My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Chromium update fixes 5th zero-day exploit for 2024

In Google’s release notes for the latest Chromium 124.0.6367.201 source code it is  mentioned that this release fixes a zero-day vulnerability. Beware: this is already the 5th zero-day which was reported and fixed in Chromium in 2024.

This vulnerability is already actively exploited in the wild, and is labeled CVE-2024-4671, so please upgrade your chromium and also ungoogled-chromium packages as soon as you can.

You can fetch my Slackware 15.0 and -current packages both for chromium and chromium-ungoogled . You can also visit mirror servers (like my own US server and in a short while, the UK mirror) in case my own server is not responding or too slow.

Note that I still do not provide 32bit package updates for Chromium and Chromium-ungoogled. It is a lot of work to find out how to compile rust and llvm on 32bit Slackware ‘the Google way’ and so far the solution has eluded me.
I need these custom rust and clang compilers to compile Chromium sources on 32bit.
And please don’t tell me ‘to look at how Debian does it’ – it does not help.

Cheers, Eric


  1. gegechris99

    Hi Eric,

    Thank you for quick package release.

  2. TheTKS

    Eric, thanks for staying on top of this and getting these updates out fast. Google is, again, keeping you extra busy.


  3. Jen

    Thanks for pipewire-jack! have you had a chance to use pipewire much? I’m pretty impressed with it. (And its implementation of jack.)

    • alienbob

      I use nothing else than a webbrowser these days. Nothing else matters.

  4. Marco

    Make that six. :–(

    • alienbob

      Indeed, although this one is not as serious as the previous one. Still, updated packages are now available from my repository.

      • Marco


  5. Marco

    Another one, only fixed in the new version 125, it seems. Nice. Not. Or is there a backported fix for 124 available? The Extended Stable Channel apparently is only for Windows and Mac.

  6. Marco

    Ah, I see you already managed to build the 125.0.6422.60 version.
    Thank you very much!

  7. Marco

    8! When do these guys learn to code properly?

  8. Marco

    Chromium-ungoogled 125.0.6422.112 update. Thanks!

  9. Marco

    Thanks for the chromium-ungoogled 125.0.6422.141 update.

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