My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

KDE-5_15.09 – september release for Slackware-current

powerpenguin Today my son had his first day at school – he was not happy for some reason… can you imagine! I let him watch the second episode of Fear the Walking Dead to show what a really bad day at school  looks like 😉 Still, a very appropriate moment to write the next blog post about Plasma 5, because I wrote the previous one on his first day of summer holidays.

I want to announce the (first) September release of the Plasma 5 desktop KDE for slackware-current: KDE 5_15.09. The main components for this release are Frameworks 5.13.0, Plasma 5.4.0 and Applications 15.08.0. This has been a huge change compared to the previous batch, thanks to the feature updates in Plasma and Applications. Read the whole article please.

Attention: BETA alert!

This is an intrusive update, even if you currently have my KDE 5_15.07 packages installed and you are liking that release. Consider this to be beta-quality because there may be some usability issues – and read the “BUILD NOTES” section in the README very carefully before you decide to upgrade. If you were already complaining about the earlier Plasma 5 releases, then I do not consider you my target audience for this one. I do not need complaints and whining, I need people who are willing to take a deep dive and help me get this beast healthy again so that together we can ensure a future for Plasma 5 on Slackware. Much as you would like to just download my packages and live a happy life, this can not be a one-man show. This upgrade almost killed my willingness to provide an advanced bleeding edge KDE.

Because I have to say, all in all I am pretty unhappy with the effort which was required to get this latest batch of updates to compile and work together. And even then, with a finished set of packages, there are a few annoying issues for which I have no explanation nor do I have a solution because I do not know whether they are caused by Plasma 5 or by the recent slackware-current updates.

I need testers to iron out some annoying regressions!

Annoyance #1: Logging out is delayed

  • Try to open the Plasma Kicker startmenu and move your mouse over the “Leave” tab. It will then take a minute to display the tab’s content, and in the meantime, the Plasma workspace is frozen. Any open application windows are still responsive and you can work with them.
  • Try to use the logout/shutdown widget in the system tray if you added that. Clicking the widget will also cause a one to tw minute delay before the logoff dialog appears.
  • Try logging out from the commandline using this qdbus commmand in an X term:
    $ qdbus org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer logout 0 0 0
    You will notice that this command just sits there for the same one to two minutes, and then it kicks into action and you’ll be logged off. Something is amiss with the communication over dbus. Ideas anyone?

Annoyance #2: Powersaving (could be slackware-current issue)

  • Whenever the power saver kicks in and I am not paying attention, the screen of my Lenovo T400 laptop (Intel graphics) turns black and will not revive. I have to Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to my Linux console, press the backlight button until I can read again what’s on screen, and then back to X using Alt-F7.

Annoyance #3: WTF?

  • In my 32-bit virtual machine I cannot even login, because there is a flood of re-spawning screensaver processes that prevent access. This can be caused by something in the virtual machine, but I did not do extensive troubleshooting.

When I encountered this third “annoyance” I almost gave up on Plasma 5 entirely. What.The.Fuck? I kept trying to kill the screensaver processes but they just re-spawned with a new process-id. I vented my frustration in the Slackware core group, and it was Heinz Wiesinger (ppr:kut) who convinced me that it is important now more than ever to release the build scripts and packages and get people to test and fix these pesky bugs. So, despite the bad feelings I have about this update, I’ve released it anyway and the packages are available in my repository. Or will be soon.

What’s new in KDE 5_15.09?

Enough complaining, let’s check out the new stuff.

  • Qt5 has been updated to 5.5.0.
  • Slackware’s ConsoleKit (unmaintained) gets replaced by ConsoleKit2 (well-maintained fork) which could open up a path to a systemd-free Slackware that is compatible to a large extent with systemd requirements.
  • I added LoginKit also for that purpose. LoginKit in its present form does not do much (if anything at all) but I want to have it in for those who want to play test this.
  • Several of the other deps were added, updated, rebuilt or removed as well:
    • LibRaw (update for the Slackware package),
    • PyQt5 (updated),
    • qca-qt5 (patched),
    • grantlee (update for the Slackware package)
    • lmdb (new)
    • grantlee-qt5 (renamed to grantlee thereby replacing the Slackware version)
  • Removed from the “deps” because we can use the original Slackware packages now are: PyQt, sip and libepoxy.
  • Frameworks 5.13.0 is an enhancement release, lots of fixes are documented on
  • Plasma 5.4.0 is a feature release, you can read all the details in . Important is that the krunner has a command history again, and lots of new icons were added for non-Plasma5 applications, which helps to give the Plasma 5 desktop a uniform look and feel; Not so important for Slackware is the Wayland Tech Preview and some system tool improvements using PAM (kwallet-pam) or pulseaudio (audio volume applet).
  • Applications 15.08.0 is bringing more KF5 ports: 107 applications in total. Most noticeable are the KF5 ports of Dolphin (the file manager), KDEPIM (the Kontact Suite as it is called now) and Ark (archive tool). I am a bit worried about the Kontact port to the KDE Frameworks 5. Lots of struggles were discussed in the mailing lists and the resulting KF5 based Kontact Suite is still considered BETA quality.
  • The move to KF5 exposed several older KDE4 based applications that have a dependency on the KDE4 based PIM libraries.
    Therefore I had to add a compatibility layer of packages containing that KDE4 code: akonadi4 and kdepimlibs4 (similar to what I had to do earlier with libkmahjongg4, libkdegames4, konsolepart4 and katepart4).

