My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

LibreOffice 3.5.5 released – just before 3.6.0

I realize that LibreOffice 3.6.0 is almost upon us, but I think that a stable office suite is more important than the latest release. So, I uploaded a set of LibreOffice packages (targeting Slackware 13.37 and newer). The new maintenance release of LibreOffice is characterized with “improvements in … compatibility to third-party formats” apart from the usual bux fixes of course.

As usual, there is the main (big) libreoffice package accompanied by a lot of language packs and the libreoffice-mozplugin for embedding documents in your mozilla-compatible webbrowser.

If you want to compile this yourself on Slackware 13.37, then you must make sure that you have applied all the available patches for 13.37 first, in particular the newer seamonkey package there. Also you have to replace your JRE package with the full JDK found in the “/extra” directory. Additional non-Slackware requirements for compilation are Apache Ant and the Archive:Zip Perl module. after installing/upgrading all that, logout from your shell and login again to update your environment (or just run ” . /etc/profile ” including that dot). None of this is necessary if you just want to use my package for LibreOffice.

You can find the packages for Slackware 13.37 (they will work without issues on -current too!) in the usual locations. All of the mirrors below also offer rsync access by the way:

Good luck with the packages! I will not do a 3.6.0 version but wait for the first bugfix release of that new cycle.

Cheers, Eric


  1. jaycee

    A sincere thank you Eric, for this set of packages, and all the contributions you’re making to Slackware during this hectic period you’re experiencing! Your efforts are very much appreciated! 🙂
    Might I suggest even holding off on making packages for LO 3.6.1? Given all the hassle of debugging the build failures of LO 3.5 last time, you hardly need to go through that sort of thing again with LO 3.6 at the moment. Perhaps LO 3.6 can wait until after Slackware 14.0 is released? After all, there are still two more bugfix releases of LO 3.5 left ( I and my fellow Slackers all want a healthy alienBOB, not a stressed one. 😉

  2. marnold

    I also want to thank you for making these packages. I use LibreOffice a lot over the course of the week.

  3. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    Thanks, Eric! Have a great recharge in the coming days. 🙂

  4. gegechris99

    Thank you Eric for the update.

  5. Brad

    Thanks Eric!

  6. escaflown

    Thanks Eric!

  7. StreamThreader


  8. Niki Kovacs

    Thanks very much!

  9. Niki Kovacs

    I have some strange behaviour here, and I *think* it’s possibly related to the libreoffice packages.

    After I install libreoffice-3.5.5 as well as the l10n packages for french and german translations, I see the following new directory tree in /root (?!?):

    # tree -d /root/libreoffice/
    — 3
    — user
    |– config
    |– extensions
    | |– bundled
    | | — registry

    Plus, there’s also a bunch of ‘lu9vhfog.tmp’ files and similar that fill up /tmp.

    Any idea what’s happening here?

  10. Niki Kovacs

    OK, I double-checked this, and I can say for sure there’s some weirdness in the libreoffice-3.5.5 package. Before installation, /root is empty. And after it, /root gets filled with a mysterious libreoffice/ directory tree.

  11. alienbob

    The /root/.libreoffice directory tree is probably being created because the package’s script calls “unopkg” (as root) to install the shared dictionaries.

    What causes all those empty /tmp/lu*.tmp directories, I do not know, but I had some 850 on this computer…


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