My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Version 95 of Chromium and its un-googled sibling available for download

I have uploaded packages for Chromium 95.0.4638.69 as well as its un-googled variant.

The source release was just before the weekend and the compilation was un-eventful, which is nice for a change. Get the chromium or chromium-ungoogled packages from and enjoy the update.

Hopefully it will remain a joy… last weekend I got email from Google stating “Our records suggest that the account associated with this email is using the Safe Browsing API for a commercial purpose. Under the Safe Browsing Terms of Service, commercial usage of this API is not allowed. We are providing a 60 day grace period before usage will be restricted. After 60 days, the API will return errors when called.
I replied with a complaint about this statement. After all: Chromium for Slackware is definitely not a commercial endeavor. I have cc-ed one of the Google Chromium devs who knows me and my project, let’s hope this new threat will be quelled before my Chromium browser loses its final appeal. It would be a shame to drop Chromium from my repository, but no browser is better than one that gets willfully clipped by Google.

Reminder: you can read my earlier article “How to un-google your Chromium browser experience” to learn more about my reasons for providing an un-googled variant. The article contains some pointers to make un-Googled Chromium a pleasant browser experience.



  1. Michael Langdon

    Thanks Eric! Hope all is well with you and yours.

  2. Francisco

    Hi Eric,

    Just came to thank you for this Chromium Update.


  3. Marco

    Thank you very much Eric. Especially since this version fixes two known used exploits. Until now I was using Firefox because of this, just to discover why I’m not using it anymore.
    But now Chromium also seems to come with more and more bloat, features that annoy me and can’t be (easily) disabled. Context menu items like “Create QR code” and “Copy link to highlight”, having to choose between “Add to reading list” or “Create bookmark” when you just want to create a bookmark. I could disable all this nonsense through chrome://flags but it seems those options are removed from the latest version.
    Anyway, rant over, thank you for your work and please keep building chromium-ungoogled, even without “Safe browsing” (I don’t use that anyway) it’s still much better than having to go back to Firefox.

  4. _peter


  5. Andrew Patrzalek

    Thanks Eric for all that you do.

  6. ZeroUno

    It’s a lot that I don’t use Chromium.
    Just now I saw that it has no longer Google Sync enable, and found that topic:
    I understood that google made a bad move.
    What I don’t understood is if may be possible continue to use Google Sync & co by generating personal api keys ad exporting it with GOOGLE_API_KEY, GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_DEFAULT_CLIENT_SECRET variables or it’s not supported.
    Fortunately I use Chromium occasionally on linux, but when I use it I would have password synchronized.

    • alienbob

      Yes you can define those three variables with proper values and then Cloud Sync will work.
      Look in /usr/doc/chromium-*/01-apikeys.conf for inspiration. Such a .conf file can be copied into /etc/chromium/

  7. Azirek

    Thank you very much. Does this build support VA-API?

  8. Michael Langdon

    Thanks for the new Chromium today (11-17-2021)!

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