Installing or upgrading Frameworks 5, Plasma 5 and Applications

As always, the accompanying README file contains full installation & upgrade instructions. Note that the packages are available in several subdirectories below “kde”, instead of directly in “kde”. This makes it easier for me to do partial updates of packages. The subdirectories are “kde4”, “kde4-extragear”, “frameworks” “plasma”, “plasma-extra” and “applications”.

Upgrading to this KDE 5 is not difficult, especially if you already are running KDE 5_15.07. You will have to remove old KDE 4 packages manually. If you do not have KDE 4 installed at all, you will have to install some of Slackware’s own KDE 4 packages manually.


If you are using slackpkg+, have already moved to KDE 5_15.07 and are adventurous, you can try upgrading using the following set of commands. This should work but feel free to send me improved instructions if needed (assuming in this example that you tagged my KDE 5 repository with the name “ktown_testing” in the configuration file “/etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf“):
# slackpkg update
# slackpkg install ktown_testing (to get the newly added packages from my repo)
# slackpkg install-new (to get the new official Slackware packages that were part of my deps previously)
# slackpkg upgrade ktown_testing (upgrade all existing packages to their latest versions)
# slackpkg upgrade-all (upgrade the remaining dependencies that were part of my repo previously)
# slackpkg remove ConsoleKit (because we will now use ConsoleKit2 as a drop-in replacement)
# slackpkg remove grantlee-qt5 (upgraded grantlee takes over)
# slackpkg remove kgamma (no longer part of KDE Applications)
# slackpkg remove pairs(no longer part of KDE Applications)

And doublecheck that you have not inadvertently blacklisted my packages in “/etc/slackpkg/blacklist“! Check for the existence of a line in that blacklist file that looks like “[0-9]+alien” and remove it if you find it!

Recommended reading material

There have been several posts now about KDE 5 for Slackware-current. All of them contain useful information, tips and gotchas that I do not want to repeat here, but if you want to read them, here they are:

A note on Frameworks

The KDE Frameworks are extensions on top of Qt 5.x and their usability is not limited to the KDE Software Collection. There are other projects which rely (in part) on the KDE Frameworks, and if you are looking for a proper Frameworks repository which is compatible with Slackware package managers such as slackpkg+, then you can use these URL’s to assure yourself of the latest Frameworks packages for Slackware-current (indeed, this is a sub-tree of my KDE 5 “testing” repository):

Where to get the new packages for Plasma 5

Download locations are listed below (you will find the sources in ./source/5/ and packages in /current/5/ subdirectories). If you are interested in the development of KDE 5 for Slackware, you can peek at my git repository too.

Using a mirror is preferred because you get more bandwidth from a mirror and it’s friendlier to the owners of the master server!

Have fun! Eric


  1. Helios

    Thank you for your great work !

    Annoyance #2: I have had this also (with slackware64-current and kde-4.14.3):

    on a laptop, it disappeared after I disabled the screensaver.

    on a desktop computer, but it was because firefox did eat all my memory (it was the version of firefox before the last update in current).

  2. rvdboom

    Also hit by Annoyance #1. I also noticed that the Reboot and Shutdown icons have disappeared from the Log out tab of the K menu, maybe that’s related.
    On the whole, though most things seem to work in the very short tests I did this morning. In particular, Kontact does look to work fine : all my mails appeared in kmail and I could download new ones without issues. I’m not sure it uses properly kwallet though, since starting Kontact did not triggered a request to open kwallet, and I manually provided the passwords, but I didn’t have much time to test, so maybe I just did a mistake somewhere.
    In any case, thanks a lot for the packages, Eric. I’ll try to test it a bit more in the coming days.

  3. Michelino

    Hi Eric,
    I’ve some problem with sddm and days.

    1) In “init 4” mode I get this message many time:
    /usr/bin/sddm: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/sddm: undefined symbol: _ZN10QByteArray14trimmed_helperERS_

    And then:
    INIT: I’d “x1″respawning” too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

    2) In “init 3′, using “startx” it appears a black screen with an error windows with this message:
    Could not sync environment to dB us.

    and, in terminal this two errors:
    kdostartupconfig5: symbol lookup error: kdostartupconfig5: undefined symbol: _ZN7QString14trimmed_helperERKS_

    /usr/lib64/ksyncdbusenv: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib64/ksyncdbusenv: undefined symbol: _ZN9QMetaType22registerNormalizedTypeERK10QByteArrayPFvPvEPPS3_S3_PKvEi6QFlagsINS_8TypeFlagEEPK11QMetaObject

    Any tips!

  4. Michelino

    Ok, I’ve found the problem.

    slackpkg do not upgrade qt5 to qt5-5.5.0 due to the fact that your repository contains qt5-5.4.1 also, at least in the x86_64 repository.

    While the x86 repository contains only qt5-5.5.0, but with missed “alien” tag.

    I’ve installed “manually” upgraded qt5 and everything works fine (at least at the first impression).

  5. Michelino

    Last things, maybe there are few little error in the “README”

    1) a typo: “tw” instead “two” in the second point of “Annoyance #1”

    2) “oxygen-gtk3” that you mention among the packages that should be taken from slackware-current, was removed from current,

    3) you still mention “libepoxy” and “libfakekey” among deps not taken from current.

