My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

KDE Software Compilation 4.6.4

I may have been ranting about KDE’s future policies on source code packaging, but that does not mean I am unhappy with the software. Much to the contrary! So here it is again:

KDE team is proud to announce the release of KDE Software Compilation 4.6.4 – and I built you some nice packages for Slackware. This version of the KDE SC is probably not going to end up in Slackware in the next few days (Pat Volkerding is showing his face on the South East Linux Fest (SELF) of which Slackware is a “bronze” sponsor) so I took my chances. If you want to keep updated on the changes in these KDE packages, please subscribe to my ktown repository’s RSS feed.
You have to be running Slackware 13.37 (32bit or 64bit) or newer in order to use these packages. They were built on slackware-current. Please read the accompanying README file for installation and upgrade instructions!

This is the fourth incremental release in the 4.6 series, meaning it’s mostly bugfixes and translation enhancements. Functionally there is nothing spectacular. Nevertheless, some of the highlights of my package set:

  • Packages of the stable release 4.6.0 of kdepim and kdepim-runtime are included as well. YES! The 4.6 release of the KDEPIM suite has taken a long time to stabilize, after it had basically been re-written from scratch.
  • Updated dependencies since KDE 4.6.3 if you have that installed already: akonadi, libssh.
  • Updated dependencies with regard to the stable Slackware 13.37 are: PyQt, QScintilla, akonadi, attica, ebook-tools, hunspell, libdbusmenu-qt,sip, soprano, system-config-printer, virtuoso-ose.
  • Not part of Slackware 13.37 at all (yet): grantlee, libatasmart, libbluedevil, libssh, sg3_utils, udisks.
  • And bluedevil of course – the new KDE bluetooth stack which is based on the BlueZ libraries already present in Slackware. It got added to “kde”. It integrates a lot better into KDE than the GTK application “blueman” which is now primarily meant to be used with the non-KDE desktop environments.

The KDE 4.6.4 packages for Slackware 13.37 & current should be available for download from my β€œktown” repository by now (the Indonesian mirror may need a bit of time to sync up):

Thanks to the many KDE developers, sysadmins, advocates and documentation writers, and whomever I may have forgotten. KDE is simply the best desktop environment around.

Have fun! Eric


  1. Ben

    Thanks! How does kdepim seem so far?

  2. Joao Assuncao

    Great news!!!
    A big, big thank you. Keep up with the excellent work.

  3. zbreaker

    Eric…you’re the best..many thanks for this. Just in time for a little weekend tinkering!

  4. witchlord

    Eric – the best!!!

  5. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    Start mirroring itnow πŸ™‚

  6. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo


    There are two duplicated QScintilla package on the x86/deps/
    can you please remove the old one?


  7. escaflown

    Thanks Eric! I’m really excited about this one because of the inclusion of the stable release of kdepim. I became over time a big fun of Kontact. I like how it integrates everything in one windows: my emails, my google calendar (thanks to akonadi-google, my rss subscriptions, my google contacts, journal, notes, to-do list …) πŸ™‚

  8. David

    Congratulations and many thanks to KDE Team and Eric for the great work!

  9. bonaire

    Is it possible to update the PACKAGES.TXT? It points to inexistent file location which breaks slapt-get.

  10. alienbob

    @bonaire –

    Without telling me what exactly is that inexistent file location, I can’t do much. I do not use slapt-get so I can not check.


  11. bonaire

    The file
    holds a wrong PACKAGE LOCATION for the not rebuilt packages.

    PACKAGE LOCATION: ./4.6.3/x86/deps
    PACKAGE LOCATION: ./4.6.1/x86/deps

    It seems that slapt-get uses this file to build the download link.

  12. Thomas LΓΈcke

    Awesome work Eric. Works a charm and it has even fixed an annoying graphic glitch I had with 4.5.5. Thumbs up from me.

  13. alienbob

    @bonaire –

    You are absolutely right.
    I have fixed my repository script, and re-generated all meta files. You should no longer have issues with slapt-get.
    Willy may want to re-sync his ktown mirror anyway because I removed the old QScintilla files that were left accidentally.

    Thanks, Eric

  14. White Widow

    I have upgraded kde 4.6.3 to 4.6.4 and now System Settings don t work.

    “System Settings was unable to find any views, and hence has nothing to display”

    Some help please

  15. alienbob

    No idea White Widow, systemsettings work fine here.
    Do you see any errors when you run the command “systemsettings” in a terminal? Perhaps you are missing a library.


  16. bonaire

    Excellent! It is working now πŸ™‚

  17. White Widow

    Thanks for replying so quickly alienbob

    Console: systemsettings
    “systemsettings(7868): KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server: “Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.”

    systemsettings(7867): KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.#

  18. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    I have re-synced just now and it’s working great

  19. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    @White Widow
    Have you restarted your system after upgrading?
    Sometimes, you get a strange error after upgrading, but it will be gone after you restart yours system and/or logout KDE and re-login

  20. White Widow

    Working now.
    It seems rsync missed 4 ou 5 packages in kde folder.
    I have just installed those packages and rebooted.

    Thanks willy

  21. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    Working great here in Kentucky! Thanks, Eric. πŸ™‚

  22. Dimitris

    A big thanks for the packages πŸ™‚
    After the upgrade I removed the executable bit from /etc/rc.d/rc.hald to see if KDE can manage without HAL, but now I have no write permissions to my removable devices (usb sticks etc.). Any ideas? Should I re-enable HAL?

  23. pcelka

    Thanks for the packages Eric! Very good job!

    @Dimitris: a quick and ugly way to retrieve write permission on ntfs devices:

    ln -s /bin/ntfs-3g /sbin/mount.ntfs

  24. Dimitris


    Thanks, I don’t know why it’s ugly, but it does work πŸ™‚

  25. e-Zak

    Great work Eric. Thanks.

  26. KupoB

    Hi Eric,

    (once again) Thanks for the great work!!!

    I have a quick question – Why not upgrading Qt to a version that contains (a lot of) bug-fixes like 4.7.3? Or it’s up to Pat?

  27. e-Zak

    Eric, I was receiving a lot of these messages on .xsession-errors:

    kded(1859) PowerDevilUPowerBackend::brightness: org.kde.powerdevil.backlighthelper.brightness failed
    kded(1859) PowerDevilUPowerBackend::setBrightness: org.kde.powerdevil.backlighthelper.setbrightness failed

    Using The Oracle (google actually) I found this post on KDE forum which solved my issue:

    I don’t know the drawbacks of this change though, but if none, perhaps you should consider adding this change in your next KDE build.


  28. e-Zak

    Talked too soon. Problem is back again.

    Still researching…

  29. Mike

    Hi Eric,
    It seems like the need for an update to mesa is still required to run KDE 4.6.4 on certain Intel video cards like the x4500MHD. After the upgrade a simple alt-tab with desktop effects enabled sent me back to a KDM login screen. I haven’t upgraded Mesa yet but the last time I tried that it seemed the fix the issue. Thanks again for the work you do for Slackware.


  30. Marc

    Alright, this is neat!

    But i have no luck getting bluedevil to work. Or better: i can’t get my Dell BT Travel Mouse connected. It is recognized, but it fails to connect using the bluetooth device wizard.

    For the rest, keep up the good work!

    And a big thanks.

  31. Chan Kit

    Upgrading mesa to 7.10.2 or disabling desktop effects will fix the segmentation fault issue when attempting to use any desktop effects.

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