My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

March Flash updates

adobe_flash_8s600x600_2 New Flash security bulletin from Adobe: apsb15-05.

Available for immediate download as a Slackware package are the plugin for chromium (PPAPI) as well as the plugin for mozilla-compatible browsers (NPAPI). If you have pipelight installed, you should run “pipelight-plugin –update” as root to get the latest MS Windows-based Flash installed automatically the next time the browser loads the pipelight plugin.

The updated Slackware package for chromium-pepperflash-plugin has version The updated flashplayer-plugin has version

Download them here (probably mirrored elsewhere too, but these I at least know about):



  1. gauchao

    Thank you Eric!

  2. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    Thanks Eric 🙂

  3. lems


    thanks for the updates, though I can’t seem to get pipelight flash to work. Ran pipelight-plugin –update as root and even tried with a new firefox profile. No luck. Using 11.2 for now. Would like to get rid of flash completely, but some sites require it, and even require flash higher than 11.2. Sigh.


  4. Eduardo

    Thank you Eric!

  5. alienbob

    lems, it looks like the pipelight developers have not updated their dependencies script since 26 Feb. That is why running “pipelight –update” does not bring anything new.

  6. shinji

    Hello Eric,
    the new flashplugin “source” archive includes a LGPL directory.
    Your slackbuild doesn’t handle it, so it ends being installed in the
    / directory, which obviously isn’t its place.
    I think it should be installed alongside documentation.

    The fix is trivial, here’s a small patch for your slackbuild:


    — flashplayer-plugin.SlackBuild.orig 2015-03-14 19:07:54.296321664
    +++ flashplayer-plugin.SlackBuild 2015-03-14 19:10:49.275936222
    @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
    MAJVER=$(echo $VERSION | cut -d. -f1)

    # Where do we look for sources?
    @@ -291,6 +291,7 @@
    # Add documentation:
    mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
    mv *.txt $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/ || true
    +mv LGPL $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION/ || true
    cp -a $SRCDIR/$(basename $0) $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM–$VERSION/$PRGNAM.S
    chown -R root:root $PKG/usr/doc/$PRGNAM-$VERSION
    find $PKG/usr/doc -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;


    As always, thanks for all your hard work!

  7. alienbob

    Hi shinji,

    Good catch!
    My “checkpkg” script did not yet check for files in the root directory which do not belong there.
    I added that feature to the script ( and I am now rebuilding the repository with an updated flashplayer-plugin package.

  8. lems

    It seems the pipelight-script has now been updated. I had to remove pluginreg.dat after pipelight was initialized (creating the ~/.wine-pipelight directory and downloading the flash plugin). I run my firefox browser as different user, and still have no luck enabling it here, but it worked when I ran it as my user.

  9. Alexandre R. Vianna

    This is my first time with Alien’s help.

    I tried Flash.
    It worked, but there is a message:
    Shokwave Flash is known to be vulnerable and should be updated!

    What is wrong?

  10. Alexandre R. Vianna

    P.S.: I am runnig it in Firefox 26.1!

  11. alienbob

    Alexandre –

    What Flash? The Linux version or the Windows version which you use together with Pipelight?

  12. Alexandre R. Vianna

    Thank you, Bob.
    I will try to install pipelight – linux version.

  13. Alexandre R. Vianna


    Flash … 457 is released!

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