  6. savo

    I also ran into the Could not sync environment to dB us problem thanks for tracking that down Michelino.

    I also had problems with libxcb not upgrading with slackpkg + so had to install that manually as well.

  7. alienbob

    Oops, I will update the qt5 in my main repository to 5.5.0 as well.

  8. alienbob

    I will update the README and remove the references to oxygen-gtk3, libepoxy and libfakekey, thanks for spotting those!

  9. carlos moura

    Hello Eric . I had to disable the effects in kwin order to use the PC , this happens after the last update of the slackware -current even with kde 5:15:07 , using nvidia driver 304 125 , the screen freezes for several minutes. I disabled also search the desktop and system settings closes constantly when I make changes. If I restart with ctrl + alt + backspace see several unexpected closing messages akonadi ( when the screen is frozen ) Perhaps these things occur to be an old facility but who knows may be useful that information , whatever. After that I can use the PC normally. Thank you for your work and will continue testing here. PS : in kde4.14.3 ‘s okay , I have migrated and returned several times in the same installation

  10. Michelino

    I’ve another problem with owncloudclient.

    I had to recompile it (and qt5keychain) against new qt5, but owncloud ends in a “Segmentation fault”.
    It seems that it depends on, according to gdb:

    $ gdb owncloud
    GNU gdb (GDB) 7.9.1
    Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
    This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
    There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. Type “show copying”
    and “show warranty” for details.
    This GDB was configured as “x86_64-slackware-linux”.
    Type “show configuration” for configuration details.
    For bug reporting instructions, please see:
    Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
    For help, type “help”.
    Type “apropos word” to search for commands related to “word”…
    Reading symbols from owncloud…(no debugging symbols found)…done.
    (gdb) run
    Starting program: /usr/bin/owncloud
    [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
    Using host libthread_db library “/lib64/”.
    [New Thread 0x7fffcebff700 (LWP 29694)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffd7cf9700 (LWP 29691)]
    [New Thread 0x7fffe3d95700 (LWP 29689)]

    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    [Switching to Thread 0x7fffcebff700 (LWP 29694)]
    0x00007fffcddc2dda in ?? () from /usr/lib64/
    (gdb) bt
    #0 0x00007fffcddc2dda in () at /usr/lib64/
    #1 0x00007fffcdf54866 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #2 0x0000006e0000005b in ()
    #3 0x0000000000000002 in ()
    #4 0x0000000000000001 in ()
    #5 0x00007fffcddb7f3f in _init () at /usr/lib64/
    #6 0x00007fffce1fa9b0 in () at /usr/lib64/libproxy/0.4.11/modules/
    #7 0x00007ffff7de8f5d in call_init.part () at /lib64/
    #8 0x00007ffff7de90ab in _dl_init () at /lib64/
    #9 0x00007ffff7dedf8d in dl_open_worker () at /lib64/
    #10 0x00007ffff7de8e44 in _dl_catch_error () at /lib64/
    #11 0x00007ffff7ded3b3 in _dl_open () at /lib64/
    #12 0x00007ffff2930fb9 in dlopen_doit () at /lib64/
    #13 0x00007ffff7de8e44 in _dl_catch_error () at /lib64/
    #14 0x00007ffff293161d in _dlerror_run () at /lib64/
    #15 0x00007ffff2931051 in dlopen@@GLIBC_2.2.5 () at /lib64/
    #16 0x00007fffea4f08d5 in libmodman::module_manager::load_file(std::string, bool) () at /usr/lib64/
    #17 0x00007fffea4f0c63 in libmodman::module_manager::load_dir(std::string, bool) () at /usr/lib64/
    #18 0x00007fffea4e235e in () at /usr/lib64/
    #19 0x00007fffea4e304b in px_proxy_factory_new () at /usr/lib64/
    #20 0x00007ffff406aefd in QNetworkProxyFactory::systemProxyForQuery(QNetworkProxyQuery const&) ()
    at /usr/lib64/
    #21 0x00007ffff741761a in OCC::SystemProxyRunnable::run() () at /usr/lib64/
    #22 0x00007ffff2fee47e in () at /usr/lib64/
    #23 0x00007ffff2ff143f in () at /usr/lib64/
    #24 0x00007ffff0dd2704 in start_thread () at /lib64/
    #25 0x00007ffff10f0aed in clone () at /lib64/

    I write it down here couse I don’t know if is related to your “kdelibs-4.14.11” or to owncloudclient itself (in this event I’ll report it to owncloud people).

    Two notes:
    1) everything worked fine before upgrading;
    2) I’ve tried with owncloudclient-2.0.1, same results

    Any suggestion?

  11. carlos moura

    Eric really there are two packages ” sddm – qt5 ” in “plasma – extra” I ‘m testing the two but may have gone unnoticed because one replaces another

  12. carlos moura

    The two ( sddm – qt5 ) are working here without problems , only the loading progress bar does not change , it does nothing (no problems )

  13. Eduardo

    Hi Eric, thank you once more!

    Annoyance #1 confirmed.

    Also the lack of progress bar during login as reported by carlos moura is here, too.

  14. Eduardo

    About annoyance #2: I was hit by it when I left the computer for an extendend period of time. I switched to a virtual console, switched back, and then brightness was set to zero. I had to manually raise the brightness to an acceptable level.

