My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

GCC 5.2.0 multilib

I had a bit too much to do, so creating multilib versions of the new GCC compiler suite in Slackware-current was not on the top of my TODO list.

Today I finally built GCC 5.2.0_multilib packages and uploaded them to the server. Along with the new compilers, I also refreshed the set of “compat32” packages which give your 32bit applications a working 32bit support layer.

All of that can be downloaded from:

Have fun! Eric


  1. Tonus

    Great! Thanks a lot!
    I was waiting for those before starting the full current / ktown / multilib upgrade ????

  2. Krystian

    Thank you!

  3. Ryan P.C. McQuen

    Woohoo! About to install them on a fresh -current install. Thanks so much Eric!

  4. cwizardone

    Thank you. Greatly appreciated!

  5. Mike Langdon

    Thanks Eric! The only problem I had was the nvidia blob complained about the kernel being built with a different gcc, but it built and runs just fine.

  6. Helios

    Thank you very much.

    If you need only to run some 32bits programs, and never to compile such programs, is it necessary to replace the slackware64 gcc packages ?

  7. alienbob

    GCC is only needed for compiling programs; GLIBC is needed for running progrms.

  8. Niki Kovacs

    Thanks, Eric!

  9. andrew.46

    Thanks Eric! Looks like PV has patched gcc, rebuilt and pushed to -current again. Things are moving fast…

  10. alienbob

    Hi andrew.46.
    I have the patched multilib gcc ready since yesterday, but since Pat and I are 9 hours apart it takes time for me to get synced up sometimes…
    Today I happened to have a training course and I was unable to do anything until now.
    I am generating the compat32 packages now and will then upload the new multilib batch.

  11. khelben

    I noticed that ata_id and the other udev helpers were 32bit in my installation. Browsing the eudev-compat32-3.1.5-x86_64-3compat32 package, i see that it contains all the modprobe/udev rules and all the helper binaries instead of just the library as the old udev package contained ?

    Was this intended ?

    Thank you.

  12. alienbob

    khelben, I will look into that.

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