My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

KDE 4.6.1 add-on for Slackware 13.37 RC1

Yes folks… we have a release candidate for the next stable version of Slackware. Its version mumber is going to be “13.37” as could be expected… it was too tempting not to be used, after we had “12.34567890” for a little while during an earlier development cycle…

And to accompany this event, I have also made available a new set of KDE packages. It’s KDE 4.6.1 and the packages have been built on Slackware 13.37-RC1.

KDE Software Compilation 4.6.1 sources were released a few days ago. It is the first “stabilization update” in the 4.6 series which will see steady updates until July 2011. I had to wait with my upload & announcement until the 13.37-RC1 appeared; there were some last-minute changes to the raptor/rasqal/redland packages in slackware-current because soprano would no longer compile. Be sure to upgrade to Slackware 13.37-RC1 or newer before using these KDE packages!

KDE 4.6.1 for Slackware (32bit as well as 64bit releases) can be found in my ktown repository already, and soon on its mirrors ( and both of which have rsync access as well).

You are encouraged to (re-)visit my older post, because most of what I said for KDE 4.6.0 – about the upgrade from Slackware’s own KDE 4.5.5 – still holds true. Of course, the packages come with a detailed README which shows step-by-step what you have to do in order to upgrade to KDE 4.6.1.

Enjoy! Eric


  1. Schenkel

    LoL, we talk early about kde and the new updates, i like a dream which come reality. Ty for the packages.

  2. Ellendhel

    This is a really good news.

    A big thanks to you and the Slack team for all your work.

  3. Schenkel

    just correcting my previous comment, “…new updates, is like a dream which came true.”. I was so excited that i wrote it wrong.

  4. LoneStar

    Great as usual!
    Already updated on both 32 and 64
    Everything looks smooth 😀

  5. escaflown

    Thanks Eric! What an exciting day!

  6. roberto

    I’ve upgraded (with slapt-get, not with reinstall), work fine but after an hour i can’t open any software:
    root@roberto:~# xterm
    Maximum number of clients reached

  7. br106

    Thanks, great work so far eric, but in the current kde 4.6.1 deps I miss a rebuilded QScintilla package, this stops eric4 from workin on …

  8. Argonaut

    Great , next version can be work on kernel 2.6.38 ?

  9. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    @roberto: please see my blog about solving your “Maximum number of clients reached” problem

  10. zbreaker can’t believe how pampered we slackers are…4.6.1 installed and purring along nicely..many thanks Eric.

  11. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    I’ve been having that Max number of clients thingy also. Ctrl>Alt>Backspace solves it for a while, but it is sure annoying. Google is no help yet.

  12. V. T. Eric Layton

    No Xfce 4.8 in 13.37? I’m sad. 🙁

  13. alienbob

    As was said several times, on several media, over the past months: The upcoming Slackware stable release will not have XFCE 4.8 or KDE 4.6. Those versions of the two desktop enviroments require changes in Slackware that Pat is not yet prepared to make. In particular, HAL will remain part of the distro at least in this next release.

    Perhaps in the next development cycle that starts after the release of Slackware 13.37, you may see that HAL gets removed. XFCE nor KDE require it any longer. In that case, upower/udisks have to be added to Slackware to replace the functionality of HAL.

    I think that needs a bit of maturing and also we need to give other developers more time to switch away from HAL completely.


  14. alienbob

    Roberto, Mike –

    About this “X11: maximum number of clients reached” issue of yours… are you perhaps running the Chrome webbrowser, and/or using the “lastpass” browser extension? Both of these turn up as culprits when trying to find who else suffers from this issue.


  15. alienbob

    @br106 –

    Can you tell me more about the error messages you are seeing in eric4? Since eric4 is written in Python I would not expect errors as a result of QScintilla (not) being rebuilt.


  16. alienbob

    @br106 – and to everybody in general…

    Well duh! I had a QScintilla-2.4.6 package as a dependency to KDE 4.6.0 but when I prepared the package set for KDE 4.6.1 I forgot to add that package to the 4.6.1 “deps” directory.

    I have now re-added the QScintilla-2.4.6 package. Everybody who upgraded from KDE 4.5.5 to KDE 4.6.1 (omitting KDE 4.6.0) should update his original Slackware package of QScintilla-2.4.5 with my newer package found in the “deps” directory for your architecture.


