My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Network configuration

I am at home because I can not work… due to recent surgery (inguinal hernia) I can only “sit” (or rather, lean back) in a soft couch and can not wear other trousers than jogging pants. But this is boring! So I thought of stuff to do – things I had been neglecting.

My Wiki was in dear need of new articles and article updates… voilá I had a goal!

The first fruit of my labour is a new article about Slackware’s network configuration. While the online books like Slackware Linux Essentials (the official Slackbook) and Daniël de Kok’s Slackware Linux Basics are good introductions to ?ettin? the network up and running, an in-depth overview of the (im)possibilities and further background information on the format of the configuration file rc.inet1.conf has been lacking in Slackware. I know, maybe I should write a “man rc.inet1.conf” someday. And such a man page may even spring to life in the near future… certainly, the material I wrote for the Wiki will serve as input for that.

Apart from documenting “normal” wired configuration, I spent a lot of time on wireless networking, because that is one of the areas people struggle most. And it really is so simple to setup – but without properly documented parameters it is harder than it should be. I hope the Wiki article will help people and if not, I always welcome questions, advice, hints and corrections. There is a chapter with some historical facts about the advancement of Slackware’s network support because I was involved in it a lot.

Without further ado, I suggest that you take a look at “Configuring your network in Slackware“.

Have fun reading! Eric


  1. cezar (from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil)

    Hi, I am facing problems with my wireless configuration: I have configured rc.inet1.conf like this: IFNAME[4]=”wlan0″
    But when system starts there is always an error message: “/etc/rc.d/rc.M wlan information fill with your own settings set failed on device wlan0 operation not supported”. The internet connection is established in the end…but the error at the beginning makes the boot stop for a long time.

  2. alienbob

    Hi cezar

    Open the file “/etc/rc.d/rc.wireless” in an editor and look for the following lines:

    # This is a bit hackish, but should do the job right…
    if [ ! -n “$NICKNAME” ] ; then
    if [ -n “$ESSID” -o -n “$MODE” ] ; then
    echo “$0: $IWCOMMAND nick $NICKNAME” | $LOGGER

    Place a comment character (the # character) in front of all the above lines. Then restart your computer and find out if commenting out these lines helped.

    Good luck, Eric

  3. cezar (from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil)

    Hi Eric, thank you very very much. It has been most kind of you to have answered me with such a detailed and clear explanation. And thank you for having helped me to solve the problem. No more problem at the boot caused by the wireless stuff ! Great work. I have also followed your advice and I have commented all the lines of rc.wireless.conf file (have not deleted it yet as you have suggested …lol…). Also, congratulations on all the hard work done do improve Slack ( I use since 1999!). Greetings from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil. Cezar

  4. cezar (from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil)

    Hi Eric. I am sorry but I am back. No, no problem at all with wireless and the network configuration. It is perfect. But after the problems with wireless have gone, there is a new message during the boot when it starts “triggering udev events /sbin/udevadm trigger–type=failed”. And then the boot hangs for a loooong time. Maybe just a coincidence, but I have noticed it after I have finished the network configuration. I have already removed all USB devices and no changes. The message comes again. I run Slack 13.37 64 current. Thanks for your attention again! Cezar

  5. cezar (from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil)

    this is how the /etc/rc.d/rc.udev looks like:

    echo “Triggering udev events: /sbin/udevadm trigger $OPT”
    # Call udevtrigger and udevsettle to do the device configuration:
    /sbin/udevadm trigger $OPT && /sbin/udevadm settle –timeout=120


  6. alienbob

    Hi cezar

    This is not something I can help you with, it is a udev related question which you should perhaps ask in the Slackware forum at http;// ? Or write to PiterPUNK, who maintains UDEV in Slackware. Piter lives in Sao Paulo.


  7. cezar (from Rio de Janeiro/Brazil)

    Eric, I thank you once more for your attention and your answer anyway. Cezar

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