My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Slackware has the answer to all

… perhaps even to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.

Just kidding of course. From today’s ChangeLog.txt for Slackware “current“:

?Sun Mar 27 08:28:47 UTC 2011
There have been quite a few changes so we will have one more release
candidate:  Slackware 13.37 RC 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716.
Very close now!  But we'll likely hold out for

Well there you have it. The answer you all have been looking for, all that time! 😉

The list of changes is again pretty long. It shows that “declaring a Release Candidate” has a good reason. People ask from time to time, why these release candidates? Thy are nothing similar to what the bigger distros use in their progression towards a stable release. Things like “feature freeze” and “show stopper bugs” are used in Slackware development too, but you won’t see those mentioned in the ChangeLog. They are not relating one-to-one to any of the Release Candidates. Instead, the first call of a Slackware Release Candidate causes many people to try and install Slackware-current for the first time in a development cycle. Not many people are anxious to use a development release, especially since all of us keep repeating “when you are running -current, we expect that you know what you are doing, and that you are able to fix a suddenly broken system by yourself (with the help of the community)“. The Release Candidates are a sign of stability for those people. And we need all of you to help with the final stage of development! All these new people testing the pre-release result in many bugs found and forgotten features requested, and this causes a surge in the stabilization process which makes Slackware the rock solid distro we all know.

Multilib fans (slackware64), pay attention!

A new kernel again ( and as the ChangeLog.txt says, there will likely be one more before the final release of Slackware 13.37. This means, you get a recompiled multilib version of glibc from me – and there will be another recompile if we see yet another kernel update.

Grab the updated multilib glibc packages from the usual locations:

Enjoy! Eric


  1. Chris Abela

    Is it just my impression, or does Pat really likes his job?

  2. eternauta2001

    Slackware 13.37 RC 3.1415926535897932384

  3. b

    I’ve got a question. When i upgrade glib should I perform upgradepkg –reinstall –install-new *.t?z straight with the new set or is it another command ? i realized something with the mulitlib upgrades causes this error for me now when i su root than try to run any application (GLib-GIO:ERROR:gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)

    If i do su – root it still works though very weird

  4. alienbob

    Hi eternauta2001 –

    It looks like more people are suffering from that error. It is not Slackware multilib related. The command “upgradepkg –reinstall –install-new *.t?z” will work fine for you.

    I found this bug report: which seems to indicate that the error is Gnome related. Do you have Gnome installed on your Slackware computer?


  5. b

    no I do not

  6. Lawrence Toal

    In the ChangeLog entry for Slackware 13.37 RC pi Pat wrote: “Very close now! But we’ll likely hold out for”

    Ah well, if there were a RC4 perhaps he could call
    it “Roborosa.”

    As asteroids designations go, this one has its own facebook page…

    I do hope it doesn’t tweet anything.


  7. squirrl

    Any chance you can get Patrick to include the Multi-Lib within the Extra directory?

    Really comes in handy for Printer combinations such as the mx330 from Cannon which only includes the 32bit driver.

  8. alienbob

    Hi squirrl.

    Not going to happen… Slackware64 is and will be a pure 64bit OS.
    Multilib add-on capability will be provided externally (by me).


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