This afternoon at 19:15 we had to put our dearest cat SOX to sleep.
She reached the respectable age of 17 years. That is a pretty impressive for a Holy Birman. We got her and her sister when they were only seven weeks old – a kitten so small, she could sit on one hand.
Two years back she was terribly ill and we thought we would lose her. But she fought back and survived her failing kidneys with a special diet, and lots of drinking. Unfortunately, her condition deteriorated rapidly while we were on holiday in Italy, and we drove back in a hurry, ending our holiday prematurely. She had us near her for 30 hours (and we were so glad we could see her alive). But we saw she was suffering and she tried to find remote spots in the house and garden just to lie down – something she never did in the past even when she was sick – and wait for the end. Her condition got much worse today and we could no longer bear to see her in pain.
She has given us an enormous amount of love – and received our love and affection in return. The grief I feel stings like hot needles. That small cat comforted me in difficult times and strange as it may sound, she kept me sane.
Sox, we will be missing you, you wonderful and sweet cat.
we lost our a couple weeks ago, I know how it does feel
Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your beloved SOX.
I am sorry for your loss, Eric. Last summer I had to bury the last of my three cats, and I know how painful it can be. My condolences.
Hi Eric,
I Lost to a dearest cat many years ago.
It is like rib cut out of you.
Keep sweet memories of her close to you.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Cats appear to be selfish, but they are great companions, and part of the family. They are non-human friends.
I’m so sorry to hear. My SO’s cat of 16 years died last summer, and while she wasn’t conventionally cuddly, she helped him through a few rough patches, too.
I own cats since I was 5 years old…I lost many of pet friends to know what it feels like…
Sad to hear Eric, almost lost our dog last year to cancer but he has come back fighting. Our 13 yr old street cat is showing no signs of losing her obnoxiousness.
Please accept my condolences Eric. So sorry for your loss.
As a fellow cat owner I know how important they can be in our lives. I too understand how much comfort they can offer in bad time and how great fun they can be in good ones.
Its painful to lose them you have my condolences. Hopefully you can hold on to all the good memories of her.
Eric and Family – I wish I had some magic words to help. Our thoughts are with you and your family.
My condolences my friend. May God bless you and your family.
It’s been quite a shock for me to see your post on that precise day, as I just buried my beloved 10 years old cat 2 hours ago. So I couldn’t be more sincere to tell you how sorry I feel for your loss.
Take care
Sorry to hear. My thoughts are with you. We’ve been through it, and we have cats of similar age…
sleep 0; cat > SOX
Eric, I’m very, very sorry for your loss. I’m a cat person myself, and have lost two of my dearest companions in similar circumstances, so I can offer you my most sincere empathy, sympathy, and condolences. Pets certainly keep us sane (and, at times, insane…) when they’re with us, but the marks they leave on our hearts will be with us always. Take care.
My heart goes out to you. For most people pets are just pets, but for some of us they’re family. I’m sure Sox will be missed.
I’m really sorry for your loss. That is really tough. Stay strong Brother.
My sincere condolences Eric. I understand very well when you say that she kept your sanity. All the strength for you in these times.
Dear Eric Slacker Buddy:
I’m so sorry for your loss, a cat or a dog are not just pets, they’re part of the family and it feels deeply mad when we have to say goodbye to one of them. I can tell you that she’s so much better now that her pain has been relief. Let me say that she’s in a better place now and she will always take care of you and your family wherever she is now.
Big hug!!
Accept my sincere condolences for you and your family on the loss of your beloved Sox. I’m sorr your loss.
Sorry to hear about your loss, Eric. I’ve been through the same trauma with dogs, so I know how much it hurts.
I am wholeheartedly with you. Last year I lost my beloved Leila and I know what you mean.
From all my heart receive respect and love to you and your family
My condolences Erick, it’s always sad
…mi dispiace!
Truly sorry for your loss, Eric.
Sorry to hear that Eric, my dog died 2 years ago, he had 16 years old. I adopt he with 2 weeks old, and he stand by my side half by my age, i have 30s now. Was so sad when he died, we had to put it to sleep too, his heart was falling, was the only ill he had. I miss him because he only ate on lunch and dinner when I sat down to eat, else he was always waiting me for eat.
I hope he had a good and happy life by my side, because I had by his side.
Again my condolences.
Thank you all for your comforting words and good wishes.
We buried Sox in our garden the next morning (it rained, for the first time after several weeks of heat wave). The wounds in our souls are healing but the fond memories we have of her will never fade away.
Sox has a sister who has not been well ever since Sox passed away. She stopped eating food for days and finally had her first decent meal again this evening. Let’s hope she will be with us for a long time to come.