  15. alienbob

    Yeah the progress bar does not show any progress. That is not SDDM’s fault though, you will see the same behaviour when running “startx” in runlevel 3.
    Feel free to open a bug report on KDE’s bugtracker.

  16. alienbob

    carlos, I cleaned up the repository earlier today. Apart from an older sddm-qt5 package, there was also an older qt5 package and some packages were missing the “alien” tag.
    See for details

  17. Michelino

    Little update.

    According to owncloud-client developers (on IRC) it seems that the problem with owncloud (and maybe other apps) is releted to a platformtheme plugin from frameworks integration
    (see and/or a qt5 bug (see

    Is it possible an workaround (like the one in fedora)?


  18. alienbob

    Hi Michelino

    From those two bug reports I can not find a solution that I can apply now. But OwnCloud has a workaround in git for systems that have Qt 5.5.0 installed:

  19. Michelino

    Thank you for pointing it out, but this workaround was already merged in the 2.0.1 release (starting from 2.0.0) and doesn’t work in my case.
    Owncloud client developers said me that the bugI have has to be addressed by qt developer, so I’ve to wait for qt-5.5.1, meanwhile Fedora had drawn down a workaround on the “frameworksintegration” side.
    I’ll keep inspetting in order to understand how they solved the bug.

    Thanks for your attention

  20. Michelino

    Little update (sorry for my insistence).

    It seems that the problem in Fedora was with a compiler optimization so they added “no-strict-aliasing” option to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS (

    Owncloud-clients devs suggested to me to check if slackware have the same problem.

    Have you any idea about that?

  21. Owen Greaves

    Well I got around to installing your September release, as much as I like it, it still seems clunky, although that may be due to the very old hardware, video may be the biggest issue mostly. Still have to hit SHIFT+ALT+F12 to get the taskbar and menu’s to work….I had an app crash, bring me to a black screen, and then had a hell of a time to get out of X : ) I was able to get the command line up so I could get out of X. Don’t remember the app name at the moment, but I’ll try and reproduce it and do some tracking as to what happened.

    So far I’m having fun : )

  22. Owen Greaves

    I should also mention that X takes forever to load on this release. : (

  23. Owen Greaves

    Well, I have been unable to get the desktop back since the app crashed it – and now the desktop continues to crash. The error is merely Plasma unexpectedly stopped.

  24. Owen Greaves

    Here’s the developer info it spit out, I don’t know what I’m looking for in this report:

    Application: Plasma (plasmashell), signal: Aborted
    Using host libthread_db library “/lib64/”.
    [Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7feba577e7c0 (LWP 10467))]

    Thread 7 (Thread 0x7feb90915700 (LWP 10470)):
    #0 0x00007feb9d26f40d in poll () at /lib64/
    #1 0x00007feba35d0012 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #2 0x00007feba35d1aaf in xcb_wait_for_event () at /usr/lib64/
    #3 0x00007feb922e3239 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #4 0x00007feb9de0243f in () at /usr/lib64/
    #5 0x00007feb9bf53704 in start_thread () at /lib64/
    #6 0x00007feb9d27aaed in clone () at /lib64/

    Thread 6 (Thread 0x7feb8932c700 (LWP 10472)):
    #0 0x00007feb9829631b in g_main_context_check () at /usr/lib64/
    #1 0x00007feb98296848 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #2 0x00007feb982969ac in g_main_context_iteration () at /usr/lib64/
    #3 0x00007feb9e03685c in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/
    #4 0x00007feb9dfde142 in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/
    #5 0x00007feb9ddfd59c in QThread::exec() () at /usr/lib64/
    #6 0x00007feba208bba5 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #7 0x00007feb9de0243f in () at /usr/lib64/
    #8 0x00007feb9bf53704 in start_thread () at /lib64/
    #9 0x00007feb9d27aaed in clone () at /lib64/

    Thread 5 (Thread 0x7feb7a402700 (LWP 10475)):
    #0 0x00007feb9d288fe6 in clock_gettime () at /lib64/
    #1 0x00007feb9deb0f36 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #2 0x00007feb9e0343f9 in QTimerInfoList::updateCurrentTime() () at /usr/lib64/
    #3 0x00007feb9e034905 in QTimerInfoList::timerWait(timespec&) () at /usr/lib64/
    #4 0x00007feb9e035cde in () at /usr/lib64/
    #5 0x00007feb98295e8d in g_main_context_prepare () at /usr/lib64/
    #6 0x00007feb982967d0 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #7 0x00007feb982969ac in g_main_context_iteration () at /usr/lib64/
    #8 0x00007feb9e03685c in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/
    #9 0x00007feb9dfde142 in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/
    #10 0x00007feb9ddfd59c in QThread::exec() () at /usr/lib64/
    #11 0x00007feba208bba5 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #12 0x00007feb9de0243f in () at /usr/lib64/
    #13 0x00007feb9bf53704 in start_thread () at /lib64/
    #14 0x00007feb9d27aaed in clone () at /lib64/

