My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

LinuxQuestions Award: Live Distribution of the Year 2019

The poll results of the yearly Members Choice Awards have been published. I am happy to see that my liveslak project made a positive impression on the community in 2019.
Thanks to all who voted! Live Distros are a niche area so the absolute amount of voters is pretty low but it’s a clear win for Slackware Live Edition.

Cheers, Eric


  1. Didier Spaier

    Congrats Eric! I am sure that liveslak draws attention on Slackware and help people realize what it can bring to them.

    Best regards,

  2. Tom

    Congratulations Eric. Well done and well deserved.

  3. Tonus

    You and your work deserves it!

  4. gegechris99

    Congratulations Eric.
    Liveslak PLASMA5 was the reason I decided to upgrade to Slackware current + KDE 5 (from your ktown repository).

  5. Henry Pfeil

    It’s a clear win for Slackware as well! It is about time you received the recognition you deserve. Well done. *three cheers*

  6. Francisco

    +1, I proudly vote.

    It is a masterpeace in terms of apps, crypt support and finally a setup to hard disk functionality converting liveslack into slackware with steroids!.

    Just studying liveslack scripts had been worth it and nice learning experience!.

    Please Eric keep this excellent live slack maturing and updated, and many many thanks for it!

    Congrats Eric and well deserved!


  7. Eduardo

    Well deserved Eric. Congratulations!

  8. Regnad Kcin

    Slackware Live! is like a gospel tract for the those who don’t yet know the blessings of Linux, Slackware, and Plasma5. It gives the new user an easily accessible first hand go at a fully-fledged Slackware Linux based system, ready to run with the full complement daily driver tools like Libre Office and the power and freedom of Slackware Linux and the FOSS experience. Furthermore the tools needed to load it to the hard drive are all right there to make the same system available on their computer.

  9. Michael

    Congrats Eric! Thanks for all you do.

  10. LoneStar

    Congratulations! I did enjoy using it as well, for rescue purposes

  11. Barcoboy

    Congratulations Eric! So nice to also see Slackware a close second for both Desktop Distribution and Server Distribution of the Year.

  12. Jen

    Congrats, and it’s well-deserved! πŸ™‚

  13. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    Congratulations and nice work

  14. KG Hammarlund

    Well-deserved indeed. I took the plunge into 64bit and -current back in 2016 ago with the help of your LiveSlak iso and have never looked back.

    And had only two more people voted for Slackware as desktop distribution of the year, Slackware would have beaten Ubuntu…

  15. gauchao

    Congratulations, Eric! Well deserved and thank you very much!

  16. Ricardo

    Congratulations! It couldn’t be more well deserved πŸ™‚

  17. Poprocks

    Congratulations! I have been out of the loop so I failed to vote, but it is well-deserved. Slackware Live is truly amazing, not just as a live distro with a series of flavours, but as a platform to create other live distros. The simplicity and power of the platform, the tools and the documentation are unparalleled. Kudos!!!

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