My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Tag: 64bit

Updated multilib packages for -current

The recent update of packages in slackware-current demanded a similar update in the set of “compat32” packages for those who are running a 64bit Slackware multilib computer.
On request, I have added two new packages: libaio-compat32 and lzo-compat32. Both packages cover a missing dependency, one for mariadb and the other for cairo. The script will now also create or update these two new packages.

Remember, if you want to check (without actually creating anything) if the script will update any of your compat32 packages or add new ones, just run the script as follows in the directory where you already have your “a-compat32”, “ap-compat32”, …, “xap-compat32” subdirectories (this example uses a local mirror of 32-bit Slackware-current):

# -n -q -i /local/path/to/mirror/of/slackware-current/slackware/

The output could be something like this:

libaio: new package will be converted
lzo: new package will be converted

Official download locations:

Have fun! Eric

Updated 64bit packages for libreoffice-3.3.1


Today, uploaded a set of updated packages of libreoffice-3.3.1 for the 64bit Slackware platform. The packages that I had originally made available were sub-optimal.

What happened? When I compiled libreoffice 3.3.1 earlier this week I used two separate (virtual) machines for that, one running 32bit Slackware and the other 64bit Slackware. Somehow I was not paying attention when I copied the results back into my repository and the correct 64bit packages were overwritten by a flawed attempt of a day earlier.

The packages (version “1alien“) that I originally had in the 64bit repository did not include many of the extensions that should have been bundled (the pdf-import, mysql-connector and report-builder modules for instance) and they did not have a working dictionary install routine either.

The updated 64bit packages (version “2alien“) are the good ones. They contain all the extensions, and several dictionaries in the language packs just like the 32bit packages already had. I advise you to upgrade to these versions of libreoffice-3.3.1 for Slackware64! Note that the 32bit packages were alright  from the beginning – they do not need an update.


PS: This is what my Extensions Manager shows now:

KDE SC 4.4.5 for Slackware 13.1

Well folks, we had short discussion about who would do the first build of KDE SC 4.4.5 for Slackware. But since Pat is on other duties at the moment, I took the opportunity to release a set of packages for the recently released KDE Software Compilation 4.4.5. ( KDE people, there is a lack of Slackware team members at Akademy this year… let us know in advance next year and I will make an effort to be there! )

Anyway, you can find the packages for Slackware 13.1 (32-bit as well as 64-bit) in my ktown repository. This time, there are several non-KDE packages which received an update, Qt being the largest of those. Qt 4.6.3 is supposed to fix a few bugs that affect KDE’s plasma desktop. You will find the updated dependencies in the “deps” directory.

There is a README which explains the straight-forward  installation/upgrade steps.

I expect that slackware-current will follow suit (soon-ish… perhaps in one of two weeks?) with an official set of packages from Pat, and with the same updates to non-KDE packages which should make the upgrade from my packages to slackware-current real easy.

I invite you to check out my KDE packages  before that time (your feedback gives us the chance to iron out any wrinkles before KDE 4.4.5 enters slackware-current).

In case you had not noticed earlier, there are koffice-2.2.0 packages too, inside the KDE 4.4.5 directory tree. I had built them after I uploaded KDE 4.4.4 but they never got a real good announcement. By the way, if you subscribe to my ktown RSS feed, you will not miss out on updates like that!

Now that koffice-2.2.1 is about to be released, I hope that Pat uses that for the next Slackware update.

Have fun!


Multilib Slackware64

By now, the world will be well aware that there was a new release of Slackware Linux last week. Yes, Slackware 13.0 is there… just when I was enjoying a quiet holiday at the french coast. A pity that the release date slipped past the start of my vacation, I always enjoy the virtual “party” when Pat decides to throw the switch.

This also marks the birth of the first stable official release of 64bit Slackware, aka Slackware for the x86_64 architecture, aka Slackware64.  This is a pure-64bit Slackware in the sense that it is unable to compile or run 32bit binaries out of the box. But we took great care to make Slackware64 ready for multilib.  A multilib Linux system has full support for compiling and running both 64bit and 32bit binaries. Pat Volkerding made a decision not to add full multilib capability to Slackware64 initially. Perhaps that will change in future releases.

In the meantime, it is really not hard to add a full multilib layer to Slackware64. The first step would be to build/install multilib versions of gcc and glibc. Then, you have to add 32bit versions of the supporting libraries that your 32bit software will need to run (think of qt, gtk, cups, …. you name it).

Perhaps the mention of “build/install multilib” scared you off?  To make it easy for you, I published a set of pre-built packages that you can install using “upgradepkg –install-new” (gcc and glibc need to be upgraded, the remainder are new packages). You can find those packages at .

To accompany these packages I wrote an article for my Wiki explaining the steps you need to go through.  If you care to give me feedback on my multilib solution, you can do so on the article’s discussion area: .

After completing the intructions, you will have a Slackware system that is capable of building and/or running (among others) Wine, Skype, Citrix client. And many more of course!

Note: if you use slackpkg or another semi-automated package manager, you will have to add the gcc and glibc packages to the update blacklist. If you fail to do so, your package manager will automatically “upgrade” the new multilib gcc and glibc packages to their original pure64 Slackware versions…


Cheers, Eric

Sixty four bits

Question to the readers of this blog who are also users of my SlackBuild scripts…

Who would be interested to see 64bit versions of the packages I have in my repository? Currently I have built and tested “x86_64” packages for ffmpeg, flashplayer-plugin, fontforge, gcc34, mozilla-nss, mplayer, mplayerplug-in, qemu, recordmydesktop, sshfs-fuse, tightvnc, vlc and yasm. Some are simply re-using my unmodified SlackBuild scripts but some were painful to get right on x86_64.

I am a bit hesitant to add them to the repository, (1) because there is no 64bit Slackware and (2) it would mean again higher storage requirements which force me to remove packages for Slackware 11 and older.

The packages will work on slamd64, and probably on bluewhite64 too. I kept the lib64 approach dictated by the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (fhs) which is what slamd64 uses as well.

I would appreciate if you leave a comment- whatever your opinion.

Cheers, Eric