    Thread 4 (Thread 0x7feb78a30700 (LWP 10478)):
    #0 0x00007ffdc63a89a3 in clock_gettime ()
    #1 0x00007feb9d288fe6 in clock_gettime () at /lib64/
    #2 0x00007feb9deb0f36 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #3 0x00007feb9e0343f9 in QTimerInfoList::updateCurrentTime() () at /usr/lib64/
    #4 0x00007feb9e034905 in QTimerInfoList::timerWait(timespec&) () at /usr/lib64/
    #5 0x00007feb9e035cde in () at /usr/lib64/
    #6 0x00007feb98295e8d in g_main_context_prepare () at /usr/lib64/
    #7 0x00007feb982967d0 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #8 0x00007feb982969ac in g_main_context_iteration () at /usr/lib64/
    #9 0x00007feb9e03685c in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/
    #10 0x00007feb9dfde142 in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/
    #11 0x00007feb9ddfd59c in QThread::exec() () at /usr/lib64/
    #12 0x00007feba208bba5 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #13 0x00007feb9de0243f in () at /usr/lib64/
    #14 0x00007feb9bf53704 in start_thread () at /lib64/
    #15 0x00007feb9d27aaed in clone () at /lib64/

    Thread 3 (Thread 0x7feb72fbf700 (LWP 10479)):
    #0 0x00007feb9bf5940f in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () at /lib64/
    #1 0x00007feba4e5ff14 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #2 0x00007feba4e5ff59 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #3 0x00007feb9bf53704 in start_thread () at /lib64/
    #4 0x00007feb9d27aaed in clone () at /lib64/

    Thread 2 (Thread 0x7feaebb4e700 (LWP 10482)):
    #0 0x00007feb982d9710 in g_mutex_unlock () at /usr/lib64/
    #1 0x00007feb9829685e in () at /usr/lib64/
    #2 0x00007feb982969ac in g_main_context_iteration () at /usr/lib64/
    #3 0x00007feb9e03685c in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/
    #4 0x00007feb9dfde142 in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/
    #5 0x00007feb9ddfd59c in QThread::exec() () at /usr/lib64/
    #6 0x00007feba2c159e2 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #7 0x00007feb9de0243f in () at /usr/lib64/
    #8 0x00007feb9bf53704 in start_thread () at /lib64/
    #9 0x00007feb9d27aaed in clone () at /lib64/

    Thread 1 (Thread 0x7feba577e7c0 (LWP 10467)):
    [KCrash Handler]
    #6 0x00007feb9d1a8097 in raise () at /lib64/
    #7 0x00007feb9d1a9c6a in abort () at /lib64/
    #8 0x00007feb712719b8 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #9 0x00007feb71293294 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #10 0x00007feb7156a12c in () at /usr/lib64/qt5/qml/org/kde/kquickcontrolsaddons/
    #11 0x00007feb9e00ea3a in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) () at /usr/lib64/
    #12 0x00007feba2cb08ce in QQuickWindowPrivate::renderSceneGraph(QSize const&) () at /usr/lib64/
    #13 0x00007feba2c82333 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #14 0x00007feba2c83451 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #15 0x00007feb9f5ddc5c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib64/
    #16 0x00007feb9f5e2dd0 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib64/
    #17 0x00007feb9dfe05a3 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) () at /usr/lib64/
    #18 0x00007feb9e0357dd in QTimerInfoList::activateTimers() () at /usr/lib64/
    #19 0x00007feb9e035c21 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #20 0x00007feb9829665d in g_main_context_dispatch () at /usr/lib64/
    #21 0x00007feb98296908 in () at /usr/lib64/
    #22 0x00007feb982969ac in g_main_context_iteration () at /usr/lib64/
    #23 0x00007feb9e036847 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/
    #24 0x00007feb9dfde142 in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags) () at /usr/lib64/
    #25 0x00007feb9dfe5c4d in QCoreApplication::exec() () at /usr/lib64/
    #26 0x0000000000432463 in main ()

  25. Owen Greaves

    I remember trying to add a Widget and that’s what caused the crash – it tries to load and Plasma crashes : (

  26. carlos moura

    Here it seems to have improved the kickoff relationship with dashboard application launcher . There seemed to be a problem with the file usr / share / plasma / plasmoids / org.kde.plasma.kickoff / contents / ui / main.qml , I just deleted the folder plasma / plasmoids and reinstalled kdeplasma – addons – 5.4.0 and improved . Also reinstalled kmenuedit and plasma workspace so far is running smoothly without freezing the screen. I also added a text file in my home to help speed the menus : ” .gtkrc -2.0 ” and added the line ” gtk -menu -popup -delay = 0″ | tee -a 2.0 – .gtkrc “here has improved , I apologies if the approach does not fit in this post but it may be helpful for someone with the same problem with the panels

  27. Ryan P.C. McQuen

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks for providing these, installation went smoothly with slackpkg+, but upon upgrading KDE5 was overwritten. Should I have kde blacklisted? Also, hplip gave an error about the system tray on KDE5.

  28. carlos moura

    Eric I apologize for so many lines I have written ,, this last comment I forgot to say what led me to seek solutions to the panel : I could not remove the panel after adding a new one because the original was not editable , did not update the changes , was in an infinite percentage count. and froze the desktop

  29. Owen Greaves

    OK, I got my desktop back – I deleted the .cache folder, then deleted a file called plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc in the .config folder. Rebooted, and the desktop returned after I hit SHIFT+ALT+F12 of course : )

    I still don’t know what or why adding the applet to the desktop caused plasma to crash to a black screen, but that’s how I got it back.

