My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Slackware-current got updated… 448 lines of ChangeLog

Another big update to slackware-current today.

The ChangeLog.txt entry of “Thu Oct 29 20:12:14 UTC 2015” counts 448lines, and a little less than half of that number consists of updates to packages; the rest is rebuilds. A massive package recompilation occured because several core libraries got updated and Pat is quite conscientious in getting all the library dependency issues resolved properly.

Items of interest: this batch contains several security updates (gvfs, jasper, curl, ntp, php, mozilla-firefox).

The kernel got updated (from 4.1.6 to 4.1.12)! Perl was refreshed too (to 5.22.0 coming from 5.18.1). Scons got added. And ConsoleKit2 got added too folks! This replaces the unmaintained ConsoleKit.

The GTK/GLib subsystem got overhauled thanks to the hard work of  Robby. And then there’s Mesa which is now at 11.0.4 accompanied by X.Org 1.17.3 and libdrm 2.4.65.

In the KDE department, several components were updated to their most recent releases: KDEvelop is now at version 4.7.2, Calligra went up to 2.9.8. The various Long Term Support (LTS) packages are now at their final versions: kdelibs to 4.14.13, kdepim* to 4.14.10 and kde-workspace to 4.11.22. No further updates for KDE 4 are expected.

All in all a potentially disruptive update. I suggest that you upgrade with care, especially if you are running my Plasma 5 packages. I have not yet had the time to test whether recompilations are required, and I am pressed for time (delivering training courses to a new Helpdesk team this week and the next) so it may take several more days before I can come up with rebuilt Plasma packages.

If you want to dive right in and report the Plasma 5 packages that no longer work for you, I’d be grateful.

Have fun! Eric


  1. carlosmoura

    thank you and to all

  2. Eduardo

    Thanks for the heads-up Eric. I’ll think I’ll wait too, since I right now I have to deliver lots of work.

  3. Neeraj

    Just installed all the updates and using the Plasma 5. Things seem to be working fine out of the box.
    Thanks for all the work Eric!

  4. cwizardone

    Many thanks to you, rworkman, Mr. Volkerding and the others for all your hard work! It is sincerely appreciated!

    PS: All the changes have been installed and so far, so good.

  5. alienbob

    Thanks for the responses. It looks like there are no immediate requirements for Plasma 5 recompilations then?
    The next Plasma 5 update will be the usual monthly one then… somewhere after November 14th when Frameworks, Plasma and Applications all have seen their new releases.

  6. Mike

    kontact didn’t start for me. not found. Inserted a symbolic link to for now.


  7. Gérard Monpontet

    kmail is broken, need old cyrus-sasl package (

    but work with link

    ln -s

    other think:

    i have compiled qt-5.1, and all work here 😉

  8. Gérard Monpontet

    oops 😉

    other thing:

    i have compiled qt-5.1, and all work here

  9. fabio

    Thanks Eric and the team. Hail ConsoleKit2!

  10. Regnad Kcin

    upgraded with no problems so far.

  11. p431i7o

    I’ll test this first on a VM to check that nothing breaks. Last time with a similar update, something broke the package libsigsegv didn’t upgrade, but was uninstalled, and scripts that requires it like cat | grep and similar were unable to work…

    One question Eric, last time you told me that a full installation is required in order to some of your builds work properly, how can I know if something is not installed ( ’cause when I installed, I have selected the full installation option) besides the use of using:

    #slackpkg search slackware64 | grep uninstalled
    Is there a tool or a another command that can I use to check this?
    Thanks !

  12. Gérard Monpontet

    package libkexiv2-15.08.2-x86_64-1alien.txz, is broken

    need recompil with the new slack-current exiv2 package

  13. carlosmoura

    p431i7o : “slackpkg install-new”, I believe this can help

  14. carlosmoura

    p431i7o : slackpkg check-updates

  15. mara

    Segmentation fault

  16. quattro

    Gwenview crash after update:
    Segmentation fault
    Unable to start Dr. Konqi

  17. gengisdave

    usr/lib64/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  18. alienbob

    gengisdave , was added to the aaa_elflibs package. You probably have that package blacklisted in slackpkg.

