My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

July security updates: Chromium and Flash

I have uploaded new packages for Chromium. The version 67.0.3396.99 was released a month ago but the source remained unavailable for a while and then I “went under” for a while. Now that I finally built and uploaded it, I noticed there’s a new version up today (68.0.3440.75) but I will wait a bit with that one and focus on Plasma5 next.

Get these chromium-67.0.3396.99 packages for Slackware 14.2 and -current overhere:

And then there’s the July security update for Adobe’s Flash Player plugins, which is already two weeks old – also released when I was indisposed.
The version of the flashplayer-plugin (NPAPI plugin for Mozilla based browsers) and the chromium-pepperflash-plugin (PPAPI plugin for Chromium based browsers) is now available as a Slackware package in my repository.

Cheers, Eric


  1. Pet Christy

    Welcome back, Eric! You had us all quite worried for a while, there!


  2. Richard Herbert

    Welcome back, Eric! Rest assured that you were missed. I sincerely hope that all is well now.

  3. kjhambrick

    Thanks a ton, Eric !

    — kjh

  4. Eduardo

    Great to see you back Eric! Thanks for the updates.

  5. todor

    Nice to see you back Eric. At last everything is back to normal again. I hope.

  6. p431i7o

    thanks Eric!

  7. KG Hammarlund

    Great to see that you’re back, and amazing to find the fresh gcc multilib packages available almost directly after the -current upgrades. As said in another forum: you’re a genius.

  8. Deny Dias

    Eric, thaks for these updated packages.

    Are you aware of some sort of trouble with chromium-widevine-plugin with chromium 67? Netflix displays the error M7701-1003 when trying to play anything. Also, I can’t see WidevineCdm listed in chrome://components/.

    Thanks for any reply on this.

  9. Deny Dias

    Nevermind, Eric. Widevine plugin is working perfectly in c67.

    I had ‘Allow protected content playback’ in advanced settings turned off. After enabling it, all went fine.

    Thank you and sorry for the noise. 😉

  10. alienbob

    Hi Deny Dias,

    I had to wait until I got home to test Netflix but indeed, working flawlessly.

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