My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Best FOSS or Linux Blog of 2013

The folks at FOSS Force ran a poll during the past four weeks in order to decide who gets to be called the “Best FOSS or Linux Blog of 2013“. I casually mentioned (at the end of one of my own blog posts) that my “Alien Pastures” blog had been added to the list of contenders after the first round, and was rewarded with lots of people voting for Alien Pastures 🙂

FOSS Force Best FOSS or Linux Blog 2013Actually, so many of you voted during the second and third round (obviously stimulated by a LQ post) that I ended on top! The Alien Pastures have been honoured with the winner’s badge.

Thank you all for your appreciation and confidence, and hats off to the other blogs which participated in the poll. They are worth checking out – all of them are written by Free and Open Source Software advocates with a mission – to educate and enthuse you!

I personally gave my vote to Martin Graesslin’s Blog, I think his are the deepest thoughts.

And thank you FOSS Force for giving my blog a new platform and the potential to interest a wider audience for my writings, and for Slackware of course.


Cheers, Eric

I would like to dedicate this accomplishment to my dearest cat Sox, who slept on my lap almost every night (with hew paws firmly clutching one of my arms) and therefore has been first witness to most of the blog posts I have written here. She passed away 3 weeks ago at the age of 17.


  1. Buumi

    Congratulations and thanks for the great blog.

  2. p431i7o

    congratulations Eric, you deserve this and more.

    Have fun.

  3. gegechris99

    Congratulations Eric for this award.

  4. Alex

    Congratulations! Well deserved, for your blog alone, but even more so for your huge efforts helping and supporting us less talented users with advice, documentation, how-tos, scripts and packages, that we always fail to build ourselves.

  5. gauchao

    Congratulations, Eric. I read your blog everyday. A well deserved award.

  6. Eduardo

    Congrats Eric!

  7. khalid

    congratulation Eric, you deserve this , for your great works , for us non programmer users

  8. zbreaker

    Congrats Eric. Your blog is indeed golden for al of us Slackers. I greatly appreciate your devotion to things “tech”.

  9. Benjamin Kerensa

    Congrats Eric! May the tux be with you!

  10. trxDraxon

    Congrats Eric! I have always loved how involved the whole Slackware team is with the community.

  11. LOE

    Best wishes from Russia!

  12. jaycee

    Congratulations Eric! It’s certainly the most deserved possible outcome. The dedication of your accomplishment to Sox is beautiful and appropriate. 🙂
    I know I often say this, but thanks for all the efforts you make for us fellow Slackers! I hope this achievement shows you our appreciation in at least a small way. Congratulations again Eric! 🙂

  13. Niki Kovacs

    Congratulations from a fellow Slackware user!

  14. Brian Lawrence

    Congratulations, Eric.

  15. Desiderius

    Congratulations Eric !

    A well deserved award for you and all the Slackware community.

    Long life to Alien Pastures and Slackware

  16. Thiago Silvino

    Congratulations Eric! You deserve it!

  17. Oscar Noah Rosas

    Congratulations Eric! you really rock!! and your work on Slackware community is invaluable. You’re part of those who inspire me of being a Slacker!! Thank You 🙂

    Sox is proud of you too, I know it.

  18. Brok

    Congratulations and Thank You Eric!

  19. Gabriel Yong

    Congrats Eric. You deserved it!

  20. zbreaker

    Congratulations on your outstanding blog and keep up the great content Eric!

  21. Richard Herbert

    Congratulations and thank you, Eric, for your great blog and tireless work for the Slackware community. Also, condolences on the passing of your beloved Sox.

  22. V. T. Eric Layton (Nocturnal Slacker)


    Congratulations on your FOSS Force award!

    Sadly, that joy must have been tempered by the loss of your dear Sox. I love my cats, so I know how devastated you must be. Time will heal the wound, but never dim the memory of your Sox. She is merrily chasing butterflies on the sunny, flowery hillside, my friend. All is well.


    ~Eric (Nocturnal Slacker)

  23. purnomo

    Congratulation Eric!

  24. Ryan P.C. McQuen

    Congratulations Eric! You completely deserve it. Thank you for all you do for the Linux and Slackware community!

    Sorry to hear about Sox. Losing a friend is never easy. 🙁

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