  30. aocab

    Thanks for the packages and all your hard work. I encountered issues #1 and #2 though #2 was happening before this set of packages. Dumb question I’m not sure what the correct course of action should be. Should I install PyQt-4.11.4-x86_64-1.txz from current or stay with PyQt-4.11.3-x86_64-1alien.txz from ktown? Same question for libepoxy and sip. Just curious. Good job. The only other issue I’m seeing is Firefox locking up on me though I think that is happening because I set the setting to force hardware acceleration. Again thanks.

  31. alienbob

    Hi aocab

    The package “PyQt-4.11.3-x86_64-1alien.txz” is no longer part of my ktown repository. You can (and should) upgrade to Slackware’s own PyQt, as well as sip and libepoxy.
    Whenever Slackware updates its own packages to match what I have in my ktown repository, I can remove those same packages from my ktown. The less “deps” packages the better.

  32. alienbob

    Owen – yes, I too have had to learn what files to delete to revive a looping crashing Plasma desktop…

    There is a new plasma-5.4.1 around the corner, I really should try to make time (and room on my build server) to prepare new packages. I fear that the current regrressions could in part be caused by the big step from Plasma 5.3.x to 5.4.0. The 5.4.1 should be a bugfix release.

  33. alienbob

    carlos, there’s always valuable information when you post about an issue, especially if your follow-up post clarifies things.

  34. alienbob

    Hi Ryan, do you have the “alien” tag active in /etc/slackpkg/blacklist? That may cause a reverse upgrade back to Slackware’s own packages. When using slackpkg+, you should remove “alien” from the slackpkg blacklist.

  35. Ryan P.C. McQuen

    Hey Eric, thanks for getting back to me. I do not have ‘alien’ in my blacklist, here it is for reference:

    When I run `slackpkg upgrade-all` I get:

    Here is my slackpkgplus.conf also:

    Thank you for always being helpful!

  36. alienbob

    Hi Ryan

    Well, for one, you appear to run slackware64-current without multilib but you have all of these enabled:


    Your enabled repositories are the 14.1 ones – not the current ones – you may be installing packages which are broken on -current:
    REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus restricted alienbob )

    And there you also have your issue. The “ktown-testing” repository is not mentioned in the REPOPLUS variable and thus it is inactive and Slackware’s own packages will be preferred over what you have installed from my ktown.

    BTW this needs to change:
    PKGS_PRIORITY=( ktown-testing:.* restricted-current:.* alienbob-current:.* )

    Latest versions of slackpkg+ do not need the “:.*” anymore, as is documented higher up the file.
    Try this instead:
    PKGS_PRIORITY=( ktown-testing restricted-current alienbob-current )

  37. Ryan P.C. McQuen

    Hi Eric,

    Perhaps I am reading the slackpkg+ README incorrectly, but it appears that PKGS_PRIORITY or REPOPLUS is required, but not both:


    When a package is present in more than one repository, the package will be
    searched for in the following order:

    1) as listed in PKGS_PRIORITY (allow to override official packages)
    2) as listed in an official Slackware repository
    (configured in /etc/slackpkg/mirrors)
    3) as listed in REPOPLUS (deny to override official packages)
    4) all others defined in MIRRORPLUS

    Also this syntax (:.*) appears to still be supported:

    PKGS_PRIORITY=( ktown:.* )
    means ‘all packages in repository ktown’

    latest item maybe replaced simply with
    PKGS_PRIORITY=( ktown )

    But just in case I am misunderstanding the slackpkg+ README ( I made the changes you noted, and I am still having the same issue. Slackpkg wants to replace KDE5 with KDE4 … any other ideas?

    On a side note I emailed zerouno to clarify these slackpkg+ discrepancies.

  38. alienbob


    When a package is present in more than one repository, the package will be
    searched for in the following order:

    1) as listed in PKGS_PRIORITY (allow to override official packages)
    2) as listed in an official Slackware repository
    (configured in /etc/slackpkg/mirrors)
    3) as listed in REPOPLUS (deny to override official packages)
    4) all others defined in MIRRORPLUS

    Please note the order. The REPOPLUS is checked _after_ the Slackware repository. If you mention ktown only in REPOPLUS then slackpkg will check Slackware’s repository before ktown and decide that Slackware’s packages take precedence over the ktown packages. Resulting in the removal of KDE5 on your computer.

    Zerouno is not a native english speaker so the “deny to override official packages” is probably a straight italian to english conversion. It means, a package from a repository mentioned in REPOPLUS will be overwritten by a package with the same name from Slackware’s official repository.

    • Ryan P.C. McQuen

      Which would mean that since I have ktown-testing in PKGS_PRIORITY it should have precedence over official packages. But for some reason it is not behaving that way …

  39. alienbob

    This is not about priorities of the repositories.
    If a MIRRORPLUS repository is not mentioned in the REPOPLUS array is it _ignored_ completely.

    • Ryan P.C. McQuen

      Hey Eric, I added ktown-testing to the REPOPLUS array and it is still being ignored.

  40. Eduardo

    There’s one more issue. The GTK NetworkManager applet depends (I think) on the older ConsoleKit and thus I couldn’t connect today to a network using xfce4. One solution would be (I think) to rebuild NetworkManager after installing the new Plasma.

  41. alienbob

    Ryan, you did run “slackpkg update” after modifying the REPOPLUS variable?

  42. ZeroUno

    Hi All.

    Yes, I’m not a good english speaker 😀 (I’m just following an english course 😉
    “deny” in that row not means that can conflicts with the previous “allow”.

