My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Updates for Chromium, LibreOffice, Calibre (and Flash too)

I took my new build server for a run and have not found its limits yet (plus, no Ryzen related crashes yet). Compared to my old computer, this new box compiles with roughly 10 times the speed. That makes a big difference for big updates like Chromium and LibreOffice, which would take me one day per package (i.e. per release and per architecture) in the past.

I can now effortlessly run 3 VM’s in parallel, all with 8 virtual cores and 8 GB of RAM. That will of course slow down compiling a bit (4 to 5 times the old speed instead of 10 times) but with 3 virtual machines I still get a lot more output than ever before.

Therefore, I have been able to create and upload new packages (Slackware 14.2 and -current):

And added to the stew: today’s Adobe Flash security updates, which give us version of the Flashplayer for Chromium and Mozilla browsers.

Have fun! Eric


  1. fabio

    i can only imagine the pleasure of owning such a machine. but the biggest beneficiaries are us. The Slackware users. Congratulations on the machine and thank you very much for your work.

  2. Pete

    Good to see that this make life more pleasant and productive.

  3. Eduardo

    Thank you Eric! Glad the new box is making compilation easier.

  4. Alex


    The package “Notepadqq” is missing in any Slackware repo, right?

    Can you add it please?

  5. Desiderius

    Hi Eric
    I have juste upgraded Chromium and Chromium-pepperflash on Slack 14.2 ans it crashes when I launch it :

    pegase-didier(15)% /usr/bin/chromium
    [6612:6645:0915/] NSS_VersionCheck(“3.26”) failed. NSS >= 3.26 is required. Please upgrade to the latest NSS, and if you still get this error, contact your distribution maintainer.

    Is there a new dependency for this versions ?

  6. Ponce

    Desiderius, you should update your 14.2 with the latest patches, you are probably missing the newer mozilla-nss released days ago.

  7. Andrey

    Dear Eric,

    Thank you for the great job.
    I just found the solution of the “Libreoffice Impress” issue that I reported some time ago:
    Any video expands itself to full screen in presentations, maybe, you can recall that.
    Actually the issue only occurs in xfce and is specific for gtk3 vlc which libreoffice selects by default in xfce.
    One can force it to use gtk2: “export SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN=gtk”,
    to make it permanent edit: /etc/profile.d/

    Seems, it’s also stopped occasional freezes in other libreoffice applications too.


  8. kjhambrick

    Thank you Eric !

    I did find and resolve one issue with LibreOffice 5.4.1 on Slackware64 14.2 + Multilib.

    When I first upgraded from 5.3.x to 5.4.1 the Icons on the toolbar were White-on-Off-White-or-Grey ( a tad hard to see ).

    The fix for me was to Open [Tools]->[Options]->[View] and change the Icon Style: from Automatic (Breeze Dark) to Tango.

    The Icons have never looked better !

    YMMV of course …

    Thanks again !

    — kjh

  9. Mikei

    There’s a new stable out (61.0.3163.100) with 3 security fixes (where 2 are marked high)

    I really don’t want to be that guy, but since my CPU garbage, I really don’t want to compile my own chromium.

  10. Eduardo

    After today’s boost upgrade on -currrent LibreOffice no longer starts. However, symlinking current boost libraries to old ones can be used to work around this.

    The libraries who needed symlinking were the following:

    – libboost_system
    – libboost_iostreams
    – libboost-filesystem

    I don’t know if there are other libraries needing symlinking, but for startup these three sufficed.

    Thanks again Eric for your efforts in giving us LibreOffice.

  11. alienbob

    Yes, it is the continuous down-hill battle I fight with Slackware… every time I release a LibreOffice package for -current, there will be an incompatible library update in -current which breaks LibreOffice. Most of the time stupid boost is the culprit. Like today.

  12. Eduardo

    Indeed. Well, at least for LO Writer these three are enough. LO started and worked well for some serious work I had with it.

  13. alienbob

    I have rebuilt LibreOffice for slackware-current and uploaded the new packages. They will fix the issue with the boost libraries.

  14. Eduardo

    Thank you Eric!

  15. Xavier

    I am new here
    I have build LibreOffice from git with without-system-boost and it works fine with the latest boost-1.65.1 pkg provide by LibreOffice. I have a clean build. Maybe give it a try.

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