I want to introduce you to a tool written by Matteo Rossini (nicknamed zerouno of the Italian slacky.it community and contributor of several SlackBuild scripts at SlackBuilds.org as well as creator of the Slackware package search site slakfinder.org) with some serious contributions from phenixia2003, author of compat32pkg.
The tool is “slackpkg+“. It is not a stand-alone piece of software. In fact, it is an extension to Slackware’s package manager “slackpkg“. I will first describe the strengths of “slackpkg” and then come to the reasons why “slackpkg+” was written.
Slackpkg itself is a wrapper around the Slackware pkgtools (installpkg, upgradepkg, removepkg) with built-in package search capabilities and very useful when you want to keep your Slackware installation up to date. It was written with a modular design in mind: it can be extended with new functionality by adding new or extending existing functions in the “/usr/libexec/slackpkg/functions.d/” directory.
Slackpkg is my preferred tool for system upgrades (i.e. upgrading from one Slackware release to the next). People who do not use slackpkg usually have to do much more handywork like reading ChangeLog.txt entries for package additions, updates and removals, and/or follow the official Slackware guideline as found in “UPGRADE.TXT“. One disadvantage of the instructions found in UPGRADE.TXT is that the suggested “upgradepkg –install-new *.t?z” command will install every package you did not yet have installed – not just the packages that were introduced in the latest Slackware release but also the packages which you did not want to install anyway in the past.
Slackpkg allows you to keep full control over the packages that get installed, by showing you lists of candidate packages for every action you want to perform. You can de-select any package you do not want to be acted upon.
So far its strengths. The most heard “complaint” about slackpkg is that it will install and upgrade packages only from official Slackware repositories – it does not support 3rd party package repositories. This is why some users switch to other (unofficial) package managers like slapt-get, which do support 3rd party repositories. Slackware spin-offs like Salix and Vector use slapt-get. Slackpkg also does not allow you to keep a Slackware multilib installation correctly updated. The community tool compat32pkg was written for that purpose.
Both these issues (3rd party repository support and multilib support) are addressed in the slackpkg+ extension to slackpkg.
Slackpkg+ is NOT a new tool with new commands. Because it extends slackpkg, you can continue to use the well-known slackpkg commands after adding your 3rd party repository configuration:
# slackpkg update gpg
# slackpkg update
# slackpkg install openjdk
# slackpkg upgrade-all
The slackpkg+ extension also extends the search functionality in slackpkg:
# slackpkg search vlc DONE The list below shows all packages with name matching "vlc". [ Status ] [ Repository ] [ Package ] installed alienbob phonon-vlc-0.6.0-x86_64-1alien upgrade alienbob npapi-vlc-20130818-x86_64-1alien --> npapi-vlc-20130408-x86_64-1alien upgrade alienbob vlc-20130819-x86_64-1alien --> vlc-2.0.8-x86_64-1alien installed alienbob_current npapi-vlc-20130818-x86_64-1alien installed alienbob_current vlc-20130819-x86_64-1alien upgrade restricted npapi-vlc-20130818-x86_64-1alien --> npapi-vlc-20130408-x86_64-1alien upgrade restricted vlc-20130819-x86_64-1alien --> vlc-2.0.8-x86_64-1alien installed restricted_current npapi-vlc-20130818-x86_64-1alien installed restricted_current vlc-20130819-x86_64-1alien You can search specific files using "slackpkg file-search file".
You probably noticed that the package “vlc” is listed several times in this search exxample. That happens because I have this package in several repositories. You can (as shown further down) configure slackpkg+ with the correct priority in which these repositories are consulted when installing/upgrading software, so that the correct package will always be used.
Let me show you how I use slackpkg+ to maintain my computers.
I run Slackware-current 64-bit, with multilib added. I install my packages from multilib-current as well as my Slackware 14.0 package repository. Sometimes, I create a package specifically for Slackware-current (such as calibre, vlc, …) because the Slackware 14.0 version of that package will not work on Slackware-current. In such a case I want slackpkg to install the -current package and not the 14.0 package.
This is my configuration file “/etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf”:
PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib:.* restricted_current:.* restricted:.* alienbob_current:.* alienbob:.* ktown:.* )
REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus multilib ktown alienbob alienbob_current restricted )
A breakdown of these lines:
- You will notice that I have a local webserver running in my LAN (IP address but you can use any public webserver which hosts these repositories. Having the repositories mirrored locally in the LAN has benefits for download speeds of course.
- The variable “SLACKPKGPLUS” determines whether the functionality of slackpkg+ will be enabled at all. If you set it to”off” then slackpkg will not use any of the new code. The default is “on”
- The “MIRRORPLUS” variables define an array of 3rd party repositories which you want slackpkg to know about.The array indices of the MIRRORPLUS array (like ‘alienbob’, ‘restricted’, ‘ktown’, etc…) are used in other variables, as will be explained next:
- The “REPOPLUS” variable defines which of the 3rd party repositories you have defined in MIRRORPLUS are actually actively used. The order in which the repositories are mentioned is not important.
- That repository order is important in the “PKGS_PRIORITY” variable. With this variable, you can force priority for certain repositories, or even for individual packages in these repositories. For instance, having “multilib:.*” listed first, means that my multilib package always have priority over the Slackware versions of these packages (gcc and glibc to be specific). Also, by defining the order “alienbob_current:.* alienbob:.*” I will ensure that when a package (such as calibre) is found in both repositories, slackpkg will install the one from the “-current” repository. The “.*” behind the repository’s name is a wildcard meaning “any package“. If you want you can make that more specific, like “restricted:vlc” which means “the vlc package in the ‘restricted’ repository“.
You will probably have added 3rd party packages to your slackpkg blacklist. When you install slackpkg+ you should of course remove those blacklist lines! If you don’t, then slackpkg will never show those blacklisted packages…
For instance, the lines you need to remove from “/etc/slackpkg/blacklist” in order to let slackpkg/slackpkg+ manage my packages, are:
Similar to enabling a Slackware repository for your specific Slackware version and architecture in /etc/slackpkg/mirrors , you will add additional 3rd party repositories in /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf . Take good care that you only add repositories which contain packages compatible with your particular version and architecture of Slackware ! The example repositories which I showed you above are suited for my Slackware64-current-with-multilib installation. If you are running Slackware 14.1 you should add repositories that offer packages for Slackware 14.1.
As a rule of thumb, do not mix packages for different versions of Slackware. Specifically, do not attempt to install packages for a more recent version of Slackware than you have installed on your computer. Most packages built for an older release of Slackware will still work on newer versions of Slackware (as an example, Slackware64-current contains several packages that have not changed since 13.0 and those still work).
The slackpkg tool parses the Slackware ChangeLog.txt to determine which packages are being added to Slackware. It looks for strings like “Added.” in the changelog when you run the command “slackpkg install-new”. This functionality does not work for 3rd party repositories. That means I can not simply run “slackpkg upgrade kde” to get my newest KDE “ktown” release installed – any package which is not present in Slackware itself, will not be installed with that command. On the other hand; keeping your “ktown” installed packages up to date afterwards, is easy with slackpkg+ because it will detect any upgrade to individual packages. .
The “slackpkg+” extension has its homepage on http://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+.html You can find more of slackpkg+ here:
- The git source code: https://github.com/zuno/slackpkgplus.git
- Packages (including source) for the stable releases: http://www.slakfinder.org/slackpkg+/
If you have a set of packages that are not part of any repository yet, and you want to create your own slackpkg+-compatible repository for them, you should check out an older article on this blog: http://alien.slackbook.org/blog/local-slackware-mirror/ . In there you will find an explanation about how to use my “gen_repos_files.sh” script.
Have fun! Eric
Thanks for that detailed article, Eric. This nifty tool has completely changed the way I maintain Slackware, and it’s made everything so much easier. Whether it’s a server, a desktop or a workstation, I can issue a simple “slackpkg search microlinux” and have a detailed overview of what extra packages are installed, which ones need upgrading and what’s missing. Love it, and couldn’t to without it anymore.
BTW, I *think* that Matteo Bernardini is ponce, not zerouno. Correct me if I’m wrong.
@Niki Kovacks: You are right,
ponce is Matteo Bernardini and zerouno is Matteo Rossini
@alienbob Thanks for this post… I’ve been waiting for slackpkg+ to be considered stable to start making use of it, and it looks like that time has come! What’s the best work-around for the CAVEAT? Say I want to upgrade to the latest KDE in ktown and there are some new packages. Do I need to know which new packages need to be installed (by reading your release notes for example) and do the installation manually with “slackpkg install”? Thanks.
Oops, I make that name switch constantly… fixed it in the article. Sorry ponce & zerouno!
Yes, I’m Rossini, but the contributor of SBo is Bernardini (ponce).
The workaround for the CAVEAT is
slackpkg upgrade kde && slackpkg install kde
but to upgrade kde you must also remove slackware package “kdeadmin kdenetwork kdesdk kdetoys”, with removepkg or with slackpkg remove kdeadmin kdenetwork kdesdk kdetoys.
The “slackpkg clean-system” does not help here.
For REPOPLUS “The order in which the repositories are mentioned is not important.”, is not true.
The order is honoured by slackpkg+, so if you put into REPOPLUS ” alienbob restricted “, then slackpkg installs vlc from alienbob, but PKGS_PRIORITY has _most_ precedence.