    See also

  19. alienbob

    mara – that command does not segfault here. In fact, it sits waiting there, because it needs an inputfile.

  20. alienbob

    mara, can you verify that you have installed the latest packages for slackware-current for:
    openssl / openssl-solibs

    In particular, since this is slackware-current, you probably need to upgrade the aaa_elflibs package.

  21. mara

    alienbob, this occurs when assembling rrdtool.
    build with the -i option

    GEN rrdbuild.html
    /bin/sh: line 1: 11365 ?????? ??????????????? /usr/bin/pod2html –infile=rrdbuild.pod –outfile=rrdbuild.html –noindex –htmlroot=. –podpath=. –title=rrdbuild
    Makefile:693: ?????? ?????????? ??????? ??? ???? «rrdbuild.html»
    make[1]: *** [rrdbuild.html] ?????? 139

  22. alienbob

    mara, (1) I don’t do anything with rrdtool, and (2) I can not read your output.

  23. quattro

    Compiled gwenview, now work fine.

  24. Janis

    If I may, I’d like to suggest for the inner ring to decide on inclusion of pciutils-3.4.0 as 3.2.0 does not recognize new devices (had issue on Acer E4-572G laptop with non recognized WiFi chip) and add to the /n new Intel firmwares from

  25. mara

    the error is eliminated by removing perl-5.18.1 and all modules

  26. Regnad Kcin

    i started to notice some sluggishness in my machine and upgraded to the newest -current and things are snappy again.

  27. Regnad Kcin

    by the way, the latest upgrades to SCIM that came with this upgrade are really great for Chinese character input.

  28. alienbob

    Regnad Kcin, nice! I have not tried SCIM in a while, good to hear that it still improves.

  29. Umberto Rustichelli aka Ubi

    LibreOffice 5 won’t start any more because has been removed. I suppose a symbolic link can trivially fix that.

  30. alienbob

    Umberto, you missed this update:

    Thu Oct 29 20:12:14 UTC 2015
    a/aaa_elflibs-14.2-x86_64-3.txz: Rebuilt.

    This same remark can be found higher up in the page, see my Post dated: November 2, 2015 at 16:04

  31. ???????????

    gwenview not working! 🙁

  32. alienbob

    ??????????? – someone else already mentioned higher up in this page that gwenview has to be recompiled to make it work again.

  33. webster / Valheru

    Perl is crashed. One solution – back to the previous version. – 5.18.

  34. alienbob

    webster, you probably have installed some self-compiled perl modules. Slackware’s perl no longer uses a versioned installation directory. Earlier Slackware releases installed perl stuff in “/usr/lib/perl5//” but since 2011 everything is installed to “/usr/lib/perl5/”.

    If you have perl modules compiled for a previous perl, those modules are mixing in with the new perl and cause crashes. Try removing or at least recompiling those custom perl modules.

  35. webster / Valheru

    No, when I have your current perl I cannot compile anything.

    For example SBOtools:
    Checking if your kit is complete…
    Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:
    Please inform the author.
    Generating a Unix-style Makefile
    Writing Makefile for SBO::Lib
    Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
    cp lib/SBO/ blib/lib/SBO/
    cp lib/Sort/ blib/lib/Sort/
    PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 “/usr/bin/perl5.22.0” “-MExtUtils::Command::MM” “-MTest::Harness” “-e” “undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, ‘blib/lib’, ‘blib/arch’)” t/*.t
    t/SBO-Lib.t …
    Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
    Failed 1/1 subtests
    t/versions.t .. ok

    The same, when I try to compile Spamassassin and etc.

  36. Fabio

    Hi, from the latest current update, I’ve installed KDevelop, but now I’ve this error when try to launch :

    kdevelop: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ undefined symbol: _ZNK19KIdentityProxyModel10headerDataEiN2Qt11OrientationEi

    any suggestion?

  37. Martin

    I also had a segfault with pod2html. Got it to work by renaming (ie. removing) the plugin directory /usr/local/lib64/perl5/

  38. Martin

    I also had pod2html segfaulting on me. Got it to work by renaming the directory /usr/local/lib64/perl5

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