I finished a set of LibreOffice packages yesterday (targeting Slackware 13.37 and newer) and uploaded them last night. The new maintenance release of LibreOffice boasts “Up to 100% performance improvements thanks to the efforts  of a diverse and growing developer and QA community“.

Grab the libreoffice package (it’s huge as always) and if you want a localized version you should additionally install/upgrade one or more of the language packs. The “libreoffice-mozplugin” package enables the embedding of documents in your mozilla-compatible webbrowser.

There were issues with password-protected documentsin previous LO releases but it looks like these issues have not been resolved yet… I get the same Input/Output error still. The promised speed improvements should please those people who had complained on Linuxquestions.org that complex and large documents caused unacceptible slow responses in the program.

If you want to compile this yourself on Slackware 13.37, then you must make sure that you have applied all the available patches for 13.37 first, in particular the newer seamonkey package there. Also you have to replace your JRE package with the full JDK found in the “/extra” directory. Additional non-Slackware requirements for compilation are Apache Ant and the Archive:Zip Perl module. after installing/upgrading all that, logout from your shell and login again to update your environment (or just run ” . /etc/profile ” including that dot). None of this is necessary if you just want to use my package for LibreOffice.

You can find the packages for Slackware 13.37 (they will work without issues on -current too!) in the usual locations. All of the mirrors below also offer rsync access by the way:

Tonight, I shall continue with my KDE 4.9.beta1 packaging effort. There was progress last night, so the outcome looks promising. Hopefully I will have something for you before the end of the weekend!

Cheers, Eric