The order is:
1) PKGS_PRIORITY’s packages as listed;
2) SLACKWARE packages
3) REPOPLUS’s as listed
If you put into PKGS_PRIORITY ” alienbob:.* ” and that repository contains slackware packages, they will be installed and slackware packages ignored;
if you put into REPOPLUS ” alienbob “, slackware packages have precedence.
Thanks for the great work, Zerouno. And BTW, I noticed you added two of my repos to the configuration file. I’m honoured.
Thanks for the tips Matteo, that’s really great info.
I have another question. I am using the following in my slackpkgplus.conf:
REPOPLUS=( alienbob restricted slackpkgplus )
However, “slackpkg search vlc”, for example, returns nothing. In fact, nothing from alienbob or restricted works for “search” or “install”. I can search and for install slackpkg+ from the slackpkgplus repo. I can also use “slackpkg info” for any of the alienbob or restricted packages, and if I look in “/var/lib/slackpkg/” I can see all the packages from alienbob’s repos, such as:
SLACKPKGPLUS_alienbob vlc 20130819 x86_64 1alien vlc-20130819-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_alienbob/vlc txz
Can anyone tell me what I am doing incorrectly?
I have the exact same settings as Bb and “slackpkg search vlc” doesn’t return any result. I can see the vlc in Eric’s repository though.
I had the same problem, with “slackpkg search vlc” not giving any result… I found that I had to remove the alien packages from slackpkg blacklist file.
@lms of course! Works fine now… Thanks!
Works perfectly! Thanks
Hi lms,
I should have mentioned that in the article… I forgot. I have updated the main article now with a section about the slackpkg blacklist file, thanks for reminding me.
phenixia2003 posted a new patch on LQ which could be merged into a future version of slackpkg+, see http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/slackpkg-vs-third-party-package-repository-4175427364/page9.html#post5016280
I have not checked it out yet, but will play with it when I have some time to spare.
Another tip:
slackpkg+, as slackpkg, does not have the dependency support, but some repository (as slacky and other) contains that information in metadata and slackpkg store that information in its database. So by typing “slackpkg info pkgname” you can see what package you must also install.
We thanks to you for your repositories. I just noticed that you added the MLWS repository. I will add it at next release.
@Matteo (zerouno): thanks! And you’re welcome. BTW, I won’t add anything else after MLWS, be reassured. Eventually, there will be corresponding versions for 14.1 etc. but I guess the offer is pretty much complete with Server, Desktop and Workstation. As a side note: the next MLWS will be “the full monty”, whereas MLED will only target lightweight computers and thus only sport lightweight apps.
Thanks lms and Eric.
slackpkg+ 0.9.4 is out, but I can’t gpg-sign it now, so you can’t upgrade with “slackpkg upgrade slackpkg”; you can download it manually.
Now you can install kde with ‘slackpkg upgrade ktown; slackpkg install ktown’, and it install the entire ktown repository.
You can also install the entire alienbob repository with “slackpkg install alienbob”
That version dis-allow to use the install-new command for multilib becouse install-new should be used only for slackware packages (nor patches, nor extra, nor testing packages).
You can install multilib with “slackpkg install multilib”
thanks to phenixia2003
I’m really sorry, I sent another patch for slackpk+0.9.4 which fixes the issue about aaa_elflibs-compat32 package, and a small issue when a standard directory (ie slackware,slackware64,testing,…) is passed to slackpkg install|remove|upgrade|reinstall.
0.9.5 released. it contains some minor fix. http://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+/pkg/slackpkg+-0.9.5-noarch-1mt.txz
Thank you Matteo (Zerouno) for this very useful tool. I use it now to update the packages I installed from alienbob repository.
And thank you Eric for sharing this tool on the Linux Blog of 2013
thank you alien bob and thank you gentleman who contributed to this magnific piece of software.
Thank you for the nice review! And thanks to Matteo and all the people that submitted patches and suggestions.
Meaning, “This is exillent, wonderful, and brings Slackware management to yet another level beyond sbopkg and slackpkg alone – which belies how beneficial coupling sbopkg and slackpkg into the management of Slackware systems actually is in and of itself.
I’ve been using Slackware as a rolling release for many years, almost always simply opting for installing from current, but this slackpkg+ changes the paradigm of maintaining a -current system.
Thanks to everyone who offered comments, addtional tips, and of course, alienbob himself for spawning this discussion by publishing the article in the first place!
Kindest regards,
OH! My der again!
First, let’s s/exillent/excellent
Next, let’s not forget to thank piterpunk, the original author who so graciously created and brought slackpkg to our community in the first place – first, as a stand-alone, then for a long time afterward when Patrick added it to /extra, and finally when it found it’s way into the mainline distro itself.
If there’s one caveat that I would like to offer here, it’s that the common consensus in the community is to rely strictly upon *official* slackware packages and SBo’s, and while it is generally accepted that there are indeed *safe* third party repos like Robby’s, Eric’s, and a few others of us who are long time hardcore supporters of Slackware, it is *STILL* the responsibility of the user him/herself to ensure the integrity of his/her own respective Slackware systems and take personal responsibility for vetting ANY 3rd party repos for use in such Slackware automation products
Exillent… Really Bradley? You dufus!
I still prefer slackyd, much more slackware-style.
slackyd is a good tool that also supports dependencies check; an advantage is that slackyd download-only the packages so you may control the installation process (with installpkg). I have given my contribution to the its development. But a disavantage of slackyd is that it does not supports multiple repository, and I never tested it with non-slacky repositories. In past I used at the same time: slackpkg for slackware update, slackyd for slacky packages and slapt-get for 4th-party repositories. The first version (0.1) of slackpkg+ supported only the slacky repository.
Thank you Eric and thank you Matteo! This brings maintaining my system to a whole new level.
What a splendid tool that I would like to see included in a default install down the line!
slackpkg+ is 1.0
Cool, just in time for Slackware 14.1
Cheers, Eric
Thanks, it’s really great tool
I have a question about “www.slackware.com/~alien/slackbuilds/”.
I add this repository to slackpkgplus.conf. There are many packages with different versions. For example:
Currently slackpkgplus.conf allow to configure a priorities for a same packages in different repositories (PKGS_PRIORITY). I need some filter within one repository to include only 14.0 packages.
How to make slackpkg to use only 14.0 packages from this repository and completely ignore all other (12.2, 13.1, 13.37) ? Thanks in advance.
If you look at the slackpkgplus.conf you will see the answer to your question.
Look at how the repository for “alienbob” has been defined in MIRRORPLUS:
You will see the sbrepos/14.1/x86_64 at the end. This is how I make my packages available as repositories for a specific Slackware version and architecture.
The URLS http://www.slackware.com/~alien/slackbuilds/ and http://www.slackware.com/~alien/sbrepos/ are essentially the same repository, only with a different layout. The first makes it easy to download just everything for a particular program: sources and packages. The second URL is meant to be used with package managers.
You should be using http://www.slackware.com/~alien/sbrepos/14.0/x86/ for 32-bit Slackware 14.0 packages.
I tried to use Linux (especially Slackware) few years ago, but it was very hard for me (my English skills were poor, it’s the main reason). Now I returned to Slackware and enjoy it
Obvious things can be unclear due to language barrier. That is why I started to learn English (and little bit Deutsch) more extensively.
Repository layout is very convenient. Now I understand that “sbrepos” intended for package managers. Vielen Dank
Hi gresolio
I am dutch… not deutch… small difference, different country.
slackpkg+ 1.0 stable released.
iss this tool off a good way?? (allow32bit, greylist) …mmhhh
Hi Thomas
As long as slackpkg+ does not change the behaviour of slackpkg itself, I am fine with enhancements that make sense.
Remember that slackpkg+ is meant to let you manage packages from 3rd party repositories. This makes your package management more complex, and a greylist helps with avoiding package clashes.
About multilib: an often-heard complaint about Slackware’s multilib add-on is that it may be easy to install but hard to manage. I think slackpkg+ does a good job of letting you manage a multilib installation without effort, thanks to the invaluable contributions from phenixia2003.
yes, but slackpkg+ self iss a litte complex at this moment for me
Absolut better is the Information over new multilib-versions from diverse packages. Before slackpkg+ i must search of the ftp mirror …. this is top now over slackpkg+ but 32bit direkt over slackpkg when multilib and other compat32-packages iss installed. OK, i must look what make this new slackpkg+ whit my System 
Nice 2. Advent for all.
A little example, why i not to have a big trust to this tool.
Today i check updates and the Tool wont upgrade dconf 0.18 … from official Slackware whit dconf 0.11 from your repository. :/
the same with openbox from SBo ….. installed is 3.5.2 , will upgrade (downgrade) to 3.5.0 from your repo.
The problem with dconf is solved by remove alienbob:.* from PKGS_PRIORITY …… but why will slackpkg+ downgrade. This is not so good , at the Moment. I Think this is a Bug?
The slackpkg+ works _exactly_ as intended.
I have dconf-0.11 in my Slackware 14.0 repository, because Slackware 14.0 does not contain dconf. A dconf package was added to Slackware 14.1 and my own repository does _not_ contain a dconf package for Slackware 14.1. Check that you are actually using a repository of mine that has “14.1” in the URL if you run Slackware 14.1
A word about the openbox “downgrade”. When you have multiple repösitories configured in slackpkg+ then the priority of those repositories is important. Slackware does not know the concept of higher and lower versions. An “upgrade” to a lower version is entirely accepted.
