My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Last week’s package harvest and more

Last week I made my build server at home churn through a lot of packages, let me summarize what became available recently in my slackbuilds repository:

  • I added ‘NetworkManager-openvpn‘ which is a plugin for NM adding support for OpenVPN connections. I needed this for myself since I recently started using the services of Private Internet Access (PIA). All I needed in addition was the ZIP file with OpenVPN configurations. If you need more instructions about how to setup the PIA VPN let me know and I will wrote some more about that. I also added this plugin to my PLASMA5 Live Edition.
  • I upgraded ‘Handbrake‘ to 1.0.3 which also fixed the libvpx library error on -current.
  • I updated the Flash Player plugins for Mozilla and Chromium browsers to (this is a security update).
  • I updated Chromium and its Widevine plugin to 57.0.2987.98. There is a slightly newer release out already but that will have to wait a bit.
  • I updated LibreOffice to 5.3.1 (packages for -current only but I will build them for 14.2 too).

I did more than that; I also updated the front page of my ‘bear’ server with the information that you can access it over secure HTTP (https), and added a link to my post about the CACert issue with Mozilla and Google browsers. Furthermore I added more detail about the dynamically generated ISOs for Slackware-current (the installation DVD and the Live Edition).

I will spend my next post writing about the new KDE 5_17.03 edition which I uploaded to my ‘ktown’ repository, but let me mention here that I already uploaded a new PLASMA5 variant of the Slackware Live Edition which contains a “work in progress” version of this new Plasma 5 release (work in progress because I decided to add more packages later). I did not mention that in any previous post.
Along with that Plasma 5 Live ISO I also uploaded a variant containing the very fresh MATE 1.18 (thanks to Willy for providing me with the tried & tested packages). So there is enough to play with 🙂
I am actually considering a new spin of the PLASMA5 Live ISO because it allows me to offer the complete KDE-5_17.03 including the Kdenlive non-linear video editor in the Live OS, along with the latest LibreOffice.

Enough for now, check out my follow-up post for the news about my new Plasma 5 ‘ktown’ release.

Have fun! Eric


  1. Gabriel

    Good stuff!

    I tried to set up Chromium and Flash to be updated using slackpkgplus with the /people/alien/slackbuilds/ mirror with no success, is it possible?

  2. Janis

    and if it could have digikam as an extra…

  3. alienbob

    Janis, digikam has too many package dependencies that I do not want to add to my regular repository.
    It is now available in my Plasma 5 repository. If you want to try it, download my Live ISO (PLASMA5 variant). If you want to use its KF5 (KDE Frameworks) port, you’ll have to migrate to Plasma 5.

  4. alienbob

    Gabriel, you can share your slackpkgplus.conf file and then I will point out what needs to be changed to support my slackbuilds repository. Please also mention the version and architecture of Slackware you are running.

  5. Gabriel

    Slackware x64 (current)

    PKGS_PRIORITY=(multilib ktown current misc)
    REPOPLUS=( ktown multilib current misc )


    #this is what i tried

  6. Gabriel

    Okay, i guess i fixed it.

    You had already answered this question back in 2013 on your original slackpkg+ article.

  7. alienbob

    Gabriel, two remarks:

    (1) I guess you found out that you needed to change “slackbuilds/” into “sbrepos/current/x86_64/” at the end of my repository URL.

    (2) you should not put an actual Slackware repository URL in there (your ‘current’ repository). The Slackware repository is configured in /etc/slackpkg/mirrors and only there. Having it also mentioned in the slackpkgplus.conf file will only bring trouble.

  8. Janis

    On digikam – how deep deps has one in your repo? Does it have hugin?


    Hi , cause you talk arround multilib in the article , i have a little suggestion.

    Can put inside 32dev export for ARCH ?

    Cause the profiles configure an 32bits enviroment i think probably including

    export ARCH=i586

    Its possible ?


  10. alienbob

    No, I am not going to export ARCH into the environment, this is something you need to do yourself.


    OK , and sorry , i post in another article..thinking im on PLASMA5 article.


    Im noob

  12. Carles

    Hi Eric,

    I’m very interested to receive more instructions about how to setup the PIA VPN.

    Thanks for your attention.

    • Carles

      I have contracted PIA VPN. Thanks Eric for commenting about this provider. It works very well and is very easy to configure in any client ( Slackware of course, FreeBSD, iOS, Android, etc. Thanks again.

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