My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Best wishes for a healthy and safe 2013

Hi folks

This is the last day of 2012 and I want to take the opportunity to thank you all for reading my blog posts and your support in whatever way. Some good people sent me donation money through PayPal for which I am extremely glad since these times are not at all good, financially speaking. I was about to give up this summer, but your support allowed me to keep paying the bills for the build box and compensate to my family for all the hours I was not available for them. Thanks also to the generous person who keeps hosting my taper mirror for free – which is also the home of the Slackware Documentation Project coincidentally.

The birth of the Slackware Documentation Project was the highlight of 2012 for me, it gave me a lot of fresh energy to see so many of you reach out and bring together precious documentation for new and experienced Slackers alike.

I hope to see you all back in good health in the New Year!

The year has had its ups and downs for Slackware, one of the least enjoyable moments was when the webserver died and we were without an “internet sign post” for a while. That caused a stir for sure πŸ™‚ I was glad to see the response from Slackers around the world and the expression of faith in the future of our favorite distro.

As the year ends, we are going strong as ever again, with Slackware 14 running on a lot of computers. Let’s see what 2013 brings. At least KDE 4.9.5 packages are waiting on my server for the public release on the 2nd of January 2013. They will not show up in Slackware-current (probably) but you will find them in my ktown repository. I will post here once they are available..

Remember, Slackware will always be free, but please consider a small donation or buy a copy of the Slackware installation media in order to support Pat Volkerding financially.

Finally, I want you to watch a bit of video before you head out into the night and light the fireworks. Be careful, especially you young people!

Cheers, Eric


  1. Didier Spaier

    On the occasion of this incoming year, my best wishes go to you and to all the ones you care about, Eric.

    Thanks for the tremendous work you dedicate to the Slackware community.

    Cheers, Didier

  2. y0g1

    Happy new Year Eric

  3. Niki Kovacs

    Happy new year, Eric. Thank you so much for your dedication in making Slackware the “Finest Linux Anywhere”.

    I have loads of Slackware HOWTOS in preparation on my SVN repo. I’ll start submitting them around the end of February, as soon as my teaching contract comes to an end.

    A funny little anecdote on the side. My group of sysadmin students study Slackware Linux as well as Windows server in parallel. The course has been going on for about two months, and we’re already wading knee-deep in more advanced techniques like SlackBuild scripts, configuring Bind and Samba, etc. I took a peek in their Windows Server class, which is all point-and-click, and I thought: Jesus, this is much more comfortable for them, what will they think of Slackware now, yadda yadda yadda… Before the Christmas holidays there was a round table in the company, and the director phoned me after that and told me “how much the students appreciate the Linux course, they came to see me to tell me how much they enjoy it”.

    Another way of supporting Slackware: breeding die-hard Slackware sysadmins ?

    Cheers from the sunny South of France !


  4. DEF

    Best wishes !

  5. Razvan

    Thanks a lot for all your work with Slackware and happy new year!

  6. Kristian

    Hi Eric.

    A happy new year to you and your family, and a big thank you for the work that you’ve put in to Slackware over the years.



  7. Adri Vingerhoets

    Zalig nieuwjaar!

  8. jaycee

    Thank you for your kind wishes Eric, and, especially, thank you so very much for all the fabulous contributions you’ve made to Slackware this year, let alone all previous years! Us Slackers are all eternally grateful for your continual generosity! Here’s to a fantastic year ahead for you! πŸ™‚

  9. escaflown

    Happy New Year, Eric!

  10. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    Happy New Year as well Eric and every Slackware users πŸ™‚

    i would like to write a summary for 2012 as well, but since my first baby girl was born at Dec 29, i couldn’t write any post at all. Probably after i came back from the hospital by tommorrow

  11. Me

    Happy new year Eric and every one else.
    I’m really glad that you didn’t give up, i appreciate everything you done for Slackware and hope for the future.
    Also spend some time with our family since kids grove so fast and that time never comes back and wifes always wants more time.
    Gelukkig nieuwjaar.

  12. hughetorrance

    Kind regards and a very happy new year to you too…

  13. Phil Bevan

    A Happy New Year to you too Eric, and your family and all readers of this blog.

  14. escaflown

    @Willy: Welcome and congratulations for entering the fatherhood world! πŸ™‚

  15. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    Happy New Year and thanks for all you do!

  16. Werner Stein

    And don’t forget the anniversary:
    1993 – 2013, 20 years Slackware:-)

    Happy new year, and thanks…………..

  17. BroX

    All the best for the New Year Eric!

    Thanks for everything you do to make Slackware the greatest Linux experience!

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