You are still the admin of your computer. Even (or perhaps: especially) with an automation tool like slackpkg+ it is your responsibility to check the package list before you hit the “OK” button and upgrade your packages.
This is the URL in my slackpkgplus.conf
Its wrong?
To “downgrade” Yes, i am the Admin of my PC. thats right, thats good.
But i have think slackpkg check the Number of Version from Packages and whe its higher than upgrade.
Ah… I made a mistake when I automatically added “14.1” symlinks in my repository… I am fixing that now, so that you will not see my dconf package again for Slackware 14.1.
Slackpkg does not check package versions. The Slackware pkgtools do not check this either.
It is what I said in my previous post: Slackware does not consider version numbers when running “upgradepkg”. You can use upgradepkg to actually downgrade a package, and that is the official intended behaviour.
In past (a near past) I added the version check to slackpkg+ (in the development version); slackpkg+ automatically _tried_ to detect the newest version and showed the package greylisted if not newer than the installed version. But in effect was not a good think. That broke the current slackware&slackpkg phylosophy, and slackpkg+ born to add thirdy party repository without invasive feature (for example the dependency check that I was tempted to add; note that you can see package dependencies with slackpkg info |grep REQUIRED
Hi Eric,
just a comment: In your slackpkgplus.conf example you are missing the repo “restricted_current” in the REPOPLUS line. Is that intended and if it is intended why is it intended?
Cheers and thanks for your help
Hi Stephan
The MIRRORPLUS array contains the repositories you want slackpkg to be aware of. The REPOPLUS variable defines which of these repositories you are actually going to use. So, a repository may be defined in MIRRORPLUS but not listed in REPOPLUS, that is just fine. The other way round (listed in REPOPLUS but not defined in MIRRORPLUS) will get you an error.
Bottomline, not all repositories you define in MIRRORPLUS have to appear in REPOPLUS, which is what you noticed.
hola alien bob¡ se agradece que tenga tan buena cabeza y que se dedique a esto, creo que hace un gran trabajo. gracias a usted puedo disfrutar de vlc por ejemplo, con la mejor calidad de audio,vlc el mejor creo, tambien se nota de oirlo en slackware a oirlo en windows 8 o linux mint 16. como tiene poco tiempo, no se si me podria decir alguien como solucionar esto : Los ficheros /var/lib/slackpkg/ChangeLog.txt y /tmp/slackpkg.Sl8LtC/ChangeLog.txt son distintos. muy buena herramienta en el mejor SO que conozco, slackware es otro mundo, espero que dure mucho.
English please.
hello thanks bob¡ alien having such a good head and engaged in this, I think it makes a great job.Thank you can enjoy vlc for example, with the best audio quality, the vlc think better, also it shows to hear it in slackware to hear in windows linux mint 8 or 16 as you have little time, not if I could tell someone how to fix this: Files /var/lib/slackpkg/ChangeLog.txt and /tmp/slackpkg.Sl8LtC/ Changelog.txt are distintos.Muy good tool is the best OS I Know, Slackware is another world, That Much hope it lasts.
Hi paco
I can use google translate too, I was hoping that you would actually write something in good english because the text created by google translate is difficult to understand.
I don’t think that that is an error of slackpkg. Is something not working after you get that message?
If slackpkg does not work for you, try “rm /var/lib/slackpkg/*” and start “slackpkg update” again.
hola Alienbob¡ creo que esta arreglado lo anterior, tratare de documentarme mejor, gracias. Por curiosidad y comodidad le voy hacer una pregunta en buen español , andaluz, es la siguiente: ?
¿existen driver o controladores en linux para no tener que pulsar la tecla fn y que funcionen las teclas Fn1-12
para subir volumen, brillo, red, etc en un portatil thosiba satelite 855 itq con windows 8 preinstalado y funcionando ahora sobre todo con slackware 14.1 ? gracias de
antemano, saludos
Try to open the bios of your laptop.
Some bios allow to choose if you must to press fn to activate the fn-special-keys
hola cerouno¡ la cosa es que en windows 8 funciona bien, sin tener que pulsar fn pero en linux no, el so que me gusta y utilizo mas es slackware 14.1, yo creia que esto no tenia solucion por cuestiones de patentes entre thosiba y microssot, creo que si funciona en windows la bios esta bien, claro que yo tengo poca experiencia . gracias, saludos
I don’t know.
hi all boo alien, CeroUno, there is a problem with this: The files /var/lib/slackpkg/ChangeLog.txt and /tmp/slackpkg.BjRTug/ChangeLog.txt are different.
I do what I said boo alien: rm / var / lib / slackpkg / *
and as usual, I tried also to delete:
rm /tmp/slackpkg.pD4QWx/ChangeLog.txt/*
rm: can not remove ‘/tmp/slackpkg.pD4QWx/ChangeLog.txt/*’: No such file or directory
so nothing happens? or you must arrange a greeting ..
Hi paco
The message that the two changelog files are different is OK, it is not an error.
THe command you tried to run “rm /tmp/slackpkg.pD4QWx/ChangeLog.txt/*” will never work because slackpkg deletes all its temoirary files at the end of its operation.
If the temporary files would not be deleted then your command is still incorrect, you need to remove the “/*”at the end because ChangeLog.txt is a file, not a directory.
I had problems like this a couple of times. THe cause was always a “bad Slackware mirror”. Try to choose another mirror URL in the file /etc/slackpkg/mirrors and see if that helps.
Also, try to disable slackpkg+ (you can do that in /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf) to find out if the problem is with your Slackware mirror or with slackpkg+ .
thanks for your reply apart from being an artist, is a simple man, I hope to continue helping long slackware is the best or the best, greetings
Hola¡ boo alien, I have put off slackpkg + and works as before when I had installed slackpkg + means that well, this is the way it should be done to update slackware 14.1 with slackpkg, leave well until one wants find any upgrade or install any program only change from off to on slackpkg +. understood ..
move on to another topic on /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 file, I have read your paper on this subject and I have a question for you: how to tweak this file to avoid having to use this command “iwconfig wlan1 rate 6M auto “every time I connect to the internet, I found it looking for information about networks, Arch Linux” Wireless network configuration “all this while still using networkmanager is very comfortable, but I said I could not enjoy it properly network to meet this command, wait a practical solution as you usually give. I agree with very many jente slackware savvy, they say that when they do it to stay, this is my case, a greeting ..
Hi paco
If you want to set your wireless rate to “6M auto” using Slackware’s rc.inet1 script, then please read “man rc.inet1.conf” and search for the “WLAN_RATE” variable. You do not have to edit the script rc.inet1. You must add the variable to its condiguration file, which is /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf .
hi boo alien
is that I have not explained bien¡ I have not configured that file /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf that thought that was not necessary to having networkmanager running, excuse me but I have not heard, if you can tell me where must add the variable or fixed wlan_rate 12M auto,
in /etc/rc.d/rc.wireless in /etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanager, and if it is would have to disable networkmanager /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf what is not wanted to specify a little more if you can. USB card is rtl8187 me nothing works, only this command directly iwconfig wlan1 rate auto 6M
greetings and thanks ..
Hi paco. I think the translator you are using, is not translating very good, and I do not completely understand what you are saying. I thought in your first post you mentioned that you wanted advice about rc.inet1 and how to set the wireless rate. Now you are telling me that you are using NetworkManager. If that is correct, then you must NOT use the network configuration in rc.inet1.conf. You have to choose between NetworkManager and rc.inet1 for your network configuration. You can not use both.
In the case of NetworkManager, I do not know in what way you can configure the speed rate of your wireless interface. You will have to search the NetworkManager documentation or ask the developers.
thanks I use alien boo¡ chromiun translator, or google. That happens to us also with the Spanish translations, which are not accurate and sometimes lead to confusion. bueno¡ rc.inet1.conf’ll have to choose as you suggest in your document networks, when are wifi networks. a greeting ..
I hope zerouno will correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that if you place a repo into PKGS_PRIORITY then it does not need to be included in REPOPLUS. I’ve been using slackpkg+ this way for quite some time and have had no issues. Cheers!
good morning I have a problem with torcs and it works well in the root account but not in daily use, it is ideal. The same torcs 1.3.5 downloaded sbopkg that torcs 1.3.6 with slackpkg + of slaky. I have given permissions to the master files, such as this: chmod + x / usr / local / bin / torcs
I have given permissions to the files as well freealt, zlib, vorbis, etc …
sure it’s simple, but I can not find the solution. Can someone help me?
greetings and thanks.
Your question has nothing to do with slackpkg+ but with torcs.
I do not have torcs in any of my repositories either, so I do not support questions about it.
The best thing you can do is ask your question on http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/ where it will have a bigger audience. Or else ask in the slacky.eu forum where you seem to have downloaded the package.
hola alien boob¡ no sabia si contestarle o no¡
lo comprendo, espero que le vaya bien y que siga mucho
tiempo mejorando slackware.
slackpkg+ es una maravilla, gracias y saludos
Paco, please use english.
And please realize that “alien boob” is not a friendly salute. Look up the word “boob” in an english dictionary.
Hello alienbob¡ knowing this I will have + care from now on,
I respect and admire very much like to try to offend. It has helped me a few times and will continue doing so long I hope. I think smart people almost always have good intentions or good people.
I have tried several times to add ktown slackpkg + in /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf file and does not work, I have the checkgpg = off. sure I’m right, not the PC. A greeting.
