The latest update for LibreOffice Community Edition, version 7.3.2 was released last week, fixing over 80 bugs (see changelogs for RC1 and RC2).
My repository now contains a new set of libreoffice-7.3.2 packages for Slackware 15.0 and -current.
Get these packages from my own Europe-based server: or my US-based server: ;or any mirror if you wait a day, for instance . Rsync access is also available for these servers.
And then there’s the update for Un-Googled Chromium that I promised in my previous blog. It took a little while to get the sources released because of its approval process, but the new chromium-ungoogled-100.0.4896.60 packages for Slackware 14.2 and newer are now also available from mirror servers around the world.
If you are a fresh Slackware user (or never read this blog) and wonder what this un-Googled Chromium is about and whether it is something you’d like, just read some of the older articles on my blog: Google muzzles all Chromium browsers on 15 March 2021, and How to ‘un-google’ your Chromium browser experience.
Enjoy the new releases – Eric
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