My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Almost a beta

Well here it is… almost.

Sat Nov 14 21:35:57 UTC 2015
Please enjoy "almost a beta." Sorry we missed Friday the 13th this time.

Yet another 200+ lines of updates in the ChangeLog.txt of slackware-current.  It’s obvious that Pat has been watching the LinuxQuestions threads closely. And we are again very bleeding edge, with the Gnu Compiler Collection 5.2.0!

The update of tigervnc (in ./extra … with fltk as a new dependency) as well as the addition of the squashfs-tools are Pat’s nod to the Live version of Slackware that is in the making here at home. The Live ISO can now be created with and by Slackware-current without the need for 3rd party software.

Have fun! I had my ktown packages ready but now I need to find out if this update breaks stuff even before I released it… sorry guys.

Also, new gcc-multilib packages need to be made now. That too, may take a day or so.



  1. Ryan P.C. McQuen

    Exciting time to be a slacker!

  2. Josan Neves

    Great news! Thank you for sharing and for helping to build this great GNU/Linux distribution!

  3. Jen


  4. Niki Kovacs

    I have a question about building the LiveCD. I remember from having fiddled with the Linux-Live scripts that the kernel had to be rebuilt to include the SquashFS module. Is it now possible to build a Slackware Live CD without rebuilding the kernel?

  5. Regnad Kcin

    This line in the ChangeLog suggests that this update could break a lot of things— or am I reading it wrong?

    testing/packages/eudev-3.1.5-x86_64-1.txz: Added.
    Thanks to Jean-Philippe Guillemin.
    Expect problems (especially with an initrd) unless everything depending upon is recompiled. Those packages include: ConsoleKit2, ModemManager, NetworkManager, aaa_elflibs, bluez, dhcpcd, gutenprint, gvfs, intel-gpu-tools, kde-workspace, kdelibs, libatasmart, libcanberra, libgphoto2, libgpod, libmbim, libmtp, libusb, libusb-compat, lvm2, network-manager-applet, qt, sane, system-config-printer, udisks, udisks2, usbmuxd, usbutils, util-linux, xf86-input-evdev, xf86-input-vmmouse, xf86-video-ati, xf86-video-intel, xf86-video-modesetting, xf86-video-nouveau, xf86-video-openchrome, and xorg-server.

  6. Niki Kovacs

    eudev has been added to the *testing/* directory. Normally you don’t install stuff from there, and if you do, you get to keep the pieces if things break.

  7. Regnad Kcin

    ok. got it.

  8. Gérard Monpontet

    I have compiled the latest kde stuff, before slack-current update , it seem all work correctly here. 😉

    just the latest ‘kdesdk-kioslaves’, not compil here, it seem it’s subersion problem or other.

  9. Regnad Kcin

    Interestingly many of the mirrors in Asia don’t have this update yet. I finally found a fast-enough US mirror. Everything works ok so far.

  10. alienbob

    Niki, my Live ISO can be built without compiling. With squashfs-tools included and a tigervnc in /extra that works again, I do not need anything except a slackware-current package tree.
    I do add one external piece of software: the binary Nvidia drivers as included as a separate module.
    However that one will only get activated if you pass “nvidia” as a boot parameter.

  11. alienbob

    Gérard, I have a patch for kdesdk-kioslaves, and I have already compiled a package for it.

  12. FeyFre

    Is it know already if we going to have Qt 5.* series in -current?
    Or campat32 package for 14.1 ? (have slack64-14.1+qt5 from your repo, but need crosscompile qt dependent project into i486 arch)

  13. alienbob

    FeyFre, Slackware 14.2 (the upcoming release) will not have Qt5.
    You can create a qt5-compat32 package for Slackware 14.1 yourself using the “convertpkg-compat32” script which is part of the compat32-tools package.

  14. Gérard Monpontet

    Ok, Eric, good 😉

  15. Aleksandar

    Great! We can expect 14.2 in less than a year or two 🙂

  16. Ricardo J. Barberis

    Good news!

  17. Stephan

    Hello. I have upgraded and everything was smooth no issues at all. Thanks!

  18. Stephan

    Hi – KSystemlog crashes since a while. Its not related to this update but I wanted to mention it anyway.



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