!!! F A T A L !!!
Repository ‘ktown’ FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5 download
The repository may be invalid and will be SKIPPED.
No changes in ChangeLog.txt between your last update and now.
Do you really want to download all other files (y/N)? n
!!! W A R N I N G !!!
Repository ‘ktown’ does NOT contain the GPG-KEY
You SHOULD disable GPG check by setting ‘CHECKGPG=off’
in /etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf or use slackpkg with
‘-checkgpg=off’ : ‘slackpkg -checkgpg=off install packge’
Hi paco
Perhaps you have forgotten to run this command (if you do not execute it, you will not be able to use the packages in a repository):
# slackpkg update gpg
That command will download the GPG key for every repository that you have configured in slackpkg and slackpkg+.
Without the GPG key, slackpkg will not be able to verify the integrity of a remote repository and will give your error messages.
hello alienbob¡ not what I’m doing wrong, but I can not
ktown include in my file slackpkg +, and I miss everything as you
suggest, can someone more knowledgeable in the subject see the fault in this chegpkg off.
bash-4.2 # slackpkg update gpg
wget: unable to resolve the address of the computer “ftp.slackware-brasil.com.br”
12/11/2014 17:18:51 URL: http: //slakfinder.org/slackpkg+/GPG-KEY [1823/1823] -> “/tmp/slackpkg.GtwDGi/gpgkey-tmp” [1]
gpg: key ED123FBC “Matteo Rossini ” unchanged
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1
12/11/2014 17:18:52 ERROR 404: Not Found.
!!! W A R N I N G !!!
Repository ‘ktown’ does NOT Contain the GPG-KEY
You SHOULD check GPG disable by setting ‘CHECKGPG = off’
/etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf in or use slackpkg With
‘-checkgpg = off’ ‘slackpkg install packge -checkgpg = off’
12/11/2014 17:18:58 URL: http: //taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/restricted_sbrepos/14.1/x86_64/GPG-KEY [11482/11482] -> “/ tmp / slackpkg. GtwDGi / gpgkey-tmp “[1]
gpg: key A75CBDA0 “Eric Hameleers ” unchanged
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1
12/11/2014 17:18:59 URL: http: //taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/sbrepos/14.1/x86_64/GPG-KEY [11482/11482] -> “/ tmp / slackpkg. GtwDGi / gpgkey-tmp “[1]
gpg: key A75CBDA0 “Eric Hameleers ” unchanged
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1
12/11/2014 17:18:59 URL: http: //repository.slacky.eu/slackware64-14.1/GPG-KEY [1760/1760] -> “/tmp/slackpkg.GtwDGi/gpgkey-tmp” [1 ]
gpg: key D153E90E “Slacky.eu packagers (packages by Slacky.eu) ” unchanged
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1
12/11/2014 17:19:01 URL: http: //taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/multilib/14.1/GPG-KEY [11137/11137] -> “/tmp/slackpkg.GtwDGi/ gpgkey-tmp “[1]
gpg: key A75CBDA0 “Eric Hameleers ” unchanged
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1
For ktown you must set the repository http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/alien-kde/14.1/latest/x86_64
hello alienbob and zerouno¡
this is what happens to me and I’ve tried anyway
WARNING! One or more errors occurred while slackpkg was running
alienbob: SKIPPING Invalid repository (fails to download CHECKSUMS.md5)
restricted: SKIPPING Invalid repository (fails to download CHECKSUMS.md5)
studioware: SKIPPING Invalid repository (fails to download CHECKSUMS.md5)
However multilib, slaky, not slackers
failures occur. Why does this happen?
post the config file
comprendo¡ not refer to not
I have had to miss the publish,
or to give you more details
we must to see your slackpkgplus.conf file to help you so you must publish it
thanks for the interest, it seems to try to fix more
but I spoiling. multilib only works now, I tested also
with several mirrors, I thought it might be network failure or server.
to fix your configuration set:
PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib:.* ktown:.* alienbob:.* restricted:.* slacky:.* slackers:.* studioware:.* slackonly:.* )
and run
slackpkg update gpg
slackpkg update
hola¡ forgive the awkwardness of not removing
alienbob blacklist, this made it
nothing works, the thing is that I had read
long ago, but I did not remember.
I solved the problem myself.
It is a very good tool and like having
sharp, at least with the main
repositories as alienbob, multilib, restricted, slaky.
Thank you. health
hello thank you very much Matthew rossini¡ for your help,
Now it works all Studioware, Slackonly, ktown, etc.
Is not that the file is not: /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf
ktown correct addresses, studioware, etc?
Thanks, I owe you one or two. Greetings ..
very buenas¡ to see if someone can understand me ayudar¡
Can not work repositories: salixes, salixos, kworman, slackel17 why not come correct addresses in the file slackpkgplus.conf? if so, please pasenmelas.
otherwise, I hope it’s not much undoubted Alienbob was right as usual, without gpg the reposit not work. alienbob, slacky, restricted, etc, but if you want to have too salixos, salixes, etc and must leave chezgpg to on or off, any recommendation hope I explained well. greetings and thanks ..
I think I understood that you are asking how to combine repositories that support GPG signature check and repositories that do not support it.
I also think you have already come to the conclusion yourself, that you have to disable CHECKGPG. IT is a global parameter, so when you disable it, the GPG signatures will no longer be verified, not even for the repositories that support GPG signatures.
The best thing would be to write to the maintainers of those repositories and ask them to add GPG sisnatures to their packages. It makes the usage of their packages much safer.
when you run slackpkg you obtain a warning that suggests you to run slackpkg with the parameter -checkgpg=off when you want to install a package on repositories that does not supports gpg.
if do you think that is not sufficient, please suggests me which modification I can do.
alienbob¡ thanks for your always clear and concisas.¿ responses is important to use a generic kernel?
if asi¡ could update it, your articles are very
well and many people veneficia of them, you build trust, because we know that is an expert, you slackware is much more, so it pamper yourself, we want to live long.
another question: is it necessary to have multilib x32 libraries for programs like virtualbox, bristol, etc.
Greetings and thanks for being ..
hello mateo¡ have long understood the logic and computer science go hand in hand, I mean I do not think I can teach anything nuevo.
very good your parcels as torcs 1.3.6, etc.
greetings and thanks
I think I’ll settle for the supporting
chezgpg: multilib. * ktown. * restricted. * alienbob. * slackonly. * slacky: * studioware. * slackers. * I think are the most important.
an interesting topic is “generic kernel or huge,” is important to use a generic kernel? I wonder
alienbob thinking on this subject. regards
hola¡ alienbob, me alegro de ver de nuevo sus comentarios y sus trabajos, espero que le vaya bien.
algunas veces mis comentarios despues de traducirlos
dicen lo contrario de lo que queria decir, lo siento, pero es fallo del traductor de google. tengo poco tiempo libre
ultimamente. estoy muy contento con slackware 14.1 , aunque me atranque en algunas cosas como actualizar firefox a la ultima version o la que hay disponible en slackpkg, la he actualizado mas de una vez y la he quitado despues por que al querer trabajar sin estar conectado y querer abrir paginas descargadas con wget “que es muy practico” no responden, no se si por culpa de kde o de firefox, hace tiempo que funciona bien slackpkg+ siguiendo sus pasos claro¡
he escrito este mensaje por saludarle sobre todo.
Paco, this blog is in the english language. Please write in a language I understand (english, not portuguese) or else I will ignore you and remove your posts.
alienbob hola¡, I’m glad to see again your comments and work, I hope he does well.
Some times my comments after translating
They say the opposite of what he meant, sorry, but it’s failure google translator. I have little free time Co
Lately. very pleased I am with Slackware 14.1, Although I atranque in Some Things How to update Firefox to the latest version or Que Hay available in slackpkg, I’ve updated more than once and I removed after Por Que wanting to working offline and want open pages downloaded with wget “which is very practical” do not respond, if not Blame kde or firefox, Long Ago that works well slackpkg + FOLLOWING ITS claro¡ Steps
written therein esta Post By greet on EVERYTHING.
greetings. I am Spanish
Paco I understand a few of Spanish, but I not understood the question, nor in English nor in Spanish.
You’ve some problems with slackpkg+?
I not understood the question about Firefox and wget ecc.
Explain your questions.
hola¡ alienbob, zerouno, I’m glad to see again his comments and his works, I hope he does well.
sometimes my comments after translating
say the opposite of what I meant, sorry, but google translator failure. I have little free time
lately. I am very happy with slackware 14.1, although I atranque on some things like updating Firefox to the latest version or the one available in slackpkg + and works well, I’ve updated more than once and I have taken after that in attempting to work without stay connected and want to open pages downloaded with wget “which is very practical” do not respond, if not because of kde or firefox. Long time works well slackpkg + following their claro¡ steps
I wrote this email greet especially.
Greetings, I am Spanish, almeria, where good wine, good food and good time in general
Hello nuevo¡ I’ll see what I mean bien¡
I think the problem is kde, is as follows: download
mozilla-firefox-31.3.0esr-x86_64-1_slack14.1 and almost everything works fine but there is a problem, and that is when I try to open a page downloaded with wget does not work, does not open, which with mozilla-firefox-24.1 .0esr-x86_64-1 if it works, I hope I explained well.
Exactly what means “not works”?
