My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

KDE SC 4.4.5 for Slackware 13.1

Well folks, we had short discussion about who would do the first build of KDE SC 4.4.5 for Slackware. But since Pat is on other duties at the moment, I took the opportunity to release a set of packages for the recently released KDE Software Compilation 4.4.5. ( KDE people, there is a lack of Slackware team members at Akademy this year… let us know in advance next year and I will make an effort to be there! )

Anyway, you can find the packages for Slackware 13.1 (32-bit as well as 64-bit) in my ktown repository. This time, there are several non-KDE packages which received an update, Qt being the largest of those. Qt 4.6.3 is supposed to fix a few bugs that affect KDE’s plasma desktop. You will find the updated dependencies in the “deps” directory.

There is a README which explains the straight-forward  installation/upgrade steps.

I expect that slackware-current will follow suit (soon-ish… perhaps in one of two weeks?) with an official set of packages from Pat, and with the same updates to non-KDE packages which should make the upgrade from my packages to slackware-current real easy.

I invite you to check out my KDE packages  before that time (your feedback gives us the chance to iron out any wrinkles before KDE 4.4.5 enters slackware-current).

In case you had not noticed earlier, there are koffice-2.2.0 packages too, inside the KDE 4.4.5 directory tree. I had built them after I uploaded KDE 4.4.4 but they never got a real good announcement. By the way, if you subscribe to my ktown RSS feed, you will not miss out on updates like that!

Now that koffice-2.2.1 is about to be released, I hope that Pat uses that for the next Slackware update.

Have fun!



  1. Budhaditya Saha

    Great Work as usual!

    A small problem though, i upgraded all the packages including Qt 4.6.3, but Qt still displays its version as 4.6.2!

  2. Budhaditya Saha

    Using Qt version 4.6.2 in /usr/lib64/qt/lib

  3. JokerBoy

    it seems to be a problem with akonadi, every time i login into kde “starting akonadi server” pops-out. removing akonadi made it go like it should.. i did a fresh install of slackware 13.1 and then from the console upgraded the kde packages.

  4. Geovanni

    Thank you very much Eric, I was hoping for this KDE version.

  5. MoRpHeUz

    Well, not somebody from the slackware teams, but for sure slackware fans! Me, Troy and Sebastian Renard are here 🙂 Slackware ftw 😉

  6. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    Thanks for the packages Erik. It’s working great here 🙂

  7. Darkstarfire

    Will be if you could also compile the newly-launched K3B
    2.0 with support for additional codecs (ffmpeg), and provide
    on one of your repositories?

    Grateful and thank you for your tireless work!

  8. spc

    It appears that upstream doesn’t consider Slackware as a worthy KDE proponent. Cheers

  9. alienbob

    @Budhaditya Saha –
    Indeed, I downloaded the incorrect git snapshot for Qt from de kde-developer repository… it is still 4.6.2 even though it was tagged as 4.6.3. The mistake is probably mine.
    I am building a new Qt package – this time a real 4.6.3 – at the moment. The 64-bit package is done already and working fine on my desktop. After I finish building the 32-bit package they will both be uploaded to my ktown repository, replacing the “bogus” 4.6.3 versions.

    Thanks for noticing, Eric

  10. alienbob

    @spc –
    I don’t think the situation is that disastrous 🙂 Proven by some of the KDE folk with a visible profile, posting a comment on this page.


  11. alienbob

    @ MoRpHeUz, Troy and Sebastian Renard –
    Thanks for passing by and leaving your “postcard from Finland”. Hope you have fun there. Troy promised to update me about KDE’s branding effort…. as well as provide several improved slack-desc files 🙂

    Cheers, Eric

  12. Thomas

    After having installed the latest Qt x86_64 package, I now have /usr/lib64/qt/lib/ with the 4.6.2 files and /usr/lib64/qt-4.6.3_ef2e850/lib/ with the 4.6.3 files.

    Is this correct? How does KDE know which of the two to use?

    I compiled all the 4.4.5 KDE packages with the first “bad” Qt package installed. Do I need to recompile now that I’ve got the correct Qt package installed?