    If a repository is in PKGS_PRIORITY all other priority (slackware, REPOPLUS and MIRRORPLUS) are ignored. That packages will override the slackware packages.

    If a repository is in NOT in PKGS_PRIORITY, the slackware packages will override 3th party packages.

    Note that if a repository is not listed in REPOPLUS, it will *NOT* skipped. Only it will have no priority over other repositories.
    In fact it’s not strictly needed to popolate REPOPLUS; this is just useful to choice the wanted priority for a package.

    So (by return to kde5), your posted configuration file should have worked.

    However I downloaded your configuration and I’m testing it on my pc and – for same reason – the pkglist is not correctly popolated that means that ktown5 packages are not correctly managed and will be overridden by slackware packages.
    I’m investigating and I will keep you updated.

    Have a good night

    • Zerouno

      Ops, pkglist was incorrectly populated because I have a 32bit machine 😉
      I will retry

  43. Eduardo

    Well, I rebuilt NetworkManager but still had no success.

    The error message said that basically there is a file at /var/run/ConsoleKit/database that was missing.
    This leaves you unable to connect to any existing network, even when you specify it manually. Even more curious: this happens only with some networks, not all of them. I can connect to other networks. Go figure!

  44. rvdboom

    Some additional feedback after some days of use : the new kmail adamently wanted to use a wallet called “kwallet” to store its passwords, ignoring the wallet called “Richard” I’ve been using for years. I exported the Richard wallet in xml and imported back in a kwallet wallet, and now it works. Probably a kmail issue, though. However, I did realize that for some reason, I could not change the configuration of kwallet : it seems I don’t have the permissions to do so. Could it be related to the move to ConsoleKit2? I’ve not tried that for a long time, so maybe it has been this way for years.
    I have the same issue to change the configuration of date and time : no permission to do it. My guess is that right now, the temporary root access does not work.
    I sometimes have the huge plasma lag when right clicking on the Miniatures box in the box, but couldn’t find a particular pattern. My guess is that it’s also related to a DBUS call timing out but this is really too imprecise right now.

  45. rvdboom

    A quick addition, if I start systemsettings from the console and move to the Regional Settings -> Date and time, I get the following message in the console :

    Timedated not found, using legacy saving mode

  46. ZeroUno

    Under some condition, the symbol \’-\’ in repository name can broke the priority mechanism.
    I highly encourage to NOT use it.
    Substitute it with \’_\’ or remove it and all will works.
    PKGS_PRIORITY=( ktown_testing restricted_current alienbob_current )

  47. Eduardo

    Some more information. I think my problem has to do with how ConsoleKit2 and cgmanager interact with NetworkManager. I found this post but I still don’t know how to make sense of it:

  48. Owen Greaves

    I’m experiencing something interesting. when I right click on the time (which is the wrong time BTW), the right time shows correctly in the Date & Time Control Module but the AM/PM is wrong. When I change it to PM, click apply…and sometimes the APPLY button stays greyed out….it saves the PM on the task bar, but not in the module where I changed it.

    So, if it’s 7:30 PM – the task bar shows it’s 2:37PM – I can’t change the UTC to my local (Vancouver, Canada) it won’t let me apply the change.

    I’m not sure if it’s a package problem or an actual KDE problem. After I try to change and then click cancel, because it would allow me bow gracefully, I get an error – kcmshell5 segment fault Using host libthread_db library “/lib64/”

    Also, on a different item – when I click on the K application launcher, I see my favorites, but when I float the mouse over an item, they disappear : )

    Those are the two glaring things I’ve come across – any tips?

  49. alienbob

    Eduardo you may be right with regard to interaction between ConsoleKit2 and cgmanager. Keep me informed if you learn anything new that I should apply.

  50. alienbob

    Owen, the best course of action is to create bug reports on . All sorts of things can go wrong, perhaps even because of what’s changing in slackware-current. But bug reports get attention from the KDE developers and that is important.

  51. Geremia

    The KWalletManager5 doesn’t show any of my wallets. Also, when I try importing a wallet, no dialog box pops up.

  52. Andres

    Hello, I had the same problem with the clock that Owen has.

    I found a workaround, where i let UTC selected and select my timezone too. Then i enable the option to change zones with mouse wheel, and apply the changes.

    So in the clock i change to my timezone and it keeps fixed between restart/relogins.

  53. Ryan P.C. McQuen

    Thank you Eric and Matteo. I am running KDE5 now with no issues using slackpkg+. Here is my conf if anyone else finds it useful:

    Note that I only had to add ktown_testing to PKGS_PRIORITY and not REPOPLUS (as Matteo said).

  54. Gérard Monpontet

    ConsoleKit package

    as the old ConsoleKit slack-current package, it would be better that the folder / usr / lib64/ConsoleKit be moved
    in /usr /lib

  55. Gérard Monpontet

    Sorrry for double post

    this is is because console-kit-daemon find the folder Consolekit in /usr/lib not in /usr/lib64

    in syslog

    WARNING: Unable to open directory /usr/lib/ConsoleKit/run-session.d: Error opening directory ‘/usr/lib/ConsoleKit/run-session.d’: No such file or directory

  56. Michelino

    Hi Eric,
    I’m trying to figure out owncloud bug (
    Could you tell me if qt-5.5.0 is compiled with or without libproxy support.

