My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Tag: icedtea (Page 4 of 5)

Security update: OpenJDK 7u55 (created with icedtea 2.4.7)

On “patch tuesday”, two days ago, Oracle released their April update of the Java SE platform.

The new version of Java is “7 update 55” and addresses several vulnerabilities. The IcedTea team have now prepared version 2.4.7 of their OpenJDK build framework which will compile an OpenJDK version in sync with Oracle’s release. Please read the announcement on Andrew’s blog for all the release details.

Update 55 Build 14 of OpenJDK 7  addresses these critical issues:

* Security fixes:

Please update your installed openjdk or openjre packages with this new version! You’ll notice that browsers like Firefox and Chrome/Chromium no longer load Java applets by default and ask you for explicit approval to load and run them.

You can visit the following URL after you upgraded your OpenJDK package (assuming you also upgraded to my latest icedtea-web package): to verify that your Java plus the web plugin are working properly.


Get my packages – they have been compiled on Slackware 13.37 and are usable on 13.37 as well as 14.0, 14.1 and -current! Get them preferably from a mirror site (faster downloads):

Further packages that are recommended/required:

  • Optional: If you want a Java browser-plugin you must install icedtea-web (OpenJDK itself does not contain such a plugin).
  • Required: The rhino package is a dependency of the openjdk/openjre package. It contains the JavaScript engine for OpenJDK.

Note that you should only install one of the two packages, either openjdk or openjre, do not install both at the same time or things will break! The openjdk package contains the jre (java runtime) as well as the java development kit.


Security release: OpenJDK 7u45

Somewhat unexpected, since I was toying with other packages (pondering pipelight, updating kdelibs) and started to read a new book after finishing one that I have mixed feelings about… there was an announcement of OpenJDK 7u45, which is a security release.

Using the IcedTea 2.4.3 build harness, this release synchronizes the OpenJDK code with the upstream “Update 45 Build 31” tag. Please update your installed openjdk or openjre packages with this new version, since it fixes a lot of security issues (again):

  - S8006900, CVE-2013-3829: Add new date/time capability
  - S8008589: Better MBean permission validation
  - S8011071, CVE-2013-5780: Better crypto provider handling
  - S8011081, CVE-2013-5772: Improve jhat
  - S8011157, CVE-2013-5814: Improve CORBA portablility
  - S8012071, CVE-2013-5790: Better Building of Beans
  - S8012147: Improve tool support
  - S8012277: CVE-2013-5849: Improve AWT DataFlavor
  - S8012425, CVE-2013-5802: Transform TransformerFactory
  - S8013503, CVE-2013-5851: Improve stream factories
  - S8013506: Better Pack200 data handling
  - S8013510, CVE-2013-5809: Augment image writing code
  - S8013514: Improve stability of cmap class
  - S8013739, CVE-2013-5817: Better LDAP resource management
  - S8013744, CVE-2013-5783: Better tabling for AWT
  - S8014085: Better serialization support in JMX classes
  - S8014093, CVE-2013-5782: Improve parsing of images
  - S8014098: Better profile validation
  - S8014102, CVE-2013-5778: Improve image conversion
  - S8014341, CVE-2013-5803: Better service from Kerberos servers
  - S8014349, CVE-2013-5840: (cl) Class.getDeclaredClass problematic in some class loader configurations
  - S8014530, CVE-2013-5825: Better digital signature processing
  - S8014534: Better profiling support
  - S8014987, CVE-2013-5842: Augment serialization handling
  - S8015614: Update build settings
  - S8015731: Subject to improvements
  - S8015743, CVE-2013-5774: Address internet addresses
  - S8016256: Make finalization final
  - S8016653, CVE-2013-5804: javadoc should ignore ignoreable characters in names
  - S8016675, CVE-2013-5797: Make Javadoc pages more robust
  - S8017196, CVE-2013-5850: Ensure Proxies are handled appropriately
  - S8017287, CVE-2013-5829: Better resource disposal
  - S8017291, CVE-2013-5830: Cast Proxies Aside
  - S8017298, CVE-2013-4002: Better XML support
  - S8017300, CVE-2013-5784: Improve Interface Implementation
  - S8017505, CVE-2013-5820: Better Client Service
  - S8019292: Better Attribute Value Exceptions
  - S8019617: Better view of objects
  - S8020293: JVM crash
  - S8021275, CVE-2013-5805: Better screening for ScreenMenu
  - S8021282, CVE-2013-5806: Better recycling of object instances
  - S8021286: Improve MacOS resourcing
  - S8021290, CVE-2013-5823: Better signature validation
  - S8022931, CVE-2013-5800: Enhance Kerberos exceptions
  - S8022940: Enhance CORBA translations
  - S8023683: Enhance class file parsing

I tested as usual whether jMol and Minecraft were still working (they do) and became quite annoyed about Orcacle’s java checker refusing to recognize the new OpenJDK. At least, all other test URLs work fine, like this one at Stupid Oracle.

I told you to get the packages! So, get them already. They have been compiled on Slackware 13.37 and are useable on 13.37 as well as 14.0 and -current! Get them preferably from a mirror site (faster downloads):

Further packages that are recommended/required:

  • Optional: If you want a Java browser-plugin you must install icedtea-web (OpenJDK itself does not contain such a plugin).
  • Required: The rhino package is a dependency of the openjdk/openjre package. It contains the JavaScript engine for OpenJDK.

Note that you should only install one of the two packages, either openjdk or openjre, do not install both at the same time or things will break! The openjdk package contains the jre (java runtime) as well as the java development kit.


