My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

New chromium and chromium-dev packages

chromium_iconMy previous post already mentioned the updated chromium sources. I have now compiled those into Slackware packages (for 14.1 and -current).

For the curious among you, I have additionally refreshed my chromium-dev packages. Chromium-dev is the development release of the browser (there’s also a “beta” channel but I don’t care about that too much). By play-testing the development release from time to time, I am prepared and do not get nasty surprises when the stable channel jumps to a higher major release (the jump from 38 to 39 was quite intrusive in terms of SlackBuild script).

Chromium-dev packages have the version number 41.0.2236.0. (and are only made available for slackware-current). The version of the stable Chromium is now at 39.0.2171.95.

Get the Chromium packages in one of the usual locations:

Change “chromium” to “chromium-dev” and you have the URL for the development release.



  1. joe

    Do you know if that chrome version builds on the old Slackware-14.0.
    Have you already tried to build it on that old slack?

  2. alienbob

    Hi joe.

    I do not compile chromium packages for Slackware 14.0 and older. I tried once, for Slackware 13.37 but that is basically too old and needs its own SlackBuild script.
    If you are able build chromium on Slackware 14.0 and the SlackBuild script needs modifications for that to succeed, please show me your patches.

  3. R.H.

    Hello Alien Bob, Running 39.0.2171.65 on -current w/o NaCl, I often try out new kernels, I tried out 3.18 and chromium won’t run.

    Kernel logs this
    kernel: traps: chromium[3679] trap invalid opcode
    A chromium page shows that sad face and a black background and I forgot the error message.

    Booting into a previous kernel lets chromium run again.
    I will stay with older kernel for now.
    Yes I understand you build with -current, just thought you might have an idea what’s gone wrongly.

    I thought it may be something with seccomp or some sec protection, stack-protector or ASLR, etc.?

    I will try a newer chromium and see.
    Thanks for all your contributions.

  4. alienbob

    Hi R.H.

    I have no idea what is happening on your computer with that kernel. It will be up to you to find the cause, and if possible a fix. If it is something I can provide in my SlackBuild, let me know.

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