My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Release Candidate Four of LibreOffice 3.3.0

It looks like Oracle is trying to rush their OpenOffice 3.3.0 ahead of the LibreOffice fork. Yesterday I thought there was actually going to be a stable release but no, it was only their tenth release candidate. Do we really care?

Anyway, there is a fourth release candidate available now of LibreOffice. Obviously I built some cool packages for Slackware. An official  LibreOffice 3.3.0 is not far off, and what we already have in this Release Candidate looks really good.

I want to stress again: my packages have been compiled from source, as opposed to repackaging the official RPM files. My packages are native Slackware stuff. Language packs for a lot of non-english locales are available – anyone miss their own language here?

Get a dictionary for your language at . I would like to have feedback about including dictionaries for some of the major languages in the build.

My Slackware LibreOffice package and language packs – and associated build scripts – can be downloaded from the usual locations (it may take a little while for the UK mirror to be updated):

There is an rsync access as well:

  • rsync://

I am running LibreOffice on Slackware 13.1 as well as -current without issues. Read my older blog posts for my experiences with LibreOffice, and tips on compiling it from source.

Have fun, Eric


  1. natex

    Thank You for providing these packages. You are a huge asset to the slackware community.

  2. Andrew

    Thank You for this packages. And yes I miss my own language here (Ukrainian). I use RPM package for localization.

  3. alienbob

    Hi Andrew

    I have updated the “languages” file and the next release of my LibreOffice package will contain a Ukrainian localization.
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Cheers, Eric

  4. Alex

    Hi Eric,

    as requested, here’s my feedback regarding inclusion of language packs.
    I think, German is one of the most important languages for LibreOffice, not only because it is my language, but because LibO and OOo enjoy particularly high acceptance in German speaking countries. Which is not surprising, if you just recall, originally were derived from StarOffice, developed in Hamburg (Germany). This resulted in good support for our language since version one, which was just one reason, why the package became so popular, that Sun got interested and acquired the whole company developing the software.

    Best regards


  5. zbreaker

    Many thanks for this work Eric. As usual you continue to spoil those who slack!

  6. alienbob

    Hi gargamel

    What’s in libreoffice-l10n-de- if it is not german?


  7. mlangdn

    After the upgrade, I clicked on Calc, and it didn’t even try to start. So I tried Writer, and it started just fine. Closed Writer, then I tried Calc again, and it came up with no problem. I guess Writer has to be started first for some reason.

  8. alienbob

    Hi mlangdn

    I have noticed this with past releases, that sometimes the very first LibreOffice app (any app) will not start, but after that any LO app will start just fine. If you start the application on a terminal commandline you’ll probably see the reason: invalid cache contents which will then be deleted.


  9. Alex

    There was obviously a msunderstanding caused by my post being incomplete. Of course, support for German language is available for LibO and your packages include it. I just wanted to confirm that this is much appreciated!


  10. tim

    great. english british is appreciated as the sbo version is US by default. on another note, any chance of your VLC builds being updated, especially the “full” version. thanks

  11. michelino

    Thanks for all this stuff!!!
    ….about you feedback request: I’ll really appreciate the Italian dictionary in the relevant language pack.
    Thanks, thanks and thanks again!

  12. alienbob


    I am preparing vlc-1.1.6 package uploads as I type. Should be available in the repository in an hour.
    The british language module is included in the next version of my LibreOffice build if all goes well.


  13. alienbob


    I deleted your last post because it was just too large (containing the complete and unabridged release announcement of LibreOffice 3.3.0)…

    Yes, I know that the 3.3.0 release is official now. What you may have overlooked is that the final release is byte-identical to the RC4…. they have just renamed the binary package to 3.3.0 and did not even bother to create new source tarballs – leaving them at (which makes my SlackBuild script again a bit uglier).

    I could have just renamed all my packages too, but since I wanted to add several new languages packs I am currently rebuilding libreoffice-3.3.0 from scratch.


  14. abul-jauzaa

    hi eric !

    libre office has release the final version (3.3.0).
    please make the slackware package for us.

  15. tim

    thanks for the updated vlc packages 🙂

  16. alienbob


    The new LibreOffice 3.3.0 packages will arrive soon. In the meantime I have been busy with the new KDE as well (see my post today).


  17. Azmi

    Ok eric, i will waiting for your release LibreOffice for slackware 🙂

  18. alienbob

    Azmi, you did not do your research:


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