OpenJDK 7u40_b60 built with IcedTea 2.4.2

Last time I updated my OpenJDK packages there was a ton of critical bugfixes which had been applied by the IcedTea community – fixes which Oracle had not yet added to its own version of Java. That version of OpenJDK called itself “Java7 Update 40 Build 31” aka openjdk-7u40_b31.

It took a while for Oracle to release its own 7u40 release – as you know Oracle uses OpenJDK as the base upon which it builds its binary releases of Java SE, but the company sometimes does not respond to critical holes as fast as the IcedTea developers do.

Last friday, the IcedTea team released version 2.4.2 of their “build harness”. This new icedtea release updates its OpenJDK support with a number of (non-critical) bug fixes. It also synchronizes the OpenJDK code with the upstream “Update 40 Build 60” tag. Hence, the new OpenJDK packages which I present to you today are versioned “7u40_b60

You can check out the mailing list announcement for the new release, since there is not yet a blog post on Andrew Hughes‘ site. It will be there shortly, for sure. I will merely list the bugfixes here:

- RH661505: JPEGs with sRGB IEC61966-2.1 color profiles have wrong colors
- RH995488: Java thinks that the default timezone is Busingen instead of Zurich
- Cleanup file resources properly in TimeZone_md.
- PR1410: Icedtea 2.3.9 fails to build using icedtea 1.12.4
- G477456: emerge fails on pax system: java attempts RWX map, paxctl -m missing
- G478484: patches/boot/ecj-diamond.patch FAILED
- Fix Zero following changes to entry_frame_call_wrapper in 8016131
- RH1008988: Set ZERO_BUILD in flags.make so it is set on rebuilds
- Cast should use same type as GCDrainStackTargetSize (uintx).
- Add casts to fix build on S390

OpenJDK 7u40_b60 for Slackware:


My packages for OpenJDK have been compiled on Slackware 13.37 and are useable on 13.37 as well as 14.0 and -current! (as the screenshot shows). Get them preferably from a mirror site (faster downloads):

Further packages that are recommended/required:

  • Optional: If you want a Java browser-plugin you must install icedtea-web which I also updated a couple of days ago (OpenJDK itself does not contain such a plugin).
  • Required: The rhino package is a dependency of the openjdk/openjre package. It contains the JavaScript engine for OpenJDK.

Note that you should only install one of the two packages, either openjdk or openjre, do not install both at the same time or things will break! The openjdk package contains the jre (java runtime) as well as the java development kit.


OpenJDK security update: 7u40_b31was built with IcedTea 2.4.1

It’s Java security update time again, folks. The IcedTea team just released version 2.4.1 of their “build harness” (which builds the OpenJDK source code using Free Software tools and allows for other  features such as support for alternative virtual machines and ARM support).

The new IcedTea will build OpenJDK 7 Update 40 Build 31 – or 7u40_b31 in short.

This includes the latest security updates. IcedTea 2.4.x continues to track the upcoming Java 7u40 release “upstream”. For the official announcement check out GNU/Andrew’s blog post.

The security fixes are all listed on that blog page but I will repeat them here verbatim.

The list with OpenJDK enhancements and fixes on the other hand,  is so long that I will not even attempt to duplicate it. 😉

OpenJDK 7u40_b31 for Slackware:


My packages for OpenJDK have been compiled on Slackware 13.37 (and are useable on 13.37 as well as 14.0 and -current!). Get them preferably from a mirror site (faster downloads):

Further packages that are recommended/required:

  • Optional: If you want a Java browser-plugin you must install icedtea-web (OpenJDK itself does not contain such a plugin).
  • Required: The rhino package is a dependency of the openjdk/openjre package. It contains the JavaScript engine for OpenJDK.

Note that you should only install one of the two packages, either openjdk or openjre, do not install both at the same time or things will break! The openjdk package contains the jre (java runtime) as well as the java development kit.


OpenJDK 7 Update 40 (yes, 40) courtesy of IcedTea 2.4.0

After so many “critical bugfix releases” that have plagued Java during the past year, it is nice to see some real hard work being made available to the public. The IcedTea developers have been preparing their first major release since 2.3.0 of August last year. Today, icedtea-2.4.0 was announced on the mailing list and on the blog of release manager Andrew John Hughes . The list of enhancements and new features is way too long to copy here, it’s best to go check out that blog post. There are a lot of bug fixes as expected, but there were no vulnerabilities that needed patching this time. A lot of effort has gone into the CACAO and JamVM alternative virtual machines for Java.

You will probably be surprised to see the jump in the update number for the OpenJDK package which is built using the new IcedTea. A finalized Update 40 of OpenJDK7 is scheduled for Augist this year, and some of the new features still have to be added to the source tree. But the IcedTea developers decided that making a new major release of their software available a few months earlier was for the better, considering the huge number of improvements and fixes that will result in a solid Java 7u40 release already.

On to the packages (and thanks Andrew for showing your appreciation for Slackware)!

My packages for OpenJDK have been compiled on Slackware 13.37 (and are useable on 13.37 as well as 14.0 and -current!). Get them preferably from a mirror site (faster downloads):

Further packages that are recommended/required:

  • Optional: If you want a Java browser-plugin you must install icedtea-web (OpenJDK itself does not contain such a plugin).
  • Required: The rhino package is a dependency of the openjdk/openjre package. It contains the JavaScript engine for OpenJDK.

Note that you should only install one of the two packages, either openjdk or openjre, do not install both at the same time or things will break! The openjdk package contains the jre (java runtime) as well as the java development kit.


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