II understood that you download a page with wget
wget ………/page.html
Next you want to open it with Firefox
firefox ./page.html
In this mode you should see the text of page without any other contents (image, styles etc).
If you do not do that, explain details.
However this is not a slackpkg problem.
Thanks for your interest zerouno¡ I think is absolutely right, but this is very practical herremienta “wget” and thought you who know this would give him a solution to the issue. regards
paco, if you have a question about slackpkg+ then this is a good place to ask.
However, you are spamming this blog with text that no one understands – you should not use Google Translator and copy the results into this page. I can use Google Translator myself, but the results are as bad as you are posting here, I do not understand a word of what you want.
If you have problem downloading a firefox package using “wget” then please look for a Spanish forum and ask your questions there.
Also, if you do not have a question about slackpkg+ then this blog article is not the right place to post your questions.
hello zerouno¡’ve upgraded to firefox-31.4.0esr-x86_64-1_slack14.1.txz. and if it works wget without connection, is that something had gone wrong, a greeting
wget is not designed to be a better tool to download a site to see offline (even if it can), so if you want to see sites offline I suggest you to search for another tool (that I don’t know).
Typically I use to write on a Italian forum (my language) where possible, and only if I need to do specific questions (example how to create or configure a slackpkg+ repository as in your previous posts) I wrote in some English forum/blog.
Also note that Firefox is not downloaded by slackpkg+ but from official repository with original slackpkg. I am sure – as suggested by alienbob – that a Spanish people can help you better than an English community.
I understand perfectly.
thanks for the explanation. slackpkg + works great.
After the last update to slackpkg+ I’m now being presented the official slack64 gcc packages to replace the multilib packages on a x86_64 14.1 desktop. Blacklist includes kernel, aaa_elfs, SBo,and KDEI, greylist has KDE (so I can get KTOWN updates). Slackpkg+ has multilib as priority. What am I missing that is making slackpkg+ think the multilib files should be updated? PS the multilib file is same ver as the slack64 to be upgrade. And thank you for giving us the preview windows so I can cancel th upgrade-all to prevent a multilib takedown!
Hi Brian
You should realize that I did not write slackpkg+ so I am not in control of what changes on updates to that program.
I do know that the syntax of the PKGS_PRIORITY definition has changed; this is what it should look like now (you might have added more repositories and that is OK):
PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib )
The difference with earlier releases is that it used to be written as “PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib:.* )”. Did you update your slackpkgplus.conf file for this new syntax?
PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib )
PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib:.* )
are aliases and both should be accepted.
slackpkg 1.4.99 introduce TAG_PRIORITY.
but this should not affect multilib.
BrianA_MN, please post the output of “grep -w gcc /var/lib/slackpkg/pkglist” and I will verify
Hi zerouno, thanks for the help and responding. AlienBob, I\’m sorry to use your blog for this issue, and if I had zerouno\’s PM I could carry this on through PM or should I move the question to linuxquestions? Direction are appreciated.
root@Hicrest1:/home/brian/.local/share# grep -w gcc /var/lib/slackpkg/pkglist
slackware64 gcc 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-g++ 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-g++-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-gfortran 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-gfortran-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-gnat 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-gnat-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-go 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-go-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-java 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-java-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-objc 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-objc-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-g++ 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-g++-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-gfortran 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-gfortran-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-gnat 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-gnat-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-go 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-go-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-java 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-java-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-objc 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-objc-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
To answer the other question about about update to latest syntax, Yes I’m using the latest syntax.
Today, as a result of Erics warning to update Flash I used the slackpkg update, install-new, and upgrade-all. It presented my with the gcc files again, but when I look at the information line I see the following:
installed: gcc-4.8.2_multilib-x86_641alien –> available: 4.8.2-1(slackware64) , 4.8.2_multilib-1alien(multilib)
I read that line as it will install the slackware64 repository but that a multilib repository version is also available, am I understanding that correctly? If it is I also see for glibc:
installed: glibc-2.17_multilib-x86_64-10alien –> available: 2.17.10_slack14.1(patches) , 2.17-7(slackware64) , 2.17_multilib-10alien(multilib).
I should also let you know that I had to rerun the multilib install (used the slackpkg+ process) because I didn’t think that I was see all the updates after adding ktown to my repository listings.
Looking forward to your direction. Trying to understand the logic that is missing in my slackpkgplus.conf, blacklist, or greylist so this works correctly. Best Regards
Post your slackpkgplus.conf
I expect
PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib )
REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus ktown )
if you use ktown you should also add
PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib ktown )
VERBOSE=3 slackpkg upgrade gcc
then exit
this enable debug mode. you will obtains
The temp directory /tmp/slackpkg.PPZLC8 will NOT be removed!
# cd /tmp/slackpkg.PPZLC8
# grep -w gcc pkglist
I expect
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
slackware64 gcc 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
If not, you have a problem in your config file.
Zerouno, here are the requested outputs.
First the slackpkgplus.conf.
I have separate PKGS_PRIORITY= for multilib and ktown, does that matter?
root@Hicrest1:/etc/slackpkg# ls -l
total 88
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 1429 Mar 15 23:39 blacklist
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 542 Jul 6 10:48 greylist
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 542 Jun 18 22:35 greylist.orig
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 543 Jan 9 11:13 greylist~
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 23000 Mar 9 19:30 mirrors
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 1750 Jan 9 11:13 notifymsg.conf
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 5892 May 22 2013 slackpkg.conf
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 5278 Jul 2 21:08 slackpkgplus.conf
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 4644 Jun 15 11:17 slackpkgplus.conf.old20150615
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 4859 Jun 18 23:04 slackpkgplus.conf.orig
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 4835 Jun 18 20:40 slackpkgplus.conf~
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 3 2009 templates/
root@Hicrest1:/etc/slackpkg# cat slackpkgplus.conf
# Configuration for slackpkg+. See /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README for more details
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) slackpkg+
# set to \’0\’ to never show the download progress bar
# set to \’1\’ to show the bar only in download packages (default)
# set to \’2\’ to always show the download bar
# set to \’3\’ for a debug mode
# By default slackpkg+ deny to install 32bit packages.
# Set this flag to \’on\’ allow slackpkg+ to install 32bit packages on a 64bit slackware
# installation (possibly unsafe). Please, do not install both 32 and 64bit of the same
# package to avoid problems, and NEVER upgrade exitant 64bit packages with relative 32bit package.
# Do not forget to install the multilibs.
# Enable (1) / Disable (0) the official slackpkg blacklist. May be useful to temporarily skip
# the slackware blacklist. You can also override it from command line:
# \’USEBL=0 slackpkg upgrade-all\’
# Add custom option to \’wget\’.
# You can solve the repository indisponibility issue by set a timeout here
WGETOPTS=\”–timeout=20 –tries=2\”
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) notification events (see notifymsg.conf)
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) the greylist feature. See /etc/slackpkg/greylist
# If two or more repositories contains some same packages, you can specify
# from which repository you prefer to search it.
# The syntax is \”:\”
# Accepts regular expressions. To give priority to an entire repository use \”\”
# Examples:
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( restricted:vlc )
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo )
# If you want a multilib system, uncomment the multilib repository and set:
PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib )
# (Use /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/setupmultilib.sh to setup a multilib configuration)
# Otherwise you can try to upgrade a package from a repository that contains a package with the
# same tag of the already installed package. Tipically that means to upgrade a package from the
# same author of the already installed package.
# Note that this method may not works properly where two repositories contains a package with the
# same tag.
# Set TAG_PRIORITY to \’on\’ to enable this function
# List repositories you want to use (defined below)
# remember to launch \’slackpkg update\’ if you modify that row.
REPOPLUS=( multilib slackpkgplus restricted alienbob ktown slacky )
# Define mirrors (uncomment one or more mirror; remember to add it to REPOPLUS)
# GPG Note: after adding a repository, you must to run \’slackpkg update gpg\’
# some repositories as salixos or slackel, have a partial GPG support;
# for that repositories you may need to run slackpkg with \’slackpkg -checkgpg=off …\’
# Slackware 14.1 – x86_64
# use this to keep the slackpkg+ package updated
# Slackware current – x86_64
# Local repository:
# Local packages (you do not need metadata nor \’slackpkg update\’ command):
# Supported Repositories (see /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* for details and notes):
#Supports GPG
#slackpkgplus: http://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+/
#multilib: http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/multilib/{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/
#alienbob: http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/sbrepos/{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#ktown: http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/alien-kde/{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/{latest,testing}/{x86,x86_64}/
#restricted: http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/restricted_sbrepos/{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#slacky: http://repository.slacky.eu/slackware{,64}-{13.37,14.0,14.1}/
#mled-desktop: http://www.microlinux.fr/microlinux/desktop-14.1-{32,64}bit/
#mled-extras: http://www.microlinux.fr/microlinux/extras-14.1-{32,64}bit/
#mles: http://www.microlinux.fr/microlinux/server-{14.0,14.1}-{32,64}bit/
#msb: http://slackware.org.uk/msb/{14.0,14.1}/{1.6,1.8,1.10}/{x86,x86_64}/
#slackers: http://ponce.cc/slackers/repository/
#slacke17: http://ngc891.blogdns.net/pub/slacke17/slackware{,64,arm}-{14.0,14.1}/
#slacke18: http://ngc891.blogdns.net/pub/slacke18/slackware{,64,arm}-{14.0,14.1}/
#studioware: http://studioware.org/files/packages/slackware{,64}-{13.37,14.0,14.1}/
#slackonly: http://slackonly.com/pub/packages/{14.1,current}-{x86,x86_64}/
#rlworkman: http://rlworkman.net/pkgs/{13.37,14.0,14.1}/
#Does NOT support GPG
#salixos(*): http://download.salixos.org/{i486,x86_64}/{13.37,14.0,14.1}/
#slackel(*): http://www.slackel.gr/repo/{i486,x86_64}/{current,kde5}/
Here is the results of the debug file.
