My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Chromium 102 (regular and ungoogled) for 64bit Slackware

Google has released the sources for Chromium 102.0.5005.61. The release notes mention 32 security fixes. One of those (CVE-2022-1853) is listed as ‘critical’ and supposedly an attacker can craft a website in such a way that if you visit that URL, the attacker can compromise or take over your local computer. No clicking required.

And again it proves to be quite hard to compile 32bit packages for the new Chromium.
The Google developers create new hurdles almost every major release in their ‘assumption’ that there is no 32bit Linux out there that they should support. I am still working out what I need to fix/patch.

Therefore you can only get 64bit chromium packages here (NL mirror) or here (US mirror). Likewise the chromium-ungoogled packages (64bit only) are found here (NL mirror) or here (US mirror).

Cheers, Eric


  1. PeeBee

    Thanks as always Eric…… hope you can solve the 32-bit build problem…….

    Maybe the Void maintainer would be able to help as they have been able to produce a 32-bit version of 102.0.5005.61

    maintainer=”Duncaen ”

    • alienbob

      They build Chromium completely differently, they will not be able to fix my issue.

  2. alienbob

    I have uploaded the 32bit packages of Chromium in the ungoogled variant. I will not publish 32bit packages of regular Chromium 102.

  3. 1483_3802

    Hello Eric,

    have you heard about 1483 (fresh_orange_0/00 back then) being banned from the MX Linux forums?

    Thank you very much for all the slackbuilds and packages that you have uploaded, I’m about to download the multilib ones 🙂 (and it is not the first time that I do that, I’ve used 13.37 in the past).

    Best regards.

    • alienbob

      Why should I care about MX Linux. Totally irrelevant question.

      • 1483_3802

        I was able to execute the sudo command without my user account being in the sudoers file.

        And the KDE splash screen says “Plasma 25th Anniversary”

        Plasma is KDE5.

        KDE5 didn’t exist back in 1997.

        The Common Desktop Environment did I believe.

        I’ve used CDE and tried a bit Plan 9 from Bell Labs.

        • alienbob

          Is there a question in there? Perhaps the “I was able to execute the sudo command without my user account being in the sudoers file”? You user account does not have to be in the sudoers file as long as it is a member of a group which is defined in sudoers file.
          Otherwise your comments are too vague to reply in any meaningful way.

          • 1483_3802

            I tried to make c083d4 a member of wheel, however then a list of groups appeared, it seemes like I had to type “wheel” again in order to add c083d4 to that group, howeber I didn’t and decided to do that later if I ever needed to.

            I’ve a request: a link to a version of Slackware 15.0 (the latest version is 15.0, right?) that isn’t adulterated and that doesn’t lie.

          • alienbob

            OK this is likely going to be your last post. Clean up your act, remain respectful, be to the point and behave like a sane person, or else you will not post here again.
            Also, you may want to look into bread baking and leave computers to other people.

  4. Jen

    New Frescobaldi package works great! If you or any of your followers know of an atom replacement, a friend of mine would love to hear about it.

  5. ocabronx

    Hello Alien! i use your repositories like /alien/sbrepos/ with slackpkg+ and first thanks for helping the community.
    My question is, to maintain repositories like sbrepos, do you use some kind of automation/script to compile software or is it done manually?
    I’m not talking about SlackBuilds

    • alienbob

      It is all done manually.
      I do have clean QEMU virtual machine installations of various versions of Slackware, so that my packages do not pick up unwanted dependencies, but to compile a package, I boot a VM, copy the SlackBuild and sources in there, run the SlackBuild manually and copy the resulting logfile and packages back out of the VM to the host filesystem.

      I use my checkpkg script to check the logfile for errors and stuff that should not happen, and the package for offenses against the Slackware package format. You could consider that as some degree of automation.

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