  17. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    Eric – I’m not using either the Chrome Browser or the “lastpass” extension. I am using FF-4rc1 from testing. Willy suggested raising the number of MAXCLIENTS from the default to some higher number. The default was 256, and I raised it to 512. That did not solve the problem. I was still running well with 296 open sockets, but I took a 3 hour nap before I go to work tonight and it was hung at 292 open. I killed X and its fine again. Since I am the only user in the house, I’m set to automatically restart X and login.

  18. V. T. Eric Layton

    No worries, Eric. Xfce 4.6.x is okee-dokee for me. 🙂

  19. Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

    @Mike Langdon:
    After upgrading to KDE 4.6.1, i never had problem with maximum client again.

  20. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    KDE-4.6.1 is where this problem started. However, I just finished a 9 hour shift, came home, and only 172 sockets were open. It usually only takes an hour for it to rear its ugly head – but not this time! Maybe it fixed itself. 🙂

  21. alienbob

    @Mike –

    I found this script on a fedora mailing list ( – can you download and run it the moment you get this “maximum clients” issue again? I am curious what the output is (it should list the X client programs that have an active unix socket).

    Script is here, . Run it as “python”.


  22. br106


    you will find a similar problem here and a comment from detlev offenbach, the developer of the eric-python-ide:

    for me it worked to rebuild the qscintilla-package, after that everything was fine

  23. Savo

    Mike Langdon, you jest about the problem resolving its self, but i had the same issue with 4.6 beta 2 and after a few days it just started to work.

  24. alienbob

    As a test, I installed the “eric” IDE on my laptop (running KDE 4.6.1) and indeed, it crashes seconds after starting.
    I will rebuild the QScintilla package.