root@Hicrest1:/tmp/slackpkg.xYx7TJ# ls -l
total 556
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 194 Jul 8 17:49 blacklist
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 0 Jul 8 17:49 blacklist.slackpkgplus
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 230719 Jul 8 17:49 blacklist.tmp
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 21 Jul 8 17:49 greylist
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 4 Jul 8 17:49 greylist.1
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 17 Jul 8 17:49 greylist.2
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 61 Jul 8 17:49 info.log
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 15363 Jul 8 17:49 list1
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 15363 Jul 8 17:49 list2
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 230719 Jul 8 17:49 pkglist
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 0 Jul 8 17:49 pkglist-pre
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 49 Jul 8 17:49 timestamp
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 40739 Jul 8 17:49 tmplist
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 3459 Jul 8 17:49 unchecklist
root@Hicrest1:/tmp/slackpkg.xYx7TJ# grep -w gcc pkglist
slackware64 gcc 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-g++ 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-g++-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-gfortran 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-gfortran-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-gnat 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-gnat-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-go 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-go-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-java 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-java-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
slackware64 gcc-objc 4.8.2 x86_64 1 gcc-objc-4.8.2-x86_64-1 ./slackware64/d txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-g++ 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-g++-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-gfortran 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-gfortran-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-gnat 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-gnat-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-go 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-go-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-java 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-java-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib gcc-objc 4.8.2_multilib x86_64 1alien gcc-objc-4.8.2_multilib-x86_64-1alien ./SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib txz
I note that the priority listing looks to be wrong, so I will reread how to establish priority and see if I can now resolve.
I believe the issue maybe the two separate PKGS_PRIORITY statements should be combined into a single line as you state in last post, or is that a BUG since the file examples seems to show two separate lines for PKGS_PRIORITY, or maybe a third example with multilib and ktown should be added?
While posting, I corrected the PKGS_PRIORITY to combine multilib and ktown, and my debug now has the priority as you expected with SLACKPKGPLUS_multilib as the first lines.
HOWEVER >>>> I\’m unable to test the results because I now cannot update gpg or update all due to the repositories keep timing out in headers and then a CHECKSUM.md5 download FAIL. I\’ll assume this is temporary and I\’ll try again in a couple of hours.
Hey maybe it means new SLACKWARE files???
Thanks for the clues. Let me know if I\’ve gone astray. Best Regards
Looking at my slackpkgplus.conf do you see other issues I need to correct?
Best Regards, Brian A
PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib )
PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib ktown )
and it should works
I must substitute examples
# Examples:
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( restricted:vlc )
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo )
# Examples:
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( restricted:vlc )
# OR
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo )
# OR
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo restricted:vlc )
AlienBob, Zerouno, thanks for all the help.
– I tested the corrected PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib ktown ) this morning and after slackpkg upgrade gpg and slackpkg update, the upgrade went correctly.
– I think the third example in the file would help clarify how to properly use PKGS_PRIORITY=
– So as I understand it now, slackpkg+ will first read my PKGS_PRIORITY, then SLACKWARE packages (as a result patches and any “new” files from the selected official Slackware repository in my MIRRORS file), and then the REPOPLUS line in the priority listed from left to right. Is that correct?
– If using the PKGS_PRIORITY line for two repositories is it necessary to even have them in the REPOPLUS line?
Best Regards
REPOPLUS is not needed.
Thank you again, everything is working as expected now.
Hi, I am new with slackpkg and slackpkg+, but until now I had not had any trouble.
My problem is that when I tries to execute
#slackpkg update gpg
I get this:
2015-08-22 03:46:38 URL:http://mirror.metrocast.net/slackware/slackware64-14.1/GPG-KEY [1572/1572] -> \”/tmp/slackpkg.BM0Ltx/gpgkey\” [1]
2015-08-22 03:46:39 URL:http://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+/GPG-KEY [1823/1823] -> \”/tmp/slackpkg.BM0Ltx/gpgkey-tmp\” [1]
gpg: key ED123FBC: \”Matteo Rossini \” not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1
2015-08-22 03:46:39 URL:http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/restricted_sbrepos/14.1/x86_64/GPG-KEY [11482/11482] -> \”/tmp/slackpkg.BM0Ltx/gpgkey-tmp\” [1]
gpg: key A75CBDA0: \”Eric Hameleers \” not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1
2015-08-22 03:46:39 URL:http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/sbrepos/14.1/x86_64/GPG-KEY [11465/11465] -> \”/tmp/slackpkg.BM0Ltx/gpgkey-tmp\” [1]
gpg: key A75CBDA0: \”Eric Hameleers \” not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1
Read error (Connection timed out) in headers.
Read error (Connection timed out) in headers.
!!! W A R N I N G !!!
Repository \’slacky\’ does NOT contain the GPG-KEY
You SHOULD disable GPG check by setting \’CHECKGPG=off\’
in /etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf or use slackpkg with
\’-checkgpg=off\’ : \’slackpkg -checkgpg=off install packge\’
2015-08-22 03:47:27 URL:http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/multilib/14.1/GPG-KEY [11137/11137] -> \”/tmp/slackpkg.BM0Ltx/gpgkey-tmp\” [1]
gpg: key A75CBDA0: \”Eric Hameleers \” not changed
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: unchanged: 1
Slackware Linux Project\’s GPG key added
And if I execute:
#slackpkg update
I get this:
Updating the package lists…
2015-08-22 03:49:13 URL:http://mirror.metrocast.net/slackware/slackware64-14.1/ChangeLog.txt [300712/300712] -> \”/tmp/slackpkg.Raon57/ChangeLog.txt\” [1]
2015-08-22 03:49:13 URL:http://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+/CHECKSUMS.md5 [1237/1237] -> \”/tmp/slackpkg.Raon57/CHECKSUMS.md5-slackpkgplus\” [1]
2015-08-22 03:49:14 URL:http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/restricted_sbrepos/14.1/x86_64/CHECKSUMS.md5 [2599/2599] -> \”/tmp/slackpkg.Raon57/CHECKSUMS.md5-restricted\” [1]
2015-08-22 03:49:15 URL:http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/sbrepos/14.1/x86_64/CHECKSUMS.md5 [174064/174064] -> \”/tmp/slackpkg.Raon57/CHECKSUMS.md5-alienbob\” [1]
Read error (Connection timed out) in headers.
Read error (Connection timed out) in headers.
!!! F A T A L !!!
Repository \’slacky\’ FAILS the CHECKSUMS.md5 download
The repository may be invalid and will be SKIPPED.
2015-08-22 03:50:26 URL:http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/multilib/14.1/CHECKSUMS.md5 [98364/98364] -> \”/tmp/slackpkg.Raon57/CHECKSUMS.md5-multilib\” [1]
My slackpkgplus.conf is:
# Configuration for slackpkg+. See /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README for more details
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) slackpkg+
# set to \’0\’ to never show the download progress bar
# set to \’1\’ to show the bar only in download packages (default)
# set to \’2\’ to always show the download bar
# set to \’3\’ for a debug mode
# By default slackpkg+ deny to install 32bit packages.
# Set this flag to \’on\’ allow slackpkg+ to install 32bit packages on a 64bit slackware
# installation (possibly unsafe). Please, do not install both 32 and 64bit of the same
# package to avoid problems, and NEVER upgrade existant 64bit packages with relative 32bit package.
# Do not forget to install the multilibs.
# Enable (1) / Disable (0) the official slackpkg blacklist. May be useful to temporarily skip
# the slackware blacklist. You can also override it from command line:
# \’USEBL=0 slackpkg upgrade-all\’
# Add custom option to \’wget\’.
# You can solve the repository indisponibility issue by set a timeout here
WGETOPTS=\”–timeout=20 –tries=2\”
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) notification events (see notifymsg.conf)
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) the greylist feature. See /etc/slackpkg/greylist
# If two or more repositories contains some same packages, you can specify
# from which repository you prefer to search it.
# The syntax is \”:\”
# Accepts regular expressions. To give priority to an entire repository use \”\”
# Examples:
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( restricted:vlc )
# OR
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo )
# if you have two reporitories to give priority you must set both in the same line
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo restricted:vlc )
# if you want to install \’ktown\’ repository you must set it here
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( ktown )
# and read special instruction on /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/repositories.txt
# If you want a multilib system, uncomment the multilib repository and set:
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib )
# (Use /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/setupmultilib.sh to setup a multilib configuration)
# For both multilib and ktown set
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib ktown )
