My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Month: October 2017 (Page 2 of 2)

Updates for LibreOffice, Pale Moon, Flash

I have some updates for you while I am working on a new Plasma5 package set.

The LibreOffice packages were uploaded to my repository last Friday, so you probably already have that installed. Never hurts to mention it for those people who did not subscribe to my RSS feed.

Here is a screenshot of the upcoming Plasma5 desktop release, to keep you sharp:


Have fun! Eric

Refreshed ISO’s for Slackware Live Edition, and more

blueSW-64pxWhen I released new Live ISO images almost two weeks ago, a bug in the init script which became apparent with the latest Slackware initrd broke the encrypted /home feature. Therefore I am releasing an updated set of ‘liveslak‘ scripts with version .

The latest set of Slackware Live Edition ISOs are based on liveslak and Slackware-current dated “Fri Sep 29 22:58:54 UTC 2017“). That means, the new Live ISOs contain the updates to TexLive and Python3 (well, no texlive in the XFCE image due to its size limit of course).

If you already use a Slackware Live USB stick that you do not want to re-format, you should use the “-r” parameter to the “” script. The “-r” or refresh parameter allows you to refresh the liveslak files on your USB stick without touching your custom content. If you want to modify other parameters of your USB stick, use the script ““. It’s main feature is that it can update the kernel on the USB stick, but it also can replace the Live init script. As with most (if not all) of my scripts, use the “-h” parameter to get help on its functionality.

And more:

I built new versions for the palemoon packages for Slackware 14.2 and -current to the latest 27.5.0 version. Someone stated he had issues compiling on slackware-current so I made sure the palemoon.SlackBuild works. The new palemoon package is included in the refreshed PLASMA5 Live ISO image. Note that to compile this on slackware-current you will need my gcc5 package; this software cannot be built with gcc6. Before starting the compile, source the gcc5 profile script:
“. /etc/profile.d/” – note the dot.

I updated the Chromium package as well.
Chromium had a recent bugfix upgrade to 61.0.3163.100 which I missed initially.


And even more:

The recent flurry of activity in the Slackware-current development tree (boost, poppler, python3), caused repeated broken-ness of my own packages. The collection of multilibcompat32” packages was renewed several times. I recompiled LibreOffice 5.4.1 for slackware-current and in my ‘ktown‘ repository for Plasma5 there were multiple updates. I did manage to ‘sneak in’ new versions for Krita and KDEConnect at the same time. This too is all part of the refreshed PLASMA5 Live ISO image.

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