    In you slackbuild there is no reference to libproxy, and I’m not able to determine if it’s enabled by default or not.


  57. alienbob

    Hi Michelino

    Yes, libproxy is enabled. Here is a part of the compilation log:

    Configuration ………. accessibility accessibility-atspi-bridge alsa audio-backend avx avx2 c++11 clock-gettime clock-monotonic compile_examples concurrent cups dbus egl egl_x11 eglfs enable_new_dtags evdev eventfd fontconfig full-config getaddrinfo getifaddrs glib gstreamer-0.10 gtk2 gtkstyle harfbuzz iconv icu inotify ipv6ifname kms large-config largefile libproxy libudev linuxfb medium-config minimal-config mremap mtdev nis nostrip opengl openssl png posix_fallocate qpa qpa reduce_exports reduce_relocations release rpath shared small-config sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 system-freetype system-jpeg system-png system-sqlite system-zlib xcb xcb-glx xcb-plugin xcb-render xcb-sm xcb-xlib xinput2 xkbcommon-qt xlib xrender

    libproxy………….. yes

    If you need the full log of compiling Qt5, let me know.

  58. Michelino

    Thank’s, Eric, I’ll ask to devs if they need full log.

  59. Michelino

    Eric, seems that NetworkManager search ConsoleKit “database” file in “/var/run/ConsoleKit/” but in you package the run directory is “/run/ConsoleKit” (–with-rundir=/run).

    Removing “/var/run/ConsoleKit” and giving “ln -s /run/ConsoleKit/ /var/run/ConsoleKit”, NetworkManager find database file and is able to add connections.

    I don’t know if this affect other software.

    Just a final question: is it normal that ck-lists-session give no output (in init4)?

  60. Michelino

    Two more details:
    1) when you reboot the “/var/run/ConsoleKit” link is deleted (but I think that is normal, does’it?)

    2) in init4 you need to start a consolekit session (in init3 it starts automatically according to .xinitrc)

  61. Gérard Monpontet

    maybe it’s better to change /var/run/ConsoleKit for /run/ConsoleKit in rc.consolekit

  62. Eduardo

    Michelino! Thanks for the info! I think that will solve my problem. I’m going to rebuild ConsoleKit2 specifying /var/run as its run directory.

  63. alienbob

    I will update the ConsoleKit2 package using “/var/run/ConsoleKit”. The package was taken from Robby Workman’s non-public repository of Slackware updates and I think he has not noticed the discrepancy between the SlackBuild and the rc script. Neither did I.
    Using “/var/run” instead of “/run” fits in more with the “drop-in replacement” idea but I will ask Robby why he explicitly chose “/run” instead.

  64. cwizardone

    I was reading the recent announcements on the KDE website and came across this,

    “Along with this release Plasma 4 will be published in its LTS version for the last time as version 4.11.22.”

    So, apparently kde-workspace-4.11.22 will be the last update of the 4 series.
    Is that correct?

  65. Gérard Monpontet

    i use /run in the package and also in the /rc.consolekit
    and no problem.

    why i use /run because is fashionable and /var/run no 😉

  66. Michelino

    Eric, I think I’ve figured out the owncloud bug.
    It was caused by a libproxy call to the kde4 libs, so I’ve compiled libproxy with “-DWITH_KDE4=OFF” option and it did the trick.
    I think you should recompile libproxy in your next KDE5 release to avoid that other qt5 programs run into the same problem.

  67. alienbob

    Hi Michelino

    In my next update I will include a rebuilt libproxy package.

  68. alienbob

    cwizardone, you are correct. The only focus will be on development of KDE Frameworks, Plasma and Applications. Once all Applications have been ported to KF5, the old kdelibs4 will no longer be needed – except of course for 3rd party applications that are still KDE4 based.

  69. cwizardone

    Is there any chance the latest, and last, maintenance updates to KDE 4, will show up in -current?

  70. Gérard Monpontet

    package kmix have kmix.rc at the / ( /kmix/kmix.rc )

  71. Gérard Monpontet


    package kmix have kmixui.rc at the / ( /kmix/kmixui.rc )

  72. Gérard Monpontet

    probably at place of /usr/share/kxmlgui5/

  73. alienbob

    Hi Gérard,

    Luckily this has been fixed in the upcoming package for kmix-15.08.1.
    I intend to upload my updated packages on tuesday when the sources for KDE Applications 15.08.1 are released to the public.
    I already compiled them and am using these packages myself at this very moment.

    A git branch contains all my changes since KDE 5_15.09:

  74. alienbob

    The file’s proper location is “/usr/share/apps/kmix/kmixui.rc”

  75. Gérard Monpontet

    Ok, Eric, thanks 😉

  76. Gérard Monpontet

    xapian-core-1.2.21 installed here without problem,

    maybe you can update it.

  77. Eduardo

    Bad news. I rebuilt ConsoleKit2 specifying /var/run as its rundir and /var/run/ConsoleKit as the pidfile location. But I still get an error when I try to add a new connection: “Connection error: could not open session for uid 1000” or something similar.

  78. Michelino

    Try starting a consolekit session

  79. alienbob

    Tomorrow, you’ll get a load of new packages and a whole lot less issues.
    I am waiting for Applications 15.08.1 to be released, then my packages will become available too. With a fixed ConsoleKit2

  80. Geremia

    Have you ever thought of homeschooling your son?

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