A few weeks back Laurent Parenteau asked me to contribute a post to his series “Meet the Linux family” on the blog “Software Development with Linux“. Well here it is: http://laurentparenteau.com/blog/2010/02/meet-the-linux-family-eric-hameleers/ . Nothing spectacular, but just enough controversy (I hope… I wrote “Steve Balmer” and “Eric Raymond” on the same page) to make it interesting for you to read.
Note: The above URL is no longer valid. The article is archived under http://laurentparenteau.com/blog/archive/2010/02/Meet_the_Linux_Family_Eric_Hameleers.html
it has only been 4 years and the links have changed again.
your post is now http://laurentparenteau.com/blog/posts/101
the rest are at
I enjoyed reading them