    Everything appears to be working fine, I’m just not sure if my new KDE 4.4.5 is aware of the new Qt package.

    Thank you for all your hard work. Without ktown, I simply wouldn’t know what to do to get a new KDE.

  13. JokerBoy

    /usr/lib64/qt-4.6.3_ef2e850/ is only a symlink to /usr/lib64/qt/.

    did you run upgradepkg –reinstall qt-4.6.3_ef2e850-i486-1.txz? for me this way works.

    /usr/lib/qt/bin/qmake –version
    QMake version 2.01a
    Using Qt version 4.6.3 in /usr/lib/qt/lib

  14. alienbob


    Let’s guess: you used “installpkg” instead of “upgradepkg” to upgrade to that newer version of the qt package? You ended up with both the old and the new version of the qt package installed which is an undesired situation.


    # removepkg /var/log/packages/qt-4.6.3_f410443-x86_64-1alien
    # upgradepkg –reinstall /path/to/qt-4.6.3_ef2e850-x86_64-1alien.txz

    These two commands first remove the old package, and then re-install the new package correctly. Don’t run these commands while you’re in X !


  15. alienbob


    Also, there is no need to recompile your KDE packages. Updating qt package is all you need to do.


  16. Thomas

    It works!

    Awesome. Thanks. :o)

  17. Budhaditya Saha


    Thank You Sir, for the quick update on Qt 4.6.3. The new package is perfect.

  18. integrale16

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks a lot for the packages.
    But shouldn’t there also be a new language pack for koffice, like koffice-l10n-de-2.2-noarch-1?

  19. alienbob

    @integrale16 –

    I have not build language packages for koffice, simply because I lack the time… I have only one build box, and it needs to do more than just KDE.


  20. Martin

    Hi Eric,

    just upgraded KDE from v4.4.4 to v4.4.5 using your ktown packages. Everything seems to work fine, using German language files. ‘qtconfig’ now shows the correct version-#, v4.6.3. 🙂 I am running Slackware64 13.1 with the latest packages upgrade.

    Thank you for this, and, of course, for all the other work on Slackware.


  21. mlangdn

    Thanks Eric! All seems well with the upgrade.

  22. Martin

    Hi again,

    sorry to report the following. There seems to be a severe problem with printer settings: The configured printers are shown in System Settings | Printers, but the printer settings are NOT accessible, while ‘system-config-printer’ allows access as expected.

    Really funny things happen with my self-built (SBo script) krusader package (Krusader 2.2.0-beta1). Krusader once started, leads to a random number of copies (up to five copies observed) started in the following KDE session! Other Qt- or GTK-apps don’t show this behaviour. Removing ~/.kde/ so that ‘automagically’ a new one is created, does NOT help to solve the above problems.


  23. greg

    KDE SC 4.4.5 with my Slackware64 13.1 just fits perfectly. You’re great Eric !

  24. Martin

    Problems with Krusader using KDE 4.4.5 (see also comment above)

    It turns out, that a Krusader copy, once started, isn’t removed from memory after Krusader is shut down. For each started Krusader copy there remains one Krusader process in memory after application shutdown. Leaving KDE 4.4.5 and then restarting it, leads to a corresponding number of ‘automagically’ started Krusader processes in the new KDE session (e.g., 5 times starting and exiting Krusader in the previous KDE session ==> 5 Krusader copies started in the new KDE session).

    It’s not quiet clear whether this is a problem with Krusader or KDE 4.4.5. Two different Krusader versions (v2.2.0beta1 and svn 2010-07-10, both compiled for KDE 4.4.5) show the behaviour described above. It could also be a problem of perhaps KDE’s kdeinit4 process. Other Qt-, X11-, or GTK-apps seem to work flawlessly.

    For me it follows, that I have to downgrade to KDE 4.4.4 again. 🙁


  25. Martin

    Sorry for sending the last comment twice. At the first time I got an error message about a wrong security code.

  26. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    And now the official KDE SC 4.4.5 has arrived in -Current with more complete packages in extragears (KTorrent, k3b, and Amarok)

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