# Otherwise you can try to upgrade a package from a repository that contains a package with the
# same tag of the already installed package. Tipically that means to upgrade a package from the
# same author of the already installed package.
# Note that this method may not works properly where two repositories contains a package with the
# same tag.
# Set TAG_PRIORITY to \’on\’ to enable this function
# List repositories you want to use (defined below)
# remember to launch \’slackpkg update\’ if you modify that row.
REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus restricted alienbob slacky multilib )
# Define mirrors (uncomment one or more mirror; remember to add it to REPOPLUS)
# GPG Note: after adding a repository, you must to run \’slackpkg update gpg\’
# some repositories as salixos or slackel, have a partial GPG support;
# for that repositories you may need to run slackpkg with \’slackpkg -checkgpg=off …\’
# Slackware 14.1 – x86_64
# use this to keep the slackpkg+ package updated
# Slackware current – x86_64
# Local repository:
# Local packages (you do not need metadata nor \’slackpkg update\’ command):
# Supported Repositories (see /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* for details and notes):
#Supports GPG
#slackpkgplus: http://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+/
#multilib: http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/multilib/{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/
#alienbob: http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/sbrepos/{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#ktown: http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/alien-kde/{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/{latest,testing}/{x86,x86_64}/
#restricted: http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/restricted_sbrepos/{13.37,14.0,14.1,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#slacky: http://repository.slacky.eu/slackware{,64}-{13.37,14.0,14.1}/
#mled-desktop: http://www.microlinux.fr/microlinux/desktop-14.1-{32,64}bit/
#mled-extras: http://www.microlinux.fr/microlinux/extras-14.1-{32,64}bit/
#mles: http://www.microlinux.fr/microlinux/server-{14.0,14.1}-{32,64}bit/
#msb: http://slackware.org.uk/msb/{14.0,14.1}/{1.6,1.8,1.10}/{x86,x86_64}/
#slackers: http://ponce.cc/slackers/repository/
#slacke18: http://ngc891.blogdns.net/pub/slacke18/slackware{,64,arm}-14.1/
#studioware: http://studioware.org/files/packages/slackware{,64}-{13.37,14.0,14.1}/
#slackonly: http://slackonly.com/pub/packages/{14.1,current}-{x86,x86_64}/
#rlworkman: http://rlworkman.net/pkgs/{13.37,14.0,14.1}/
#Does NOT support GPG
#salixos(*): http://download.salixos.org/{i486,x86_64}/{13.37,14.0,14.1}/
#slackel(*): http://www.slackel.gr/repo/{i486,x86_64}/{current,kde5}/
Can you help me?
Slacky.eu is temporarily down. I already contacted administrator.
Comment it from configuration temporary
Hi all,
I would like to signal a possible bug of slackpkg+.
I noticed that if the variable REPOPLUS
contains a broken repo (in my case it is slackers)
the pkglist file contains only official pkgs from slackware.
All pkgs from other repos will be missing,
even if the whole update process looks like regualarly working.
Have anybody already noticed this behavior ?
Thankyou for report.
I will verify.
I’m late to this party but I just have to say that slackpkg+ is awesome. I’ve been meaning to install it for two years now, but just finally got around to it. Wow! This is so much easier. It’s the control and freedom of Slackware without the chores! Hooray!
By the way I deleted your duplicate (pending) post which was attached to a different article.
I finally found a lot of time to fix the bug.
slackpkg+ 1.5.1 is online.
Great, thank you! I’ll upgrade it soon.
I’ve a simple question:
when you have a package available on more than one repo,
is it possible to choose which one you prefer to install?
slackpkg install reponame:packagename
anaya, what means this reply?
It was SPAM which I accidentally let through because I forgot to check the person’s URL. It’s now deleted.
This is a bug report for the 1.7 version of slackpkg+:
The check-updates function seems to be broken with the default VERBOSE=1, but works when VERBOSE=3. This appears to be due to the extra command wrapping the call to checkchangelog which overwrite the return code that’s later checked to see if there are updates:
exec 3>&1 4>&2
checkchangelog >/dev/null 2>&1
exec 1>&3 2>&4
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
This is a partial log of back-to-back runs of the two verbosity settings showing a lack of changes detected in the first case.
# export VERBOSE=1
# slackpkg check-updates
Searching for updates… No news is good news
# export VERBOSE=3
# slackpkg check-updates
Files /var/lib/slackpkg/ChangeLog.txt and /tmp/slackpkg.5fpCp2/ChangeLog.txt differ
News on ChangeLog.txt
[ Repository ] [ Status ]
slackpkgplus Up to date
restricted Up to date
slacky Up to date
fixed on dev branch slackpkg+-1.7.0d0-noarch-2mt.txz (I need some days before fix it in stable release)
— a/src/slackpkgplus.sh
+++ b/src/slackpkgplus.sh
@@ -1974,6 +1974,7 @@ if [ “$SLACKPKGPLUS” = “on” ];then
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 3 ];then
+ ERR=$?
if [[ ! ${SPINNING} = “off” ]]; then
echo -n “Searching for updates… ”
@@ -1982,10 +1983,11 @@ if [ “$SLACKPKGPLUS” = “on” ];then
exec 3>&1 4>&2
checkchangelog >/dev/null 2>&1
+ ERR=$?
exec 1>&3 2>&4
– if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ if [ $ERR -ne 0 ]; then
# — Note:
# checkchangelog() download the ChangeLog.txt and stores it
Building from https://github.com/zuno/slackpkgplus.git
appears to fail with missing src/zchangelog.sh.
You may want to wget -O src/zchangelog.sh http://www.slakfinder.org/slackpkg+/src/zchangelog.sh
to fix the build problem.
I’m sorry…
thankyou for reporting, I will fix it.
A greeting for Zerouno and Alienbob, thanks to people like you improve things in linux.
I added a reversion checker to slackpkg (and now to slackpkg+) so that older versions from the multilib repository do not try to replace newer versions I’ve made with compat32pkg (since it often takes a while for multilib to catch up). I’d be happy to contribute it, but I’m not sure how.
All contributions are welcome. The best way is to write on linuxquestions: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/slackpkg-vs-third-party-package-repository-4175427364/
Thank you
Hi AlienBob!
Slackpkg + does not: MIRRORPLUS[‘ktown’]=file://mnt/sda3/Slackware/ktown/86_64/
cp: cannot stat ‘/mnt/sda3/Slackware/ktown/86_64/ChangeLog.txt’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘/mnt/sda3/Slackware/ktown/ChangeLog.txt’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘/mnt/sda3/Slackware/ChangeLog.txt’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘/mnt/sda3/ChangeLog.txt’: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat ‘/mnt/ChangeLog.txt’: No such file or directory
Repository ktown has no ChangeLog.txt.
Ignore it.
Simply can’t found the ChangeLog.txt for ktown since it does not exist.
Yes, this is written in error! It would be wonderful if it worked!
Antonio – IGNORE IT…
Slackpkg was written for official Slackware repository which includes a ChangeLog.txt in the root directory. This ChangeLog.txt file is scanned by slackpkg for “Added.” strings so that slackpkg knows what to show when you type “slackpkg install-new”.
Most 3rd party repositories do not contain the ChangeLog.txt file. That is what causes the error. Learn to live with it.
slackpkg+ also scan the ChangeLog.txt for the package name to show the changelog to the user if it have a compatible format.
slackpkg+ also search in parent folders.
Ktown have it in parent but it isn’t in the compatible format (need the full package name as slackware changelog).
Hello AlienBob!
I saw that you did a great job of allowing slackpkg + to administer local mirrors, but I was frustrated that I could not administer the local multilib mirror. Slackpkg + sees all versions even though I only have the mirror current. Can you give a hint how to solve this?
lftp -c “open http://bear.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/multilib/; mirror -e -v -n –exclude 1. * / –exclude source /”
I do not write slackpkg+, I only write *about* it. Zerouno is the actual author.
You probably are using the wrong URL for multilib in your slackpkgplus.conf. That file contains working examples that are trivial to modify to using a local mirror.
Antonio please post your slackpkg+ configuration file
I installed your KDE 5 packages for 14.2 and slackpkg+ but slackpkg still wants to “upgrade” to kde4. Your instructions say not to blacklist the alien etc repositories but it’s the only way to get slackpkg not to want to update Kde backwards. Is it to with the priority setting in the conf file?
forget my last comment I didn’t have the ktown repo included in the config file. Works great now thanks !
Hi Eric,
Do you know why, on Slackware 14.2, when I search for qt5 inside slackpk+, I found it under alienbob repository, but when I try to install, it doesn’t find it and cannot install.
Teofil, the slackpkg+ program is not created by me. I do not know an answer to your question. The creator of slackpkg+ visits this blog regularly however, and perhaps he has a better answer.
Teofil, post your slackpkgplus.conf
Please see also the blacklist file.
Thanks very much Eric, for your help.
Hi Zerouno, the blacklist file is ok, only kernels and SBo blacklisted there.
