My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Chromium 110 packages for Slackware (the last version for Slackware 14.2)

I have uploaded the packages for Google Chromium 110.0.5481.77 as well as its un-googled version. The sources for this new major release were available since a week ago, but as it often happens when Chromium updates its major version number, I get to find ways around the breakage that seems to be specific for the unusual Slackware target, and create fixes and patches to make the sources compile into a package for Slackware.

It took me so long to come up with packages this time, that Google already released a newer update (110.0.5481.96) today…
You won’t get that update now, hopefully soon though. Get the 110.0.5481.77 release from my server (chromium or chromium-ungoogled) or its US mirror (chromium or chromium-ungoogled).

The new packages are targeting Slackware 14.2 and newer. As announced last year and repeated a couple of times, I am going to drop support for Slackware 14.2 on the first anniversary of Slackware 15.0, which is February 22nd, 2023.
Ergo, the final version of Chromium you’ll get from me for Slackware 14.2 will be this “110” release because Chromium 111 will see the light on March 1st.
It would be wise to upgrade to Slackware 15.0 anyway if you are still on 14.2.

Enjoy! Eric


  1. tasoss


  2. Richard Herbert

    Thanks for all the time and effort, Eric. Let’s hope 111 will be an easier project!

  3. gegechris99

    Thanks Eric for keeping us in sync with Chromium brisk development pace.
    I particularly appreciate the ungoogled version.

  4. Konrad J Hambrick

    Thanks for the updates Eric !
    Posting from chromium-ungoogled-110.0.5481.77-x86_64-1alien and all is well
    — kjh

  5. wirelessmc

    Thank you Eric, The Slackware community owes a debt of gratitude for your support over the years! Yes hopefully the newer Chromium versions will take a little less time to debug, compile and package. Curious if the -current version offers more challenges than the -15.0 (stable) version?
    –wirelessmc on LQ

  6. Marco

    Thanks for the Chromium 110.0.5481.100 update!

  7. Brian Amundsen

    Eric, thank you for the continued support of Slackware. Your dedication to the core of the Slackware philosophy is truly a benefit to us who don’t have the skills. Cheers, BrianA_MN

    • Konrad J Hambrick

      Eric —
      Thanks for chromium-ungoogled-110.0.5481.100-x86_64-1alien and chromium-110.0.5481.100-x86_64-1alien
      Both work ver well and I am posting via chromium-ungoogled-110.0.5481.100-x86_64-1alien
      — kjh

    • alienbob

      It’s not so much a matter of skills, rather boneheadedness and not quitting until the stupid thing works 😉
      Any way, I will probably do a test build of Chromium on Slackware 14.2 just to make sure that it still results in a working package. Looking at how tricky it has been for months to make it compile at all on Slackware 14.2 fuels my opinion that there’s an end to what can be achieved with Slackware 14.2.

      I assume that people running Slackware servers are not using Chromium anyway, and they can stay on 14.2 for some time to come with all the security updates Pat is still releasing. On the other hand, people running Slackware on a desktop or laptop are really better off upgrading to Slackware 15.
      Building Chromium on Slackware 15.0+ will allow me to enable more capabilities in the browser.

  8. Konrad J Hambrick

    Eric —
    Thanks for calibre-6.11.0-x86_64-1alien, chromium-110.0.5481.177-x86_64-1alien and chromium-ungoogled-110.0.5481.177-x86_64-1alien
    All three are running fine on my Slackware64 15.0 +MultiLib Laptop
    — kjh

    • alienbob

      I am trying to make Chromium compile without having to rely on the Debian-based ‘sysroot’ and the custom libstdc++ that was needed for it to compile and run on the ancient Slackware 14.2. Unfortunately this keeps failing without me understanding why.
      It takes ages to do a single iteration of a chromium build and I can only spend evenings on this. Which is why I skipped the 32bit builds of the most recent chromium (-ungoogled) updates and may keep doing so for the near future until I solve this.

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