KDE 4.5.2
You probably were aware that the KDE team had released version 4.5.2 of their software compilation a little while ago. I had other things to do at that time, so you did not see a package set for Slackware until now.
Yesterday I talked to Pat Volkerding to see what his short-term planning looked like, and based on the conversation I decided to go ahead and build a set of packages for slackwarre-current (32-bit and 64-bit of course). Rest assured that Pat is working on something equally entertaining as building KDE packages 😉
Here they are, uploaded to my ‘ktown’ repository.
See the README file for installation or upgrade instructions. They are no different from any prior release. There is not even a single additional dependency to install this time, thanks to the fact that Slackware -current already contains KDE SC 4.5.1.
Have fun!
thanks Eric, already downloading to try them.
I really need a distraction from head bashing with pcmanfm from git. 😉
I couldn’t find the deps directory
Is that correct?
We don’t need that packages directory in this new version?
@Douglas –
I wrote in my blog post “There is not even a single additional dependency to install this time”… that was not so cryptic was it?
Thanks Eric!
I am experiencing a bug in the Help Window (of any KDE 4.5.2 application): only the first page of the help is displayed correctly; instead, the following pages show an error message.
Thanks Eric. Low temperatures and a nice feel =]
Smooth as always. I updated yesterday and have yet to find any issues with the new version. Seems a little faster.
I went on vacation for a week – man you were busy while i was gone! Thanks!
just asking, when will the qt 4.7.x be included in slackware?
@Widya –
No idea, there are currently no plans for upgrading Qt. If there are pressing reasons for wanting this, feel free to write them down.
Last I checked, rekonq requires QT 4.7