Here is my slackpkgplus.conf (I paste it here and I hope it formats readable):
# Configuration for slackpkg+. See /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README for more details
# Please read manpage: \”man slackpkgplus.conf\” and documentation /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) slackpkg+
# set to \’0\’ to never show the download progress bar
# set to \’1\’ to show the bar only in download packages (default)
# set to \’2\’ to always show the download bar
# set to \’3\’ for a debug mode
# By default slackpkg+ deny to install 32bit packages.
# Set this flag to \’on\’ allow slackpkg+ to install 32bit packages on a 64bit slackware
# installation (possibly unsafe). Please, do not install both 32 and 64bit of the same
# package to avoid problems, and NEVER upgrade existant 64bit packages with relative 32bit package.
# Do not forget to install the multilibs.
# Enable (1) / Disable (0) the official slackpkg blacklist. May be useful to temporarily skip
# the slackware blacklist. You can also override it from command line:
# \’USEBL=0 slackpkg upgrade-all\’
# Add custom option to \’wget\’.
# You can solve the repository indisponibility issue by set a timeout here
WGETOPTS=\”–timeout=20 –tries=2\”
# If you want replace wget with another downloader search DOWNLOADCMD in documentation
# at /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/README
#DOWNLOADCMD=\”wget -O\”
# Defines if the changelog of any 3rd party repository must be searched in parent URL when not found in base URL.
# Can be set to \”on\” or \”off\” (default)
# Use the cache for metadata files (CHECKSUMS.md5,…). Enable it (on) to speedup the slackpkg update
# process by downloading just new files (see README). Disabled by default (off)
# You can download-only by setting DOWNLOADONLY to \’on\’. You may (you should) also use it in commandline
# for example: \”DOWNLOADONLY=on slackpkg upgrade-all\”. Useful for large upgrades.
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) notification events (see notifymsg.conf)
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) the greylist feature. See /etc/slackpkg/greylist
# Defines if commands \’search\’ and \’file-search\’ are case-sensitive (on) or not (off). Default to \”on\”
# Defines if command \’file-search\’ does search Wole Word (on) of accept partial words (off). Note that
# you may obtains many many results searching a short partial word
# Select the show order in dialogbox. Available \”package\” \”repository\” \”tag\” \”path\” \”arch\”
# Allow to show more details of the package in slackpkg info . Accept \”none\”, \”basic\”, \”filelist\”
# Enable (on) / Disable (off) a Strict GPG Check. A repository should contains packages signed
# with the only original GPG-KEY. In some custom repository may be wanted to mix heterogeneous
# packages; to use that repository set Strict GPG Check to off. P.S: a repository can
# contain just ONE gpg-key; you may manually import the other.
# If two or more repositories contains some same packages, you can specify
# from which repository you prefer to search it.
# The syntax is \”:\”
# Accepts regular expressions. To give priority to an entire repository use \”\”
# Examples:
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( restricted:vlc )
# OR
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo )
# if you have two reporitories to give priority you must set both in the same line
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( myrepo restricted:vlc )
# if you want to install \’ktown\’ repository you must set it here
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( ktown )
# and DO NOT MISS to read special instruction on /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/repositories.txt
# If you want a multilib system, uncomment the multilib repository and set:
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib )
# (Use /usr/doc/slackpkg+-*/setupmultilib.sh to setup a multilib configuration)
# For both multilib and ktown set
#PKGS_PRIORITY=( multilib ktown )
# Otherwise you can try to upgrade a package from a repository that contains a package with the
# same tag of the already installed package. Tipically that means to upgrade a package from the
# same author of the already installed package.
# Note that this method may not works properly where two repositories contains a package with the
# same tag.
# Set TAG_PRIORITY to \’on\’ to enable this function
# List repositories you want to use (defined below)
# remember to launch \’slackpkg update\’ if you modify that row.
#REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus restricted alienbob slacky )
REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus alienbob )
# Define mirrors (uncomment one or more mirror; remember to add it to REPOPLUS)
# GPG Note: after adding/renaming a repository, you must to run \’slackpkg update gpg\’
# some repositories as salixos, have a partial GPG support;
# for that repositories you may need to run slackpkg with \’slackpkg -checkgpg=off …\’
# Slackware 14.2 – x86_64
# use this to keep the slackpkg+ package updated to the latest stable release
# use the development branch to use the mainline version and help develop by reporting bugs.
# Slackware current – x86_64
# Local repository:
# Local packages (you do not need metadata nor \’slackpkg update\’ command):
# Supported Repositories (see /usr/doc/slackpkg+-* for details and notes):
#slackpkgplus: http://slakfinder.org/slackpkg+{,dev,1.6,1.7}/
#multilib: http://bear.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/multilib/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/
#alienbob: http://bear.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/sbrepos/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#ktown: http://bear.alienbase.nl/mirrors/alien-kde/{14.2,current}/5/{x86,x86_64}/
#restricted: http://bear.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/restricted_sbrepos/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#slacky: http://repository.slacky.eu/slackware{,64}-{14.0,14.1,14.2}/
#mleddesktop: http://slackware.uk/microlinux/desktop-{14.1,14.2}-{32,64}bit/
#mledextras: http://slackware.uk/microlinux/extras-{14.1,14.2}-{32,64}bit/
#mles: http://slackware.uk/microlinux/server-{14.0,14.1,14.2}-{32,64}bit/
#msb: http://slackware.uk/msb/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/{1.6,1.8,1.10,1.12,1.14,1.16,1.18,1.19,latest}/{x86,x86_64}/
#csb: http://slackware.uk/csb/{14.1,14.2,current}/{x86,x86_64}/
#slackers: http://slack.conraid.net/repository/slackware64-current/
#slacke18: http://ngc891.blogdns.net/pub/slacke18/slackware{,64}-{14.1}/
#studioware: http://slackware.uk/studioware/14.2
#slackonly: http://packages.slackonly.com/pub/packages/{14.1,14.2,current}-{x86,x86_64}/
#rlworkman: http://rlworkman.net/pkgs/{14.0,14.1,14.2,current}/
#slackel: http://www.slackel.gr/repo/{i486,x86_64}/current/
#connochaetos: http://connochaetos.org/slack-n-free/slack-n-free{,64}-{14.2}/
#slint: http://slackware.uk/slint/{i586,x86_64}/slint-{14.2,testing}/
#salixos: http://download.salixos.org/{i486,x86_64}/{14.0,14.1,14.2}/
#salixextra: http://download.salixos.org/{i486,x86_64}/extra-{14.2}/
Hi Mateo,
First, please excuse me for not observing your name and using your nickname. My mistake, sorry.
Secondly, I still don’t know why slackpkg+ behave like described regarding qt5 on Slackware 14.2. Maybe someone who also uses 14.2 can confirm this behavior?
Thanks for your work on Slackware!
I like my nick, for many time no one did know my name :).
I’m sorry for the time.
Using you cfg file it works for me.
please post the output of
slackpkg search qt5
then run
VERBOSE=3 bash -x slackpkg install qt5 2>/tmp/slackpkgdebug
and send me that file via mail (that you can find on slakfinder.org)
p.s.: I see – on you config file – many “\” (backslash) symbols (I hope that it’s just a problem of copy/paste, otherwise you have to fix it by removing.
Thanks for your reply, Matteo.
You are right, you know, as Mihai Eminescu said into the poem “Scrisoarea II” (“The 2-nd letter” – 1 april 1881) (I’ll try to translate as it is, forgeting the rhyme):
Now, coming back to owr great days, and to owr issue, here is the output of ‘slackpkg search qt5’:
root@OMU:~# slackpkg search qt5
Looking for qt5 in package list. Please wait… DONE
The list below shows all packages with name matching “qt5”.
[ Status ] [ Repository ] [ Package ]
installed alienbob poppler-qt5-0.62.0-x86_64-1alien
installed alienbob qt5-5.9.6-x86_64-1alien
installed alienbob qt5-webkit-5.9.1-x86_64-1alien
You can search specific files using “slackpkg file-search file”.
So, as we can both see, it seems that I missed tha Status (already installed, because I didn’t remember that I have installed it), so please excuse me for bothering you in that case. I really should live more in the present my ration tells me, but my mind doesn’t seem to listen to calm down.
By the way, a more esoteric question, does xterm complete it’s mission on 21/22 march 2045? (Just an outside observation and I ramble a lot on this field, a question in the darkness more like.)
Anyways, thanks again very much for your help.
Kind regards,
Thanks for your reply, Matteo.
You are right, you know, as Mihai Eminescu said into the poem “Scrisoarea II” (“The 2-nd letter” – 1 april 1881) (I’ll try to translate as it is, forgeting the rhyme):
“Why I do not want for the name, for the glory, to write?
Is it really glory to speak in the desert?
Today, when to their own passions, the mortals are slaves,
The glory is the imagination that one thousand of blockheads,
To their idol they bow by naming great a dwarf
Which is a bubble of foam in a century of nothingness.”
Now, coming back to owr great days, and to owr issue, here is the output of ‘slackpkg search qt5’:
root@OMU:~# slackpkg search qt5
Looking for qt5 in package list. Please wait… DONE
The list below shows all packages with name matching “qt5”.
[ Status ] [ Repository ] [ Package ]
installed alienbob poppler-qt5-0.62.0-x86_64-1alien
installed alienbob qt5-5.9.6-x86_64-1alien
installed alienbob qt5-webkit-5.9.1-x86_64-1alien
You can search specific files using “slackpkg file-search file”.
So, as we can both see, it seems that I missed tha Status (already installed, because I didn’t remember that I have installed it), so please excuse me for bothering you in that case. I really should live more in the present my ration tells me, but my mind doesn’t seem to listen to calm down.
By the way, a more esoteric question, does xterm complete it’s mission on 21/22 march 2045? (Just an outside observation and I ramble a lot on this field, a question in the darkness more like.)
Anyways, thanks again very much for your help.
Kind regards,
The first thing to do when you have a packages problem is to see the directory /var/log/packages
ls -l qt5*
to find the installation date.
Also you may find a slackpkg log in /var/lib/slackpkg (install.log or similar)
Good to know, thanks.