  25. specialized

    the output of the script in my desktop with the kde 4.6.1 packages

    root@slacker:/home/vegeta/# python
    xinit 3455 vegeta 3u unix 0xffff88003c5b7a80 0t0 32030 socket
    dbus-launch 3511 vegeta 3u unix 0xffff88003c5b6080 0t0 32087 socket
    dbus-launch 3511 vegeta 5u unix 0xffff88004bd86d80 0t0 26495 socket
    kdeinit4 3520 vegeta 9u unix 0xffff88003c7b56c0 0t0 30307 socket
    klauncher 3521 vegeta 13u unix 0xffff880058fbed80 0t0 56756 socket
    kded4 3523 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff88004bd86a40 0t0 26506 socket
    kglobalaccel 3531 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff88003c5b4000 0t0 32112 socket
    ksmserver 3536 vegeta 3u unix 0xffff88004bd85380 0t0 26538 socket
    kwin 3538 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff88004bd849c0 0t0 26555 socket
    kactivitymanage 3542 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff88004f649d40 0t0 26570 socket
    knotify4 3546 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff88004f648000 0t0 26593 socket
    plasma-desktop 3550 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff88003c5b5380 0t0 32137 socket
    kuiserver 3553 vegeta 9u unix 0xffff88004f649a00 0t0 26611 socket
    krunner 3567 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff8800723c4340 0t0 30455 socket
    kmix 3573 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff88003c5b6a40 0t0 32187 socket
    gtk-kde4 3574 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff8800337d2700 0t0 31153 socket
    gtk-kde4 3575 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff8800337d0340 0t0 31160 socket
    gtk-kde4 3577 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff8800723c70c0 0t0 30488 socket
    korganizer 3697 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff880071a456c0 0t0 32991 socket
    gtk-kde4 3735 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff88003c7b4680 0t0 30606 socket
    gtk-kde4 3797 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff880071b36a40 0t0 32622 socket
    gtk-kde4 3813 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff880071a45d40 0t0 33041 socket
    gtk-kde4 3862 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff88005927e700 0t0 33810 socket
    gtk-kde4 3924 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff88005927ed80 0t0 33975 socket
    gtk-kde4 3980 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff88004f64ad80 0t0 34007 socket
    amarok 4005 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff88005a338000 0t0 35030 socket
    gtk-kde4 4098 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff88005a339380 0t0 35068 socket
    gtk-kde4 4267 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff88006de4b400 0t0 35956 socket
    python 4272 vegeta 7u unix 0xffff88005a3dc000 0t0 36007 socket
    polkit-kde-auth 4288 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff88005a33ba80 0t0 35363 socket
    konsole 4319 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff8800337d1d40 0t0 35489 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 8u unix 0xffff88005bd8d6c0 0t0 34390 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 10u unix 0xffff880071a19380 0t0 35752 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 12u unix 0xffff88002cd67740 0t0 37375 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 13u unix 0xffff880059f4ad80 0t0 37826 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 14u unix 0xffff8800583aa080 0t0 43737 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 15u unix 0xffff8800583aba80 0t0 43858 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 16u unix 0xffff880059582d80 0t0 46685 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 17u unix 0xffff880059581d40 0t0 46894 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 18u unix 0xffff880059581040 0t0 46896 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 19u unix 0xffff8800581f9040 0t0 45584 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 20u unix 0xffff8800595823c0 0t0 46971 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 21u unix 0xffff880059583400 0t0 46978 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 22u unix 0xffff8800583a89c0 0t0 47000 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 23u unix 0xffff8800583aad80 0t0 51695 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 24u unix 0xffff8800583ab0c0 0t0 51823 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 25u unix 0xffff880059f496c0 0t0 52954 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 26u unix 0xffff8800581f9a00 0t0 53172 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 27u unix 0xffff88002cd67400 0t0 53185 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 28u unix 0xffff88003c7b6700 0t0 53187 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 29u unix 0xffff88005a338680 0t0 55125 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 30u unix 0xffff88005a33a080 0t0 55127 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 31u unix 0xffff88005a3389c0 0t0 55147 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 38u unix 0xffff88002cea70c0 0t0 55159 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 102u unix 0xffff88002ce2d380 0t0 57358 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 104u unix 0xffff88002ce2e080 0t0 57364 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 105u unix 0xffff88002ce2e700 0t0 57365 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 107u unix 0xffff88002ce2f400 0t0 57373 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 114u unix 0xffff880058fb23c0 0t0 57390 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 115u unix 0xffff880058fb2a40 0t0 57391 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 122u unix 0xffff880057d6a080 0t0 57457 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 127u unix 0xffff880058fb3400 0t0 57472 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 128u unix 0xffff880058fb3a80 0t0 57473 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 135u unix 0xffff880058fbe700 0t0 56862 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 138u unix 0xffff880058fbc9c0 0t0 56917 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 139u unix 0xffff880058fbdd40 0t0 56924 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 141u unix 0xffff88002ce50d00 0t0 56933 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 142u unix 0xffff88002ce51a00 0t0 56935 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 143u unix 0xffff88002ce52080 0t0 56942 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 144u unix 0xffff88002ce52a40 0t0 56944 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 145u unix 0xffff88002ce52d80 0t0 56948 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 146u unix 0xffff88002ce53400 0t0 56950 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 147u unix 0xffff88002ce53a80 0t0 56955 socket
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    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 149u unix 0xffff88002ce50000 0t0 56958 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 150u unix 0xffff88002ce4c340 0t0 56960 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 151u unix 0xffff88002ce4c9c0 0t0 56974 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 152u unix 0xffff88002ce4d040 0t0 56976 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 153u unix 0xffff88002ce4d6c0 0t0 56983 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 154u unix 0xffff88002ce4dd40 0t0 56985 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 155u unix 0xffff88002ce4e3c0 0t0 56992 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 156u unix 0xffff88002ce4ea40 0t0 56994 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 157u unix 0xffff88002ce4f0c0 0t0 57001 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 158u unix 0xffff88002ce4f740 0t0 57003 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 159u unix 0xffff88005952c000 0t0 57008 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 160u unix 0xffff88005952c680 0t0 57010 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 161u unix 0xffff88005952cd00 0t0 57011 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 162u unix 0xffff88005952d380 0t0 57013 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 163u unix 0xffff88005952da00 0t0 57014 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 164u unix 0xffff88005952e080 0t0 57016 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 165u unix 0xffff88005952e700 0t0 57021 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 166u unix 0xffff88005952ed80 0t0 57023 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 167u unix 0xffff88005952f400 0t0 57024 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 168u unix 0xffff88005952fa80 0t0 57026 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 169u unix 0xffff8800583e8340 0t0 57027 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 170u unix 0xffff8800583e89c0 0t0 57029 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 171u unix 0xffff8800583e9040 0t0 57036 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 172u unix 0xffff8800583e96c0 0t0 57038 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 173u unix 0xffff8800583e9d40 0t0 57043 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 174u unix 0xffff8800583eaa40 0t0 57045 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 175u unix 0xffff8800583eb0c0 0t0 57046 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 176u unix 0xffff8800583eba80 0t0 57048 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 177u unix 0xffff8800583ea700 0t0 57053 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 178u unix 0xffff880058fcc680 0t0 57055 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 179u unix 0xffff880058fccd00 0t0 57056 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 180u unix 0xffff880058fcda00 0t0 57058 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 181u unix 0xffff880058fce080 0t0 57065 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 182u unix 0xffff880058fced80 0t0 57067 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 183u unix 0xffff880058fcf400 0t0 57074 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 184u unix 0xffff880058fce700 0t0 57076 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 185u unix 0xffff880058fcd380 0t0 57083 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 186u unix 0xffff880058fcfa80 0t0 57085 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 187u unix 0xffff880058fcc000 0t0 57092 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 188u unix 0xffff880057d949c0 0t0 57094 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 189u unix 0xffff880057d95040 0t0 57099 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 190u unix 0xffff880057d95d40 0t0 57101 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 191u unix 0xffff880057d963c0 0t0 57102 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 192u unix 0xffff880057d970c0 0t0 57104 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 193u unix 0xffff880057d97740 0t0 57109 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 194u unix 0xffff880057d95a00 0t0 57111 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 195u unix 0xffff880057d94680 0t0 57112 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 196u unix 0xffff880057d96d80 0t0 57114 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 197u unix 0xffff88005976c000 0t0 57119 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 198u unix 0xffff88005976cd00 0t0 57121 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 199u unix 0xffff88005976d380 0t0 57122 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 200u unix 0xffff88005976e080 0t0 57124 socket
    guidance-power- 4411 vegeta 201u unix 0xffff88005976e700 0t0 57131 socket
    chrome 8351 vegeta 12u unix 0xffff8800583a8000 0t0 52005 socket
    chrome 8351 vegeta 81u unix 0xffff88005a3ded80 0t0 49743 socket
    chrome 8526 vegeta 20u unix 0xffff88002ce03a80 0t0 54848 socket

