My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Tag: taper

I now have a US mirror for Slackware Live and other goodies

Thanks to an anonymous sponsor, I am now operating a physical server in a US data center with a 1 Gbps connection to the Internet.

This server addresses a complaint of many people who are trying to download ISOs of the Slackware Live Edition. My aka server is hosted in a Dutch datacenter in Amsterdam, and it looks like people outside Europe, in particular downloaders in Southern Pacific region, are experiencing terribly slow speeds when fetching content from that server.

My new US server is available at two main URLs:

  • is the go-to location for all content related to Slackware Live Edition.
  • (don’t be confused by the “.nl” domain… I do not own a “.us” domain unfortunately) is the resurrection of my old “taper” VM which did not survive the original release of liveslak… that taper buckled under the high demand caused by massive download traffic and I decommisioned it in favor of my French datacenter server “bear” which again was replaced with “martin” in Amsterdam.
    The new taper has mirrors for liveslak (exact same content as and also all Slackware release trees and ISOs, the ‘cumulative’ package repository, Mate SlackBuild (msb) and Cinnamon SlackBuild (csb), as well as my own package and multilib repositories.

In addition to the http access, these servers are also accessible via rsync: rsync:// and rsync://

I hope this will give you folks out there a good alternative mirror location. Let me know how you experience the download speeds.

Cheers, Eric

mirror & wiki server temporarily down

The host machine which is running the virtual machine “” and “” has malfunctioned.

According to the story told by that server’s owner, the power cord got loose during the re-build of the RAID array after the guy replaced a failing hard drive.

After a power-on the RAID volume refused to mount…

It looks like the host server may be up and running at the end of the day, if the owner manages to recover from the partition corruption. In that case, my mirror server and the Slackware Documentatoin Project’s Wiki may be online a little later, provided that I can access the server and start the Virtual Machine.

In the worst case, the server will not be able to recover and I have to find a location where I can restore my daily backup of the Wiki content. It’s just bad co-incidence that I will travel to India tomorrow early morning. I have no idea how fast I would be able to arrange for a new host, fix the DNS entries, setup apache and start the Wiki… for the hostname I need to involve Pat.

More news later.


Update Fri Nov 23 18:55:29 UTC 2012 –

The server is back up! The server admin fixed it, no data was lost.

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