5 packages. See this LQ thread for the details.

Have fun! Eric


  1. cmyster

    Eric, lets take this offline I might cough up a bare metal or two and upload the binaries to wherever.

  2. gegechris99

    Again, Thank You Eric for taking the pain to provide updated packages of LO. This is a really-appreciated contribution to the Slackware ecosystem.

  3. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    Thanks Eric! I really appreciate the extra mile(s) you go for us. 🙂

  4. Davide

    Hi Eric and thanks for the release;

    just a question: which npapi framework do you use? I have a problem with a #define removed from the seamonkey one which make me to fail the build.

  5. alienbob

    Hi Davide,

    On my build box (virtual machines) I am usually a bit careful with seamonkey upgrades, precisely for the reason you outline.
    I have compiled LibreOffice using seamonkey-2.29.1.

  6. Oleg

    Again, thanks for your work (from Russia)!

    And one question:
    do you plan to compile KDE-5 (framework, plasma, applications)?

  7. alienbob

    Hi Oleg

    Yes I am thinking about the KDE 5 stuff at the moment. I have a few things on my pre-christmas TODO which I want to have out of the way first: there is need for a new pipelight and wine-pipelight package, and I want to create a git repository for my ‘ktown’ sources before I start working on the KDE 5 packages. The KDE 4 series were easily contained, because of the fact that all sources were released at the same time, but if I want to keep a proper history for KDE 5 I will have to use a version control system.

  8. Niki Kovacs

    I think it’s Matteo (Rossini), not Mario.

  9. alienbob

    Absolutely right, Niki. I have updated the post.

  10. gauchao

    Thank you again, Eric! Nice upgrade!

  11. gauchao

    Hello Eric, than you for your job and the time you have spent on it. I haven’t found the mozilla-plugin package for libreoffice 4.4.0. Maybe the mirrors are not fully updated?

    All the best.

  12. gauchao

    Sorry – I forgot to mention the packages are for slack64 14.1 current.

  13. alienbob

    The LibreOffice browser plugin (NPAPI based) has been removed in 4.4.0:

  14. gauchao

    Thank you for the information, Eric. Cheers.

  15. Miti

    @alienbob i’m not sure

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