    i guess that is something with guidance-power????

  26. specialized

    sorry for the extension of the msg

  27. alienbob

    Thanks for the log you provided, specialized.

    Indeed, Robby Workman already mentioned to me that he suspected guidance-power-manager after he had a discussion about the X11 clients issue with someone else who reported about it.

    Definitely, you are better off without “guidance-power-manager” if you are using KDE4. It will conflict with KDE4’s own powerdevil.

    Run “removepkg guidance-power-manager” and see if that solves your issue.


  28. alienbob

    @br106 –

    I have added a rebuilt QScintilla package to my ktown repository ( and have confirmed that this fixes the segfault in the “eric4” python IDE.

    Thanks for the report!


  29. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    I just woke up since this morning, and saw this about guidance-power-manager. Wouldn’t you know that KDE reported that gpm had quit working and the app crashed. Now it seems I know how it “fixed” itself!

  30. specialized

    uninstalling guidance-power-manager works, at the moment

  31. alienbob

    Hi specialized… you made it to the ChangeLog.txt as a result of your feedback.


  32. Anderson

    Ok now problem the “Maximum number of clients reached” after I run: “removepkg guidance-power-manager”

  33. specialized

    its great to be useful, for the first time je, and the credits are all yours Eric

  34. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    I haven’t had VLC open in a long time, but this morning I decided to listen to a few tracks. I don’t know when it happened, or why, but there is no longer any wait when opening a second file. I wasn’t using a list, just selecting here and there. The wait is gone from before!

  35. alienbob

    @Mike –

    Indeed, this issue with 30 second delay when selecting file-open in VLC was fixed in KDE.


  36. roberto

    @Willy Sudiarto Raharjo:
    I’ve dropped quidance-power and work fine :;

  37. escaflown

    Hi Eric. I guess you must be quite busy with slackware 13.37 stuffs in the backgraound. Is there any chance we get your slackbuilds for kde 4.6.2?

  38. alienbob

    Hi escaflown

    I am running KDE 4.6.2 on this laptop at the moment. Real life is eating up my free time, so it all takes a little longer than I would like. I hope to have the 32bit packages built by tomorrow morning so that I can upload them.


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